O/t...x-ray Today.not So Hot News

Clavical injury due to blunt force back in 2002[from down hill skiing].It's never grown back right and I can start to experience some wierd pain attacks.I can actually hear it,if that makes sense.It sounds like a ball bering that needs some WD-40.

The only way to fix it is through an othopedic surgeon,which is out of the question.Not only do I have the have the money,I will not live on painkillers.

Just find in your herats to pray for me whether you agree with my decision.It's probably not my brightest moment.I'm just so pissed offI can't go skiing anymore and I'm only 54.I know most of you understand.

I love all you guys.Now,I'll go have a good cry.

Strangely enough,I have no regrets.I had a blast I'll never forget.
Tim- So what do you do now? Just live with it?
No way, Tim...I just can't picture you without the physical activity.

What about physical therapy? You must know someone who knows something about exercises that will help it. Has it calcified or something that would prevent it from being helped and thus needs a surgical intervention? How can you surf if you can't ski? How can you do the kind of work you do? I can't imagine you giving that stuff up, Tim.

Of course I'll pray for you, but there has to be more...I'm glad you are at some sort of acceptance, but dammit, I'm not.

Now I'm going to have to find you some options...just like a good control freak and fixer-upper *weak smile*.

Thinking of you, my friend ~ M&M
Tim, I thought the idea of the surgery was so you wouldn't have to live in pain!

So, now it just makes noise and doesn't hurt? How can you work and surf and not snow ski?

Never mind the cost, can't they pull out the broken bit under local anesthetic and sew you up and give you some advil? That will be my recommendation.'

We'll go to Mexico and get it done for ninety five dollars.
I'll go with you, I need some work done too.
By the way, Tim, you officially live in the farthest point from a snow ski area in the continental United States!!
It's 900 miles to El Paso and then a two hour drive in a rental car to Ruidoso, New Mexico to Ski Apache.
And that's the CLOSEST!!! Been there, done that.

You're also the farthest from a decent wave. lol Just kidding. I love you, man.
He said he has weird pains, Mark...but yeah...what about a shaving off of the bad parts?
Tim - I'm sorry you're suffering. Have you done any reseach on getting some sort of insurance plan? Isn't there something out there just for surgeries and inpatient stays. I would hate for it to advance into something more horrible.

Todd's suggestion to go into Mexico? No, no and no. It's not because I fear Mexican surgeons although maybe I should. LOL

My philosophy is this - If something is not broke, don't fix it. if something is broke, do all you can to fix it.

Also how did you make out with that contract? Any luck? I hope so.
I just don't like the tone of his last two sentences.
Good Lord, Tim, you just got diagnosed.

Have a little faith my friend. Of course our prayers are with you. Let's see what tomorrow brings.
Thanks,Mark.I meant to say in my first sentence I didn't have the money for surgery.It's probably about 200 K.

I'll be o.k.I'm not having any serious problems yet.I can still jog.I do fairly light weights at the gym and know when to stop.I've decided to pay for a cosultation for an ortheopedic to see what I have to look forward to.

A lot of people have it worse than I do.I still get out in this ungodly heat where one one think you were stationed in Dubai for the last 25 years,and still make it.

I'm sober and clean which is the best gift God's betowed on me likewise and a seriously caring group of people.

My deepest blessings.
You are always in my prayers, Tim and I'm glad you followed through and found out what's up....now we'll continue pray and the answers will come, my friend, we just have to have faith.

Ok, so at least you did have years of skiing which is more than a lot and you can still surf, so life looks really damn good. You're working and doing the next right thing so stay open-minded, don't try to control it and the answers will appear exactly when they are supposed to, I have faith.

It's not cancer, it's not life threatening, it's not unbearable yet so there is time to still enjoy yourself.

Or, you could find a sugar mama that's loaded and marry her for her insurance...j/k

I love you, dude~
Or, you could find a sugar mama that's loaded and marry her for her insurance...j/k

I'm not.My bestest client,sp? most favorite woman,who is deperate for companionship,who invited me to stay with her during the hurricane,and also wants me to drive her to Santa Fe,although she gets to come back in the leer,whilst I drive her Lexus through the most desolate country of Texas.
[speed control on 90]

I'm still alive and kicking with a few years left.I better get busy.LOL
Just a bit of humor,The black chick kept my license a bit too long yesterday at the gym I'm trying to figure out if she thought I might have some 'brother in me.I do shave my head but I'm old enough to be her....never mind.
I am glad you are going to talk to an orthopedic, hopefully you will get some non pill, non surgical options to buy you some time

And maybe there will be a pair of snow shoes in your future???

Good luck Tim.

Tim How do you know its 200K? To live in constant pain when a operation will cure your problems is crazy.

I am not sure exactly how our lovely health system works but I know a lot of states have programs to help out people like yourself.

Question how are you going to work? Why would you want to live in pain. It only gets worse and arthritis sets in your screwed. Get it fixed while your young and rehab is a snap.The older we get the harder the recovery on any operation.

None of this makes any sense to me. But hey its your call.

I remember once getting a script from a dentist for , I think it was vextra (or similar to that.) He said it was a second generation antiinflamatory. Like they took out the stuff that works from viox or whatever, improved it & had come up with a high potency non narcotic pain reliever. What amazed me about this stuff was that it really worked.

Now I heard they took or where taking some of that stuff off the market, cause some people suffered something from side effects (I cant remember what -not stuff like going crazy or exploding or anything like that, but it sounded like your possible every day side effects that all this stuff has, like sudden nose loss or turning into an elephant. No seriously, it seemed to me they were the typical dangers with most new drugs.

But at the same time I heard viox was being taken off the market , and it is not. You might want to check into it. It might be called Bextra, but I think it's vextra.

Even something like Viox might work. Or a combo (I would definitely check with a Dr on that.)

From what I understand ACCUPUNCTURE and ACCUPREASSUERE WORKS FOR A lot of people.

My wife had back problems, HAD A DISK REMOVED, AND THE PAIN is as bad, if not worse, then ever. The Dr. then told her that the surgery doesn't always get rid of the pain. YES, HE REALLY SAID THAT AFTER THE FACT.
He told her just to keep taking 30 milligrams of Loratabs a day, like it was nothing.

Fortunately, she is not me , or not like me, and simply doesn't take them. She no longer bothers getting scripts from him. When she is in intolerable pain, I have to convince her to take 1, cause she really needs it. But again, she is not one of us. She is addicted to spending money.

I DO UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU MEAN BY "hearing the pain" though I have never had that experience.

There is actually a word for that. Some people have, like multisences (not the correct word) where they can see as well as hear music.

There is this one black kid I saw on TV who is blind, but you would be hard pressed to know it. He actually "sees" by sound. They showed him out on the street scateboarding like it was nothing. It was very cool. He is the kind of kid who pushes things to there limits. I bet if he was allowed to , he would probably figure out a way to drive & be a better drier then most of these people in Florida.

I wish you the best and I believe you will find an answer - it's the kind of thing you will probably have to research and figure out mostly yourself. As you know , most Drs see pain killers, maybe some PT, and or surgery as the answer.

Never is a long time. Maybe thru some kind of alternate medicine you will even get healed-----but , even if not, thank God it wasn't something crippeling where you couldn't walk or something.

I've had a good life and even a better time.I'll get Tina and Mom to drive me around in an old carriage and throw seeds so we can start our own co-op.Of course Ill have to move back down south in the winter================================================.

I love road trips.
Tim - Your life is not over, dude. You're sounding kind of fatalistic. If worse comes to worse, medicare comes in at 65. (sorry) There are always other options. You just have to be open to them. Funny how most addicts are so dead set against non-narcotic meds. My brother takes about 8-10 darvocets a day. When I suggest aleve, he says it's bad for your stomach. LOL

Anyway I found out yesterday that I have moderate to severe arthritis in my thumb. I had my first cortisone shot and am wearing a brace. I'm hopeful that I'll get some relief. Is that any type of option for you? Joe gets synvisc in his knees.

Mark suggested that you two go to Mexico for surgery. I will offer to go as a chaperone so you guys don't get into any trouble.

P.S. I swear by Aleve.
Tim, if the health insurance bill gets passed, you might be able to get some insurance since they will eliminate exclusions on pre existing conditions. Then you should get the surgery. Otherwise you might be looking at some serious arthritis in the future.

Something similar happened to a buddy of mine. He broke a collar bone paddling whitewater and never bothered to have it looked at. He went that way for the better part of a decade and finally it started bothering him to the point where he had to get the surgery.

Hang in there, dude. We cannot trade in the old body for a new one. And they do accumulate some wear and tear over the years. Some days I feel like I have 200K miles on a car. I planned on driving to California, but I feel like I have only made it as far as Kansas City. Gotta make the old clunker roll as far as it can.
Tina! Snowshoes! Awesome idea =)
And Tim, road trip to Vermont where we have several pairs of snowshoes at the ready...and the dogs love it, too. Anytime pal, anytime.

Peace ~ M&M
Don't ski in the trees. Stay in the open areas. Didn't you get the memo?

BTW, I have one of those customers, too. Very elderly. Always getting me to do some needless repair, in and out of her house. Four million dollar house. Widow. etc.
I just can't do it. She found some money grubbing guy to be her boy-toy. He's my age. Now I see she's buying him sports cars regularly.
If he gets an M3, I'll shoot him and step in!!
I have my principles, but there ARE limits!