This will drive you nuts but it's fun when you're bored....
Ok Lisa, now that my eyes are permanently crossed lol...
LOL Jan, My mouse kept sticking so I kept missing the apples. Shantel
aaahhh Oh no!! That was crazy!!! I only saved 50 out of 100. It would be better if I could see the whole screen at once!!!
Fiona, You got me beat. I only caught like 38. LOL Gotta go recharge my mouse. Shantel
I think that game makes your mouse freeze at times. Also there so many apples falling at once that it seems impossible to catch them all, lol!!! So right now I know this bad to say on here, but I want to be able to sleep tonight, so I decided to have a few wine coolers. I never drink so my tolerance is unbelievable when it comes to alcohol, I have none so I will probably get drunk off of one, but I really don't want to take another pill tonight. I am trying to tapper off any suggestions on how to tapper.
Fiona, A drink is not the answer nor is a pill. You said in one of your post you once had 8 months clean time. You know this is not going to be easy but it is there for the taken if you want it bad enough and I think you do. Shantel
Yeah but it is the only way for me to sleep right now. I don't want to take anymore pills today so I am having a few wine coolers to help me get to sleep. Why does this have to be so hard????
Why does this have to be so hard???? |
Because it's worth doing. Because you deserve to live a life free from drugs and you're worth making the effort for.
It is hard, but you are worth it and deserving.
Are your eye's uncrossed yet Jan?
Are your eye's uncrossed yet Jan?
That game is soooooooo fun! hahahaha. I cannot believe how bad it hurts my hand though! Laptop...I cannot even remember how a real computer works anymore!
Lisa, I missed two calls from you! I am so sorry. I have had my head so full of numbers and square footage and blah de blah de blah, blah, blah....anyway, I haven't been answering because I am afraid that if I talk to anyone, I will forget everything I am trying to remember at one time!
I have been thinking of you everyday....hoping you are handling things with your mother...and knowing how hard this time in life is. I feel for you, and want you to know that no matter what happens, you have every tool necessary for dealing with this in the healthiest way possible.
I am here for you if you need me. I know you have a strong support network and am grateful for that, but, if you ever need to talk, just call AGAIN!!!!
I found the right house, everything is going to be fine with me...and I am feeling lighter by the minute. Thank You God!
Love ya chickles.
That game is soooooooo fun! hahahaha. I cannot believe how bad it hurts my hand though! Laptop...I cannot even remember how a real computer works anymore!
Lisa, I missed two calls from you! I am so sorry. I have had my head so full of numbers and square footage and blah de blah de blah, blah, blah....anyway, I haven't been answering because I am afraid that if I talk to anyone, I will forget everything I am trying to remember at one time!
I have been thinking of you everyday....hoping you are handling things with your mother...and knowing how hard this time in life is. I feel for you, and want you to know that no matter what happens, you have every tool necessary for dealing with this in the healthiest way possible.
I am here for you if you need me. I know you have a strong support network and am grateful for that, but, if you ever need to talk, just call AGAIN!!!!
I found the right house, everything is going to be fine with me...and I am feeling lighter by the minute. Thank You God!
Love ya chickles.
WHY LISA?!!!! Don't you know that I have OCD? If nobody hears from me for a few days it's Lisa's fault LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's always my fault
It's ok Sarah...I'll try you again soon. I'm leaving today to go see my mom and will be gone for a week or so, so I won't be around here for awhile. But I will call you, I promise. xxxooo
It's ok Sarah...I'll try you again soon. I'm leaving today to go see my mom and will be gone for a week or so, so I won't be around here for awhile. But I will call you, I promise. xxxooo
Just so you know, Lisa, I had to play that game until I managed to get 88 apples. I'm not OCD but it causes me to be. My mouse doesn't cooperate at all either.
How are you supossed to catch them when they're coming from both sides?
I thought you were leaving early this morning. Did you have a flight change?
How are you supossed to catch them when they're coming from both sides?
I thought you were leaving early this morning. Did you have a flight change?