It is actually happening. The plans have laid out, right down to my having stuffed the envelopes to hand to the best man. Tomorrow, the guests begin to arrive.
For a crusty old bachelor with "relationship issues" to make it this far is nothing short of a miracle.
This would not be happening had I not gotten clean and sober. Note the conjunctive: first I got the illicit substances out of my system. Only after that did the real work begin. Living life without the assistance of drugs is not easy. Many are called, few are chosen. It has been a long strange trip, but it has been so very worth it.
Anyone who is wondering how to get clean and stay sober: I suggest trying everything you can. After all alternatives fail you, after you have fallen further than you can possibly imagine, after you are finally convinced that your will power is utterly and completely useless in battling your addiction, then and only then, walk through the doors of AA or NA, sit down and listen.
It will be at that point that your life will begin to blossum in ways that you cannot imagine. I am living proof of this. I am so very grateful to be a recovering drug addict and alcoholic.
August it so very nice to see you! With the wedding only three days off imagine my surprise when I jumped on and found you here.
Two of my favorite quotes on marriage from one of my favorite writers, Mark Twain. The first is a letter written to his wife-to-be a few months prior to their wedding, the second from A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.
Blessings to you and Pearly...I am thrilled for you both.
Love ~ Sandra
Two of my favorite quotes on marriage from one of my favorite writers, Mark Twain. The first is a letter written to his wife-to-be a few months prior to their wedding, the second from A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.
This...will be the mightiest day in the history of our lives, the holiest, & the most generous toward us both--for it makes of two fractional lives a whole; it gives to two purposeless lives a work, & doubles the strength of each whereby to perform it; it gives to two questioning natures a reason for living, & something to live for; it will give a new gladness to the sunshine, a new fragrance to the flowers, a new beauty to the earth, a new mystery to will give a new revelation to love, a new depth to sorrow, a new impulse to worship. In that day the scales will fall from our eyes & we shall look upon a new world. Speed it! |
People talk about beautiful friendships between two persons of the same sex. What is the best of that sort, as compared with the friendship of man and wife, where the best impulses and highest ideals of both are the same. There is no place for comparison between the two friendships; the one is earthly, the other divine. |
Blessings to you and Pearly...I am thrilled for you both.
Love ~ Sandra
I'm so happy for you, August. You deserve all the happiness in the world. Congratulations!!
AW, your post brought tears to my eyes. Congratulations and thank you for giving me hope at a time when I need it most.
Hi A. West - Congratulations again to you and Pearly! I am so happy for you. I love the quote Mom wrote from Mark Twain. It sounds exactly like you!
Don't forget to come back after the honeymoon to the board. You have helped alot of people on here especially me! The board needs more sincere people to help those that are in dire need!
Have fun on your honeymoon!
Don't forget to come back after the honeymoon to the board. You have helped alot of people on here especially me! The board needs more sincere people to help those that are in dire need!
Have fun on your honeymoon!
AWest; congrats on your special day !! Wishing you happiness and sobriety for many years to come !
Tomorrow is the big day! I am so happy for you both. I hope she knows what a lucky girl she is...
How beautiful is the day that is touched by love. May 16, 2009...such a beautiful day.
Congratulations "August" and "Pearly". As you grow old together, may you grow more in love.
Namaste' ~
Congratulations "August" and "Pearly". As you grow old together, may you grow more in love.
Namaste' ~
Congrats August and Pearly,
Your big day has come, The same day my daughter graduated college. Bet your both having a wonderful time now. I'm real happy for you both.
Your big day has come, The same day my daughter graduated college. Bet your both having a wonderful time now. I'm real happy for you both.