Oh Well

Hello friends
My b/f and I got back together for a few months. He even wanted to buy me a diamond and saffire ring, it was huge. But I knew this wasn't for real, just a gesture. I knew he would probably steal it from me since he has ripped me off twice......I can't keep my jewelery where he could see it. Sent him packing last night for good. I found a small straw and a razor blade in his room. I know he's still using or will again. I sort of feel better, but I know I'll miss him. I just hate having noone in my life.
Well at least you did the right thing before you got in too deep again. I know that awful feeling of having no one in your life again but when you really think about it, settling for someone who causes you so much grief is much worse.
Take care, and keep posting, its always good to hear from you!
I know how you feel about having noone. But I think its better to miserable alone, then worrying and not trusting someone and being miserable with them. Well that's what am trying to tell myself, but advice is easier to give than actually listening to. Try to be strong for yourself, and hopefully this will be the last time.