This is aka lortab-user guys, and i have change my name.
Now its 10:00 pm, and im taking my LAST lortab half as i write this. There is no more. NADDA, ZIP, NONE. and omg im happy and sad at the same time. I kinda know what to expect tomorrow but im still unsure how its gonna affect ME, cause i think everyone is diffrent. I might be pretty mild. I dunno, just wanted to share.
Hi Raven,
Look, we have all felt that fear of letting those pills go. You may very well be sick or it may not be too bad. That isn't the hardest part though. It's the feeling of losing something we depended on for so long to make us feel better. I guess we needed to realize those pills weren't even doing that anymore. They were just making us feel worse. Hang in there. That's all I can really tell you and also I really believe you will need a lot of support. For me, I really need more support then this board. A lot of great people here but I need face to face support too or I just won't make it. I have 4 days today. So I'm very new to recovery and 4 days ago I was feeling as scared as you. Still am though, that's why I have to keep reminding myself how the pills really were making me feel. They started off as my best friends and turned into my worst enemy...Good luck to you.
Look, we have all felt that fear of letting those pills go. You may very well be sick or it may not be too bad. That isn't the hardest part though. It's the feeling of losing something we depended on for so long to make us feel better. I guess we needed to realize those pills weren't even doing that anymore. They were just making us feel worse. Hang in there. That's all I can really tell you and also I really believe you will need a lot of support. For me, I really need more support then this board. A lot of great people here but I need face to face support too or I just won't make it. I have 4 days today. So I'm very new to recovery and 4 days ago I was feeling as scared as you. Still am though, that's why I have to keep reminding myself how the pills really were making me feel. They started off as my best friends and turned into my worst enemy...Good luck to you.
Thank you liz for the kind words, I am scared of the mental as well. The thing is, i have chronic headaches and NOTHING but the lortab worked. But after a while i realized the LORTAB was makeing it WORSE. So i bought aleve today, im not supposed to take it, as i have had gastric bypass surgery and have lost 139 pounds, and im at goal (woooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooo). And Gastric patients are not supposed to take, ibuprofen, aleve, or aspirin. It can cause ulcers in our new tummys, but i bet all that lortab was not helping my tummy for nine months taking it every four hours. And Reg tylenol just does not cut it. Oh well, i will live. Thanks for you support, im sure im gonna lean on the board alot. This place is great. Take care
Raven,Try not to think about it that much just breathe when you start to think about it.I wanted to pull my hair out when I first started I kept thinking about the unknown like I am going to be in so much pain I want be able to do this and just all kind of stuff thats what held me back so long from getting off of them.If I had found this site before I went c/t then I might have known a little more.And you have that on your side and we will be here if you start feeling anything at all that we may not have mentioned then get on here and tell us and we will give the best advice that we can we all know what its like your by no means alone in this .Just please for the sake of your ownself be strong..........You will make it I know it Just believe I will say a prayer for you.......With Love God Bless .......Jessica
Thank you jessica, you have also been very supportive of me and my journey, this board has a great group of people. Im so glad i found it. I was posting on another board , and was barely getting any responces or if i did it took forever.
Hey Raven,
Have you ever tried motrin? Not sure if it has that same stuff in it as alieve, but maybe something to look into. It may help your headaches.
Have you ever tried motrin? Not sure if it has that same stuff in it as alieve, but maybe something to look into. It may help your headaches.
Not aloud to take Motrin or Advil, as the chemical agent in them is Ibuprofen, from the gastric bypass. But im trying aleve anyway. If that does not work i will take Advil. I will take it short term on full tummy if i have too.
Oh yeah, sorry. I forgot Motrin is Ibuprophen.
Day one never really was that hard for me, it was always day two, and three....
I'm not trying to scare you, but I think day one you must still have some in your system. It's that second day that seems to really be bad. But don't give up. It will all pass. Slowly, but it will.
I'm not trying to scare you, but I think day one you must still have some in your system. It's that second day that seems to really be bad. But don't give up. It will all pass. Slowly, but it will.
Well look what the cat drug in,LOL What's up Britney? How are you? How's the baby? Are you clean? If so for how long now?
Raven- Ex-Lortab user, You are working yourself up for nothing. I think you'll be just fine. You may need some Immdium and some other flu stuff but you should be ok. If you can't take anything for your headaches you can always get some Excedrin or BC powder.. They always work really well for my headaches. Don't think too much about it. Day 1 was never bad for me, it was Day 3 and 4. After that it does get better. Keep posting everyone here understands what you will be going through. Rae
Raven- Ex-Lortab user, You are working yourself up for nothing. I think you'll be just fine. You may need some Immdium and some other flu stuff but you should be ok. If you can't take anything for your headaches you can always get some Excedrin or BC powder.. They always work really well for my headaches. Don't think too much about it. Day 1 was never bad for me, it was Day 3 and 4. After that it does get better. Keep posting everyone here understands what you will be going through. Rae
I'm doing well. My husband and I just bought a house 3 weeks ago. The baby's good. I can't believe she is 16 months old. Time flies! How about you?
I'm doing good. My little girl will be 15 months old on July 8th. I will e-mail you some pic's. Do you still have the same address Emack--? Let me know and I will send you some.Congrats on the new house. So did you ever get off those vicoprofen? It's nice to see you posting again. You need to stop in more often..
hi raven and you are going to be ok just think you are on your way to recovery starting now you will never have to stress over when were and how you are going to do this ever again! this is the last time you ever have to deal with this. now that being said i know you are scared i sure was but you have prepared, my advice try not to think about pills and how you are feeling just try to rest relax and keep your mind busy i know you will not be up to much but watch movies and just focus on you while you have help with your kids forget about the house etc and just don't deal with any stress you can deal with anything in a couple days everything can wait. don't think about the next day just focus on the now drink gallons of water, i would take tylenol i would not mess with the alieve if i were you. no caffiene, hot baths, writing on this board, eat easy foods, you will feel stronger in 4 to 5 days just accept this and it will be easier. i am on day 30 and trust me it is well worth it. stay strong and keep posting you can and will do this, take care love cfm
Ok, I went back and forth with my husband about how ibuprofen was spelled. He swore it was the way I spelled it up above, lol. Now tells me I was right when he checked the bottle. Why do I doubt myself? lol
What happened? Raven and Britney went to bed and Liz is learning how to spell? What happened to this thread?LOL I guess I am of here now. Everyone have a good evening. I will be thinking about you Liz and praying for you before I fall asleep tonight. Try not to get into any trouble around here,ha/ha... Now we know that could never happen huh? Seriously try and relax your mind and take a nice hot bubble bath before you lay down. Enjoy your daughter's graduation tomorrow night. I can't believe it's finally here... Your getting to be an old woman.."-) Hang in there your going to make it this time around...
I never went to bed, Im still around.
Raven-Quit projecting.It will make the detox twice as bad.The mind is a powerful tool and can direct the body either way.
Day 1 will be uncomfortable,but you can handle it.Dont sit around and think about every little change going on physically.In fact, carry on with your normal routine until you are really sick.It will help the time go by faster.Dont even post messages at every little change, it will only give it power.
Start drinking lots of water,now.It will facilitate elimination and prevent dehydration and possibly headaches.I mean drink at least a gallon a day.Dont take anything untill you need it.Bombarding your system with OTC meds if unneeded,will only upset your stomach.
Make sure you have no access to any more Lortabs.There is no one you can call to get them?Clean the house out.
Didnt you say you have Xanax around? Dont take any until you absolutely need them.Benzos are used for detox,but very sparingly.After the third day,throw them away.I had a friend administer them to me for the first 3 days.He was in recovery and only gave them to me when the panic was severe.
Im not going to sugar coat this process.Its not going to be fun but you can do it.
Day 1 will be uncomfortable,but you can handle it.Dont sit around and think about every little change going on physically.In fact, carry on with your normal routine until you are really sick.It will help the time go by faster.Dont even post messages at every little change, it will only give it power.
Start drinking lots of water,now.It will facilitate elimination and prevent dehydration and possibly headaches.I mean drink at least a gallon a day.Dont take anything untill you need it.Bombarding your system with OTC meds if unneeded,will only upset your stomach.
Make sure you have no access to any more Lortabs.There is no one you can call to get them?Clean the house out.
Didnt you say you have Xanax around? Dont take any until you absolutely need them.Benzos are used for detox,but very sparingly.After the third day,throw them away.I had a friend administer them to me for the first 3 days.He was in recovery and only gave them to me when the panic was severe.
Im not going to sugar coat this process.Its not going to be fun but you can do it.
Thank you Tim you gave some great advice. So Far so good today, just a bit shakey and a POUNDING headache, nothing i cant handle. No craveings so far. and NO i have NO way to get my hands on lortab at all.