Off Pills On Sub For 2months

I have been off pills for two months now with the help of Suboxone. I feel great about not having that monkey on my back but...right before I started the Sub. I lost my job. I have been lazy, bummed out and just can't seem to make myself do ANYTHING!!! I need to look for work desperately but can't seem to get motivated. Does anyone know or could they help, is this just depression or a possible side effect of the Sub.? I have got to turn this around and try to be happy. Any advice appreciated.
I just started sub today...I noticed it made me sad and angry..but that could be a side effect from the oxy..
I know I definately felt like that ever since I quit the pills...I also feel brain taking on a new job seems so overwhelming..
I know the one thing that did help was made me feel better, more was hard to get motivated to do it, but once I did I felt better..
nice to meet you.
Thank you for getting back to me so quickly, and Good Luck with the Sub. It really is a miracle.
I do know that exercise helps but...ugh...why can't I just make myself do it? I am just so weepy. I really do miss having a routine everyday, a job to go to. I miss working and I miss my job. I worked there a long time. It just seems so overwhelming to start all over again. Man, I hate that I am being such a wimp and rolling over like this. I should be excited about life right now without the pills. I need to see the good instead of focusing on the bad and beating myself up. O.K. enough venting. Thank you again Kerry, and it is nice to meet you too.