Ok, I Need Some Advice

Oh wow, i really feel for both of you this f***ing disease of addiction is so cunning and baffling, what to do, what to do, look the GREAT thing is that she has you and she admited that she had a problem and wants help, THATS GREAT!!! god knows it took me years to admit i was a drug addict and it was sooo hard but know i say without hesatation(sp) hi, my name is Mitzy and I am a drug addict! i slipped soooo many times but please dont give up on her, i know u will not its not in your nature and just keep up, keeping her up, one day she will get it, one day my friend...
Aww Danny,Sorry to hear about your sister-in-law. You don't think you could tell your wife and she could talk to her sister about all this? Sounds like she crying out for help but just isn't sure if she 100% wants it yet. I hope she gets the help she needs before it's to late!! Don't be hard on yourself, you can only do and offer so much and the rest has to be up to her...in the end it is all up to her what she chooses to do with her life. I have never understood someone that binges and is out of control with their pill intake either but I kow a lot of people that are,some really close friends of mine take pills by the handful and then complain they withdrawl so bad. I am like I wonder why??? But it is an illness weather you take 1 pill a day like me or 50 ya know... I hope and pray she comes around and allows you to help her with her child while she gets help... I will talk to you later.. I am going to shapes to work out for the first time in 8 months,if I am not on later or tomorrow than I may have been taken to the hospital,LOL... Rae
Yeah danny, you are being wounderful to her and all of us, but theres only so far that u can walk and talk to her, it is up to her to do the rest, give her time, she will come around, hang in there hun, it will all work out, i will prey 4-U and her!! your friens, mitzy
I'll never ever give up on her.
I know you wouldnt Danny, i know, where is she now??
Danny are you still here??
Yes I am here. She popped 4 and went to work..I'm just so angry with myself..
Danny why r u mad at yourself and how do u know she popped 4 pills and went to work?? dont put yourself down, u have done everything for her... please take it easy addiction sucks you and i both know that, so with that in mind please take care and let me know about my uestions, thanks....
I just feel like I let her down. I mean, I spent HOURS on the phone with her..trying to talk her down from this..and I love her, so I just am mad I didn't take the situation more into control..
Danny , like what pull her out from the phone and lock her up , thats all you could of done at that point, right, us as addicts we are well aweare that if we wanna use we will no matter what, no matter what the consequences are and no matter whom we hurt we will use.., you have to know that right?, right! my husband once asked me, mitzy when your about to pop those 5 pills, do u look at the girls and feel badly and at that moment sad buy true, i didnt care after all i was not hurtung anyone right?, WRONG, so WRONG.. know i know that after almost 6 years of abuse how very wrong i was and the damage i was doing to me , and my family and i didnt care, after all i was gonna get high and forget all my worries, but it takes time and it has to click and it honestly does now, it took a looooong time but eventully i got it and not over nite, admitting i had a problem was only a part of the solution, i had to REALLY want help, sobrity, am i making sence, so please dont beat yourself up, u r doing all u can, its in gods and her hands now, please take to heart my share and i hope things get better, i will prey for you both!! mitzy