Ok--wheres The Stories

hey guys--read the post where i responded uder the amity--i want to hear your best treatment stories--i know weve gotta have some doozies out there have a great day all--
Not my story, but my daughter's and it's a lulu. She was in treatment for 16 months so all your stuff about processing group and "I statements..." totally resonates as my husband and I were in weekly family therapy also for the duration of her stay.

Anyway...she's doing great for about four months after a very rough patch. She had phone privileges every Sunday at 3pm so we expected her call. 3:30, 4:00, 4:30 - and I, like the most excellent codependent that I am, start frantically calling the facility, knowing full well mind you that they do not take incoming calls. Finally we get a call from the facility...she's been put out on two week "focus" - an isolated stay in a tent on the property while she does assignments and thinks about the error of her ways.

What did she do? She and a friend horaded their meds (some serious stuff between them) so they could dose the night staff, steal her car, break into the safe and get their passports, and take off for Mexico. How did she get caught? She downloaded information from the internet duing her weekly half hour (hmmmm...no wonder we didn't get any emails) about how to hotwire a car.

The wackest thing about it is this - it is not a locked facility!!! All she had to do was ask for her passport and leave! Guess that would've left her without drama and transportation. What a doofus...
oh my lord-tjats definatly being a doofus--for real--sopmteimes were just not-ready to get better-how is she now??
Ohhhhh-hoho, mine was a detox........this pit offered no meetings....no speakers, and basically just hit ya with some methadone.....ya got four days and out ya went.

To start I had my girl Tres drop me off dutifly at an early hour on a Sunday.....did my last bag right before we left.......never go to detox sick......sat in the waiting area for three hours.......more and more people came in.....those not hip to the long Sunday wait......this chick emerged and I kid you not says "FOLLOW ME"......like ducks we were like following her......and she talks while she walks saying out loud......."How many bags do you do?", "How many for you?".........well ya know how ya answer ya make it way higher in case your 'done will be given in accordance to a hefty habit........so she asks again to a guy and he says "NONE. I don't do heroin".....she says "Then leave cause you won't withdrawl".......he goes "Lady I drank a fifth of vodka just six hours ago and two fifths a day for weeks"........"LEAVE this ain't no alchol treatment".

So, he's mad and still coming along when the pharamceutical pusher hears and says "Hey, he can go into seizures".......O.K. you can come along.......as we follow she says "I gotta get me my ketchup"........here's a pack of heroin addicts and an alcoholic in a kitchen with a fridge with a lock on it......she opens it and NO KETCHUP......that didn't sit well.

Finally we get intake.......urine.......questions.......one by one as she blares Al Greene........well she didn't tell us the urines had to go OUT all the way to another hospital..........no lie I waited in that joint for five hours.......AND when we finally all get called back........she calls my insuance........."That girl left a rehab AMA last week we will not pay"............WHAT???????????? I said I went back in there three days in a row and no beds........call up Suzie....and this is SUNDAY no SUZIE.......cept the name was a really uncommon one...and soon as I said it she goes "I know her. I know you ain't lying"....tells the insurance and I am in.

Now I'm last.......all my lil buddies I spent the day with.......talking one out of suicide........andother out of walking out........and another to stop asking me for ciggies cause I am stuck here for days.........It's my turn for a shower.......the intake people left and it's me and one guard........in a basement shower room....he got to stay cause I might leave...........never crossed my mind I may be set up......cause a cold shower on your getting sick skin.......BAD!

Get upstairs in the paper PJ's......and get handed a cheese sandwich......they give me more papers to sign and my cheese sandwich wrapped in plastic I lay next to me as I sign........the counselor says "Sign holding your sandwich cause someone will pick it up"...........lucky it weren't no Honeycomb cereal.

Here's your bed...........TWENTY beds in one room........this place is ancient.....all these chicks in the dark look up........eyeballing my cheese sandwich no doubt...........I figure ain't nobody look sick so this is good....and where's my methadone anyway........got many different instruction from "Go down to that b*tch and demand it" to "OH they're cool they'll call ya"....which they did..........pretty quick........it was all about methadone, ciggies, and Honeycomb.........oh and who would NEVER sell their body.......stupid thing to say when like 17 other women in this room do......I kept my mouth shut

Next thing I know it's a toss......HUH.........OUT........they're looking for soap....those big liquid soap bags........that go in a dispenser.......d*mn if some chick ain't had three of them hidden.......for home I guess.......quiet......honeycomb time.........another toss.......all line up as someone stole a counselors diabetic testing machine........now we're all punished........no smoke this round.

Only good thing is I got treated well from my boys I came in there with......Hershey Bars.......Mallow Cups........a big grap juice.......and four Pepesi's.........one guy the counselor was his neighbor and hooked him up.....and he hooked me up........I never asked.........just a present......four days and bye, bye..........we all get left go together........X amount went to cop.....and me and some little kid.......look like........."Naw, let's go"........and we did and I came home and that was that and last I saw him he was going home...we weren't walking out of there to get high.

I did however learn how you can alter paper PJ's to be stylish......some young girls spent their time doing that.......and sneaking off with guys.......ignoring the no touch rule........people are crazy........and yeah I had to sucker punch some girl.........cause well she was a real cocky, pushy, nauseating girl.......and called me a name.........so I popped her...........and once they knew why......they tossed her out and not me........cause she was doing it with some guy right at the table playing cards.......she deserved that punch!

There ya go Amity...........at least I wasn't in a tent like M&M's daughter.

Oh too I adamantly refused whatever science project they were doing.......they get ya sick......and say this is a good study and will help up the road for all heroin addicts.......and we'll give ya gift certs for K-Mart.......are you kidding me?
I'm in here to kick a drug..........ain't needing another one.......and I am not a guinea pig.........they were mad.......too bad........one person told me it's some like super duper liquid that the government used to keep track of all addicts.
She's clean now sixty days and at a meeting right now. Still selfish and lazy, but clean, working, and home. One day at a time...
all right--that more l ike it--you all are making me feel like the place im in is the ritz carlton or something--anway off to do my chore--thanks for making me smile--i still neeed a few more entries to award top prize for craziest tretment story--dont know if those two are beatable--but know someone haS A FEW MORE GOODIES--LOVE Y'ALL LATERS--oops--im so tired i cant even type
sending it back to the top--i will start whippin y'all