Ok- So What Is This Really About

Here I am, the mother of a newly admitted addict, reading your posts, and I am thinking.....OK, I thought the purpose of the board was support...... All I see is finger pointing and accusations. One post says, don't be proud you are clean today, because relapse is around the corner. I CANNOT EVEN IMAGINE SAYING THAT TO MY CHILD. Are you jealous? Why can't we be happy for what our friends, family, aquaintances, and those we don't even know have accomplished??? Recovery is such a hard place to go, to begin with, and then to read THAT, from someone who should be supportive??? Well, in the very least needs support, is incredulous. Anyone out there who feels this way should be posting someplace else, AND should be ASHAMED!
Perhaps if you went back and read some of Liz's earlier post you would understand where she is coming from.........Was the purpose of your post, to make Liz feel bad all over again? Liz has nothing to be ashamed of.........she was voicing her opinion.
Dear Sirch Listen as someone who is new to board I can understand how and why you may feel that way but #1 at times emotions will run high on here and yes sometimes things that are innocent can be taken out of context.But I also need to let you know that MOST if not all are here by a common bond & that is addiction.For you to say -negitive things is not helpful.If you read through most of the post you will see that there is alot of love & support on here.I could NEVER have gotten this far without this board.So please dont let your misunderstanding of someones words let you think that this board is all bad.Yes there are spats that come & go but even those involved in such spats are the first ones to offer help to the same ones they are spatting with.Just try sticking around & youll see.Mollyjean
No, the purpose of my post was not to make Liz feel bad all over again. It was to voice my opinion, as I and everyone else on this board, is entitled to do. We can agree to disagree on the previous posts. I do agree this board is very supportive. If it wasn't for someone here, my son wouldn't be in the facility he is in. I didn't mean to imply there wasn't support to be found. At the same time, however, I beleive we should watch the negativity. I guess the same rule should apply here as to my job......Never write an email in anger. Liz's post rubbed me the wrong way, because I beleive all addicts KNOW relapse is around the corner every minute of every day of their lives. They don't need someone to point that out to them. In any event, I didn't mean to offend anyone, but my opinion remains the same.
i try to ignore or disregard the stupid stuff, unless i don't feel like it. i get a lot of help here, honest.
There is a lot of anger on this site.I think it has a lot to do with the lack of moderaters on this site.No leaders so to speak.
Also just like in real life some F2F meetings are better than others.I joined this site about a year ago and really enjoyed coming here and then it changed.I rarely visit here anymore because of all the negative (all in the name of recovery..yeah right)
I just want you to know that there are planty of recovery sites out there online so one can pick and chose where they can get the most from.Of course all have their ups and downs but this one has more than the norm.
Fell free to email me if you need someone to talk to.It makes me happy to hear that your son got help here.That IS what this is supposed to be about.
from what i read from liz's poat is she was just saying>>So yeah as I said before. Don't get too proud of being clean, Relapse can happen to anybody<<
my from what i got from the reading is liz was expressing that relaspe can happen to anyone.
i guess we all can interput post in different ways. i didnt see anything negative about the post and we all have our own opinions. i just take what i can from a reading and leave the rest. i look for the good in post, is what i am saying.
don't sweat the stuff is what i have always beent old.
hope you continue to post and share you hope and strength.
have a good day.
Obviously you didn't unerstand the post. So, instead of voicing your oppinions why not ask me what I was referring to? Why try to cause trouble? See, if you read what somebody was saying to me, Putting me down because I don't have the same amount of time as they is why I said be careful, Relapse can happen to all of us.
So, Maybe the next time you can read "All" the threads before voicing your oppinions????
Liz- Feeling any better today?
Hey Danny,

Well, Just a little irritated that somebody would run their mouths without knowing the whole story..
Don't let it bother you. You made the right decision for you.
oops i forgot to put in my email and for some reason there is no "edit" button on my post.
my email is
I cannot go through life thinking that I will relapse.... Of course that is a possibility - I've relapsed about 4 times in the last 3 years- but I have to believe that I can win this thing..... I mean, if not, why even bother to try to get clean? Tomorrow makes 4 weeks I've been off of pain pills and it's a struggle, but if I don't believe in "me", who will?

Liz, how are you feeling?
Hi Danielle,

Congrats on 4 weeks. It's true, You need to believe in yourself. Which I struggle with sometimes. But you know, when Somebody is struggling and somebody throws in your face how they have 150 days and you have nothing. Like they are better then you, well, then they need to be reminded that they too are one drink or one drug away.
Sorry, But if you go to meetings that's what you're constantly reminded of. So, if you don't keep that in mind that will be when you relapse. Can't worry about relapsing all the time, but you have to keep it in your mind so you don't.

Far as today, well, still irritated about some things. I'll get through it though. Thanks for asking.


I'm sorry you aren't feeling well..... I know that the mood swings and irritability are such a bad part of not only addiction, but withdrawal as well. It seems like it takes forever to get rid of all of that....

Yes, it's true about being only one step away from relapse... I agree with you 100% that some people act like "I've been clean this amount of time or that amount of time so I know everything....."..... but even though they may have one or two years under their belts, they've relapsed hundreds of times before that and have been in the same position we have been in.

And I know that if I take any narcotics like Vicodin ever again, I'll end up hooked again... I used to think that I could get to the point where I could take them every now and then and be okay, but now I KNOW that I will NEVER be able to take them without getting addicted all over again.
Oh good grief..Lighten Up.
Boy do I know how that feels, to hear someone say WOW I have been clean for SO LONG!! I hate the thought that I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR vicoden. I used to think I was TOUGH?? To the mother who wrote here, if you come back can I ask how you feel, honestly? I feel awful for mine, she is TRYING SO HARD TO BE SUPPORTIVE!! When I was going through my first two days of withdrawal, she helped me with my daughter ( I am 23) and I begged her for vicoden and she gave me two for the pain in the first two days of W/D's. That was nothing as I was taking a 30 mg dose at a time and she gave me 5. But I know all this is hard on her and I overheard her say to a friend that if I couldn't quit she was scared and wanted to move away if things didn't get better with me. I know this is rough on her, but she is great and I REALLY NEED her support right now, any suggestions as to what to do to make it easier on her, without having to put on an act???? I don't want to lose her, she is a saint!! You can tell her anything and she is the kind of person who won't judge you, the only one in my life I think, how can I make it easier for her, in my current state?? Thanks, and good luck to you and your son.