Good morning all.First I want to say sorry for not being around yesterday.There were so many bad storms in the area that I just shut my puter down for the day.
Ya know I started out pretty good yesterday.I had a smoke with my coffee,than put that stupid patch on.Well I let my place get trashed over the weekend figuring it would keep me busy & help take my mind off of cigs.And I was doing so freaken great.But.....therezs always a butt huh?First it was do hot here that the patch wouldnt stick.I mean yuck I was covered with sweat & it kept comming off.I even had my sis try to DUCT TAPE IT.Have you ever heard that line????If you cant fix it Duct it?Well that didnt work either,but beings there were no smokes here it was alittle easy.Though I admit I was cranky even my kittys stayed away from me
I just realized if I write my whole long day it will take 3 pages,so I just gotta out with this.Im still not sleeping for crap.Im lucky if I get 3 hrs a nite.UP & Down all nite & not in a fun way.That my friends was my down fall.I kept chain smoking.WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME.I know if I dont do this I WILL get the Big C Why the hell am I such a wimp.i bet everyone else did great yesterday huh?Not me...I sat here at 2:30 not posting just reading & I kept feeling sorry for myself.guys I could really use some support or something.Im scared but not scared enough to just get ovet it.Is anyone out there??????mj
Hey darlin Molly, you bit off a big chunk, now you have to chew it!! You can do it!! Think about your girls, your life -- anything good -- that you don't want to leave if you get the big C!! That is not even funny. Maybe you should begin by calling it what it is -- cancer. If your doctor told you that you WOULD get it, what more do you need? Give yourself a little smack on the cheek!! Wake up!! You will get cancer if you smoke. Stop smoking!! Have you tried any pills for it instead of the patch? I know it'll cooler there today, so get that patch on!! Come on Molly!! You can do this!! Keep talking to us ------- we love you, you are such a great person. We don't want to lose you!!!
Hi Molly, I didn't have any until 12:00, then had 1. Then that night had 3 more. So I'm not doing so good either. They say it's tougher to kick then heroin. Oh well...keep trying to cut down. Don't think about it too much and you won't want it so much. Beck
I'm not telling you to smoke, but do you realize how much you have on your plate right now? Not only are you quiting the drugs but cigs at the same time. I think you have to concentrate on one thing or another right now. I'm not saying, go ahead and smoke, but just think about all your doing. Just my opinion. I thought it was harder to quit smoking than going off drugs! Yes, I want you to quit and you need too, but lets concentrate on one addiction at a time. Thinking alot about you.
Natty I love you you are so right.I should call it what it is.See my cells in my throat are beginning to change & I must do this but Im not douing well at all.Well I did all day yesterday,but when Im up pacen the floors at nite the hunger for it is there.I know I know I gotta stop.And I also know alot of people will say....just stop.But Its least with the drugs I have the sub that helps.
Im so good at giving out advice but when it comes to me doing it...well color my a coward.I really need a good plan so today I will be here &also looking at stop smoking web sites.Im scared guys really scared.Im finding its not so easy just to stop.And Im not saying the rest of you dont have good reasons for quitting,but for me my life is really on the line.Talk about being mad at yourself.Im so disappointed.But I also know I must keep trying so I shall.Please if Im cranky know that I would NEVER try to hurt anyone on here on purpose.
Babble babble pip pip So Natty what is going on with you.Im glad to see you posting you were missed...mj.....
Dear sweet Beck I know you are trying hard too.I guess all we can do is keep on trying.I wonder how CG made out?
Im so good at giving out advice but when it comes to me doing it...well color my a coward.I really need a good plan so today I will be here &also looking at stop smoking web sites.Im scared guys really scared.Im finding its not so easy just to stop.And Im not saying the rest of you dont have good reasons for quitting,but for me my life is really on the line.Talk about being mad at yourself.Im so disappointed.But I also know I must keep trying so I shall.Please if Im cranky know that I would NEVER try to hurt anyone on here on purpose.
Babble babble pip pip So Natty what is going on with you.Im glad to see you posting you were missed...mj.....
Dear sweet Beck I know you are trying hard too.I guess all we can do is keep on trying.I wonder how CG made out?
Hey Molly,
I hope I wasn't too rough on you. I know it is extremely hard to quit smoking. Just ask me. I admire you for trying, cause you know you have to do it. Yes, I understand about the pills and the sub helping. Isn't that what the patches are for? You need to chew gum, get a pencil or something you can hold in your hand and even tap it in the ashtray. You are allowed to pretend!! Well, at the very least, I know you have cut way back. Do you think one a day will still hurt you? I am wishing you the best of luck on this and I hope you make it!! Love you, fisher girl!
I hope I wasn't too rough on you. I know it is extremely hard to quit smoking. Just ask me. I admire you for trying, cause you know you have to do it. Yes, I understand about the pills and the sub helping. Isn't that what the patches are for? You need to chew gum, get a pencil or something you can hold in your hand and even tap it in the ashtray. You are allowed to pretend!! Well, at the very least, I know you have cut way back. Do you think one a day will still hurt you? I am wishing you the best of luck on this and I hope you make it!! Love you, fisher girl!
Come on Mollyjean,
You can quit smoking. I really can't relate at all because I have never, ever touched a cancer stick in my life. But my mom and dad USED to smoke and they both quitted at the sametime - 20 YEARS AGO! Guess what, they did it cold turkey too! Also just recently my auntie who's 67 yrs old and smoked non-stop quit smoking 4 months ago cold turkey as well! It was basically either she stop smoking, or she'll be carting a oxygen tank around with her all day. I guess that wasn't appealing to her as she owns her own restaurant, so she decided to stop smoking. In the beginning she was grumpy and stuff BUT now shes thankful and happy!
So if my mom and dad did it cold turkey with no patches, etc and even my old auntie can do it. They with everything thats out these days, Im sure you can do it.
Well what causes you to smoke now??? After you stop? Why do you go back?
I've always wondered - Is there much of a difference quitting pain pills vs quitting smoking???
Cause I asked HOW my mom did it. She said she was just very stubborn.. No matter what she wasn't putting another smoke in her mouth. Even her friends asked her if she wanted one, she would say no. She just got very stubborn. Don't get me wrong, she was grumpy, she slept ALOT for like a month! Thats all normal.
You can quit smoking. I really can't relate at all because I have never, ever touched a cancer stick in my life. But my mom and dad USED to smoke and they both quitted at the sametime - 20 YEARS AGO! Guess what, they did it cold turkey too! Also just recently my auntie who's 67 yrs old and smoked non-stop quit smoking 4 months ago cold turkey as well! It was basically either she stop smoking, or she'll be carting a oxygen tank around with her all day. I guess that wasn't appealing to her as she owns her own restaurant, so she decided to stop smoking. In the beginning she was grumpy and stuff BUT now shes thankful and happy!
So if my mom and dad did it cold turkey with no patches, etc and even my old auntie can do it. They with everything thats out these days, Im sure you can do it.
Well what causes you to smoke now??? After you stop? Why do you go back?
I've always wondered - Is there much of a difference quitting pain pills vs quitting smoking???
Cause I asked HOW my mom did it. She said she was just very stubborn.. No matter what she wasn't putting another smoke in her mouth. Even her friends asked her if she wanted one, she would say no. She just got very stubborn. Don't get me wrong, she was grumpy, she slept ALOT for like a month! Thats all normal.
Natty,No i dont think you were hard on me & even if you were I would respect it.I put another patch on & Im eating Jolly Ranchers(apple)like Im starving.I am also while Im on here getting info from different web sites on quitting,It really sucks to be scared but not scared enough to stay with this.Im going to keep trying everyday because damn it I havent work this hard to get off all those pills just to let myself get Cancer.Somehow even if its sitting here all day somehow I need to keep pushing.This is way too important.But Ill tell ya Im craving one so damn bad that I feel like a serial killer.LOL,,,Thank you natty.Anyone who rights to me Im thankful for.I know I stand a better chance at doing this with all the extra support I can get...mj
Ahhh, now I see what is up with you.
Dear Molly, I can't believe how brave you are first of all. A suggestion was made to you about quitting smoking, from a bunch of people on an on-line board and you ran with it. I'm so proud of you.
I smoked yesterday. Probably more than I usually do because I knew I was suppose to quit. I kicked myself all day, I'm really good at self-hatered (see everyone, you don't have to do that, I do it for myself!). I did make an appt with my dr for this morning however to talk about options. I want to know about the nicatrol inhaler.
So did you smoke last night while pacing the floors? Or is today another victory? Either way, every day you get to start over, just like with the pills and personally I think while on the Suboxone is the best time to do this. Unless it makes you want to smoke more...
Keep talking girl...
Dear Molly, I can't believe how brave you are first of all. A suggestion was made to you about quitting smoking, from a bunch of people on an on-line board and you ran with it. I'm so proud of you.
I smoked yesterday. Probably more than I usually do because I knew I was suppose to quit. I kicked myself all day, I'm really good at self-hatered (see everyone, you don't have to do that, I do it for myself!). I did make an appt with my dr for this morning however to talk about options. I want to know about the nicatrol inhaler.
So did you smoke last night while pacing the floors? Or is today another victory? Either way, every day you get to start over, just like with the pills and personally I think while on the Suboxone is the best time to do this. Unless it makes you want to smoke more...
Keep talking girl...
You smoke?
You BAD, BAD girl :)
Someone needs a spanking...
You smoke?
You BAD, BAD girl :)
Someone needs a spanking...
Dear Kiwi Ive been waiting for you to jump into this.I really can use your hard nosed talks.Really.I dont know what Im gonna do.You would think being faced with Cancer after seeing both my dad & grandad die of lung cancer you would think that would put some umpf into my wanting to quit.Lets see if I can find the answers to some of your questions.
For me the cigs seem 3xs as hard as pain pills.For 1 thing they are easier to get ya know.
Ummm I crave the worst when I first wake up,and after I eat....Please kiwi I know you got alot going on in your life right now but if you could just keep talking for a bit I think you may be able to help me pull my head out of my butt????LOL mj
For me the cigs seem 3xs as hard as pain pills.For 1 thing they are easier to get ya know.
Ummm I crave the worst when I first wake up,and after I eat....Please kiwi I know you got alot going on in your life right now but if you could just keep talking for a bit I think you may be able to help me pull my head out of my butt????LOL mj
lisa,I was doing so damn good yesterday.Im sure my house being totally trashed helped.I was so busy with the cleaning it helped.No this crap at nite is really getting to me.Ive tried OTC sleeping pills,they dont woke so I no longer take them.I even sat here reading post trying to find something that can help but as I paced & was awake I smoked more.How is it I can be so damn scared but not scared enough to be strong enough to put them away...MJ
thank you for being honest about your smoking.As we all know by now unless your honest there is no point right???mj
thank you for being honest about your smoking.As we all know by now unless your honest there is no point right???mj
Hey Molly...
I have been riding the on again off again train for over 2 months.....
These things are gonna kill me if I don't get them gone....I know why I haven't cause I really don't want to for some sick, insanely twisted reason. I was told I needed my a** kicked and that should fix me right up....
Now if I was told I could have that fight after I quit might have been more
You will get it done as will I....The heat has been working in my favor. I will go out in sub degree temps for one, but not in this soupy stuff.....It is aweful here too....We just came in went out and played early, getting to hot now......
Think we would know better right....
Love Yah!
I have been riding the on again off again train for over 2 months.....
These things are gonna kill me if I don't get them gone....I know why I haven't cause I really don't want to for some sick, insanely twisted reason. I was told I needed my a** kicked and that should fix me right up....
Now if I was told I could have that fight after I quit might have been more
You will get it done as will I....The heat has been working in my favor. I will go out in sub degree temps for one, but not in this soupy stuff.....It is aweful here too....We just came in went out and played early, getting to hot now......
Think we would know better right....
Love Yah!
Of come on now your head isnt in your butt. But you know I always ask my mom how or why she quit smoking, because I had to quit pain pills and I kinda of measure up myself next to her. I guess I use her as a measuring stick.
I think one of the BIGGEST things to beat an addiction, is to have a STRONG mental attitude. As you can tell with me, Im very direct, blunt and say things exactly how I see them, I don't sugar coat anything. Im very strong that way and I think it helped me quit pills. BUT I knew the moment I was going to quit the pills that I wasn't going back. Not sure why this time, but I just knew that NO MATTER HOW HARD it was I couldnt do it. I just thought about the bad things I did, who I hurt, all the wasted money, and there was ALOT of wasted money.. I wish I could turn back the clock.
So Molly... first off you REALLY gotta want it. If you 100% don't want to quit then don't even try. You can't make someone do something they dont want do too.
2nd - You really need to be mentally strong. VERY strong and no matter what, no matter whos there, or whats going on you simply can't give in. You have to ask yourself are you STRONG enough mentally too do it?
But - Ill grill my mom again today to see how and why she did it. Shes a very strong person too. Strong minded and willed that i mean...
At the end of the day your the one who has to look in the mirror and decide if your happy with yourself, and if your not you gotta take the proper steps to change that.
Of come on now your head isnt in your butt. But you know I always ask my mom how or why she quit smoking, because I had to quit pain pills and I kinda of measure up myself next to her. I guess I use her as a measuring stick.
I think one of the BIGGEST things to beat an addiction, is to have a STRONG mental attitude. As you can tell with me, Im very direct, blunt and say things exactly how I see them, I don't sugar coat anything. Im very strong that way and I think it helped me quit pills. BUT I knew the moment I was going to quit the pills that I wasn't going back. Not sure why this time, but I just knew that NO MATTER HOW HARD it was I couldnt do it. I just thought about the bad things I did, who I hurt, all the wasted money, and there was ALOT of wasted money.. I wish I could turn back the clock.
So Molly... first off you REALLY gotta want it. If you 100% don't want to quit then don't even try. You can't make someone do something they dont want do too.
2nd - You really need to be mentally strong. VERY strong and no matter what, no matter whos there, or whats going on you simply can't give in. You have to ask yourself are you STRONG enough mentally too do it?
But - Ill grill my mom again today to see how and why she did it. Shes a very strong person too. Strong minded and willed that i mean...
At the end of the day your the one who has to look in the mirror and decide if your happy with yourself, and if your not you gotta take the proper steps to change that.
So Tina your still plugging away at this too?Thank God.I was thinking that what Lisa said about the inhaler was a good thing too.Im in the habit of holding one so maybe that would be better.I do gotta say that Im glad Lisa said that about another day another chance.thats something I have said.As long as Im alive to keep trying I havent failed.But I just feel like Im working against a time bomb.WHY THE HELL IS THIS SO HARD!!!! Sorry had to yell.At least I can yell in computer land.I was told by the throat Dr no yelling no whispering....
So its hot by you 2?I hate this kind of heat we get here in NY.the humitity is so wicked it makes it hard to breathe...mj
So its hot by you 2?I hate this kind of heat we get here in NY.the humitity is so wicked it makes it hard to breathe...mj
You're not big enough to spank me, Kiwi and you gotta catch me first.
I know, I KNOW how bad it is to smoke. I'm not stupid, well, ok, so I'm stupid, but I do know that it's horrible and I do know that it'll probably kill me. My chest hurts, my hair stinks..yea, it's time. For crying out loud, I quit for 17 years and then bam, all it took was one cig. and I was off and funning. It was like I never stopped.
Molly, talk to your dr about not sleeping. You can't heal, you can't move on with your life without sleep. There's got to be something!
Every day we get to try again and every day we try harder...
Goes for you too Misty...see, she's not even an addict! And look how hard it is for her!
I know, I KNOW how bad it is to smoke. I'm not stupid, well, ok, so I'm stupid, but I do know that it's horrible and I do know that it'll probably kill me. My chest hurts, my hair stinks..yea, it's time. For crying out loud, I quit for 17 years and then bam, all it took was one cig. and I was off and funning. It was like I never stopped.
Molly, talk to your dr about not sleeping. You can't heal, you can't move on with your life without sleep. There's got to be something!
Every day we get to try again and every day we try harder...
Goes for you too Misty...see, she's not even an addict! And look how hard it is for her!
Hey Molly;
Not much I can add to what others have already said. I never smoked myself. A couple of my brothers did, one quit, one still smokes. My 8 year old Brendan is learning about it at school, and recently has said "Dad, I wish Uncle Danny didn't smoke." Me too, I tell him, but I try to explain that smoking gets it's hooks into good people and is very hard to stop.
So maybe as CG said there's something your doctor can help with. Zyban maybe? Again, I don't know all of the options.
The only suggestion I would make is try to keep busy, and stay focused on the outcome.
Not much I can add to what others have already said. I never smoked myself. A couple of my brothers did, one quit, one still smokes. My 8 year old Brendan is learning about it at school, and recently has said "Dad, I wish Uncle Danny didn't smoke." Me too, I tell him, but I try to explain that smoking gets it's hooks into good people and is very hard to stop.
So maybe as CG said there's something your doctor can help with. Zyban maybe? Again, I don't know all of the options.
The only suggestion I would make is try to keep busy, and stay focused on the outcome.
Molly, I wish the best for you!! It is hard, i know. Maybe try sunflower seeds? Not the shelled, helps aunt is on oxygen all night, nebulizer during the day along with inhalers. My mom is on a nebulizer and inhalers> it wont be long until she is on oxygen> she keeps waking up because she cant breathe> then she does her inhaler< falls back asleep until she wakes up THIRTY mns later. If you were in the hospital you cant smoke. Maybe THAT could be your INSPIRATION? you dont want to lay in the hospital being forced I know that. Promise me you will keep trying?
One of the biggest things I got to get out of my head is that I don't like giving anything up......In this respect I am the biggest brat....I also have to find something to replace the smoking with, and I don't want it to be food......
I eat enough junk as it is now.....Starting to exercise, have some light weights sitting out so when I really want one I grab a big glass of water and the the weights for a few.....Great stress reliever with all the kids!
One of the biggest things I got to get out of my head is that I don't like giving anything up......In this respect I am the biggest brat....I also have to find something to replace the smoking with, and I don't want it to be food......
I eat enough junk as it is now.....Starting to exercise, have some light weights sitting out so when I really want one I grab a big glass of water and the the weights for a few.....Great stress reliever with all the kids!
Hey chicas!and Kiwi, too!
MJ sorry you are going through this hell, but you and I both know you can do it, and you have to do it! I want you on the front row when Anne graduates high school, and maybe even college!
Ofcourse I am not one to talk, I sure haven't quit. The only time in the past 24 years I haven't been a smoker was when I was pregnant, and then I was able to quit only because it made me sick both times
Have you thought about Wellbutrin (Zyban)? I;ve heard from many that it really helps. I know you are on another AD, but maybe you could talk to you dr. about switching. Someone actually told me yesterday that Wellbutrin increases your libido, is that possible? What a plus that would be for some!