Morning Danny,
I figured the topic title would catch your eye, LOL.
8 days, 6 hrs, 39 min to the first game of Spring training.
LOL, I'm not sure exactly how a training game differs from a regular one, but your enthusiasm got me to google "baseball" anyway. I knew there was more to the game than Kevin Costner's two baseball movies.
How are you this morning?
I'm doing great.
Believe me, I am counting the day, hours and minutes. Te difference between spring training and a regular game is spring training games are warmups/tryouts for the regular season. Just as good as a regular game but everyone is a little rusty from the offseason, and some kids are trying to make the team and of course, the games don't count for the years standings.
Here is a funny comparison of baseball vs. football. Have your speakers on!
Baseball vs. Football
Believe me, I am counting the day, hours and minutes. Te difference between spring training and a regular game is spring training games are warmups/tryouts for the regular season. Just as good as a regular game but everyone is a little rusty from the offseason, and some kids are trying to make the team and of course, the games don't count for the years standings.
Here is a funny comparison of baseball vs. football. Have your speakers on!
Baseball vs. Football
Morning Danny& Gina, My father loves going down to Florida to watch the Yankee games during spring training. Do they have rehab for being addicted to the Yankees? I am serious he is 82 and one night he was in pain and we tried to take him to the hospital. He would not go because the game was on. It took my husband and brother in law to put him in the car to take him to the hospital thank god because he ended up having a cerebral hemmorage and they caught it in time. Have a great day guys. I am off to work. Shantel
Morning Shantel, MENTAL HEALTH DAY! Wouldja just listen to me?
Morning Danny, Thanks for that link. It was hilarious. Who was that? I didn't recognize the voice. I could use the laugh. The appraiser is here right now. I feel like I'm having a pelvic exam done...
Have a great day!
Morning Danny, Thanks for that link. It was hilarious. Who was that? I didn't recognize the voice. I could use the laugh. The appraiser is here right now. I feel like I'm having a pelvic exam done...
Have a great day!
Good morning, peeps! (lmao Kat)
Gina, Jeff is practically giddy about Spring training. He wants to try and fly down next year to watch the games, particularly the Red Sox. He may have left Boston, but he's still a proud member of the Red Sox nation. Every year, I order a new cap and tshirt for him. He's like a kid. He's especially excited this year, because now that he has satellite radio, he can listen to all of the games. I anticipate him spending a lot of time in his truck. LOL
And a goos morning to you, DeNae, lol.
The thing about pelvic exams, Gina, is that they're over quickly.
I'm there with you.
Once it's done, it will be just one more thing you've made it through.
The thing about pelvic exams, Gina, is that they're over quickly.
I'm there with you.
Once it's done, it will be just one more thing you've made it through.
I anticipate him spending a lot of time in his truck. |
DeNae, Won't you let him bring the receiver inside?
Kat, After the appraiser left, the sun came out, the temperature shot up and the air felt softer. Not springtime, but rather that hope of spring. I'm waiting for the redbuds to blossom. If I don't hear from you today, I'm calling. I fear you've gotten tangled in the bathroom pipes...
It's Ash Wednesday today, and as you know, I'm giving up gossip for Lent. Whatever will we talk about? LOL!
Danny, 7 days, 4 hours, 3 minutes...
Couldn't you give something else up instead this year? Every year you do this to me. I'm giving up beans.
Baseball isn't the same anymore, with Cal gone <sniff>. This has to be the year for the O's. Wanna come go to floppy hat night with me?
Couldn't you give something else up instead this year? Every year you do this to me. I'm giving up beans.
Baseball isn't the same anymore, with Cal gone <sniff>. This has to be the year for the O's. Wanna come go to floppy hat night with me?
Hey Danny, I met Tom Thayer on the beach the other day. (from Chicago.) He is one fine hunk of a man.
Hope you all are behaving..
Hope you all are behaving..
Baseball isn't the same anymore, with Cal gone <sniff>. This has to be the year for the O's. Wanna come go to floppy hat night with me? |
See Michelle, this is one of those statements that makes me feel like an extra-terrestrial. I have NO idea what that meant, lol. Please translate?
Did I give up gossip last year? I thought I gave up the entire Internet for Lent.Let's just say that I'm giving up rumor transmission. Fact transmission is still acceptable. LOL
Hey there, Kerry! It's WARM here in NC all of a sudden. What the weather like in Paradise today?
LOL Gina
Cal, is Cal Ripkin.
O's is the Baltimore Orioles
and floppy hat night is when everyone goes wearing big floppy hats. LOL
Cal, is Cal Ripkin.
O's is the Baltimore Orioles
and floppy hat night is when everyone goes wearing big floppy hats. LOL
and floppy hat night is when everyone goes wearing big floppy hats. |
Even the men? I assume not the players, right? Is it a way to show solidarity? And do fans from both sides wear floppy hats? Is this some sort of fashion war?
I hope it never degenerates into basebal hooliganism, lol. I heard that Italy had to ban soccer altogether.
LOL, yes even the men. Most of the time the yard gives out hats to the first 500 people or so. To be honest, there is rarely anyone there for visiting teams, its mostly O's fans.
Ker- Sure that wasn't a big old whale out there and not Tom Thayer?
Gina- Baseball promotions are pretty funny..the give out the strangest things..big hats, rubber balls, lot's of weird stuff
Gina- Baseball promotions are pretty funny..the give out the strangest things..big hats, rubber balls, lot's of weird stuff
Maybe that's because they employ people like George Costanza, LOL
Maybe that's because they employ people like George Costanza, LOL
I want to take you to a game! I will get you the biggest, floppiest hat I can find. We can paint half your face black, the other half orange, and get you a big orange feather boa. Oh and one of those big #1 gloves. LOL It will be so much fun, trust me. LOL
I want to take you to a game! I will get you the biggest, floppiest hat I can find. We can paint half your face black, the other half orange, and get you a big orange feather boa. Oh and one of those big #1 gloves. LOL It will be so much fun, trust me. LOL
Gina - Yahoo sports today, the had an article that the leagues are now replacing the old baseball caps (made of polyester) with ones made of cotton, because of the sweat..
Remember, George changed the Yankee uniforms to cotton for the SAME reason..10 years ago!
Remember, George changed the Yankee uniforms to cotton for the SAME reason..10 years ago!
I've been to one baseball game in my life. We took the boys to a Durham Bulls game for a school trip. I don't remember who played and I'm almost certain no face paint was involved. But what do I know? I was using at the time.
When are we going? Will we get to do "The Wave"? lolol (Wasn't there a scene in one of the Naked Gun movies where Queen Elizabeth does that?)
Danny, ROFL! George was a man of vision (myopic, but a visionary nonetheless). Life imitates art...
I've been to one baseball game in my life. We took the boys to a Durham Bulls game for a school trip. I don't remember who played and I'm almost certain no face paint was involved. But what do I know? I was using at the time.
When are we going? Will we get to do "The Wave"? lolol (Wasn't there a scene in one of the Naked Gun movies where Queen Elizabeth does that?)
Danny, ROFL! George was a man of vision (myopic, but a visionary nonetheless). Life imitates art...
We took the boys to a Durham Bulls game for a school trip. I don't remember who played and I'm almost certain no face paint was involved |
Probably the Durhan Bulls...hehe
2007 October====SUBWAY SERIES