Ok Wierd Question

After being as sick as I have been, beeing given Last Rites twice and getting up after to live more,, and walking the halls of hospitals myself, seeing sick kids or people dying, and with my personal life totoally broken, I feel my life needs much greater meaning. I've made a lot of money over the years and learned material things don't really mean anything. I've known a lot of people in jail with no help. A lot of sick people with none either. I am giving serious thoughts to entering seminary to become a Catholic Priest. I am a pretty emotional guy and have cried many times over. I've thought about this for years and now seems to be my chance. Should I have my head examined? I spent 25 years around Jesuits and now may become one. Or are my emotions just out of check. I'm looking for some kind of sign.
I think if you have been thinking about doing this for years you definitly have a calling.Maybe talk it out with a preist and pray on it and see if you still feel the same afterward.I dont think its crazy at all. Let me know how you make out.Tracey
Danny, I gotta get to work, but I've definitely gotta respond to your post. I'll think about it through out the day.

My immediate gut reaction

1. It makes total sense & is the greatest idea in the world


2. It is a terrible decision & I think you have lost your mind.

As you can see, I don't know if there is an easy answer, but I'd sure like to discuss it. Where are you at personally with your faith & your relationship to & beliefs in G-d.

One thing I know for sure, we humans sure could use some good people with connections to the Big Man. Maybe you could straighten a few things out for us.

Seriously though, I think it is a great thing to consider & contemplate, because whatever you do after an honest commited consideration, I think your life will be better & youll know yourself & have a good vision for the future just from your consideration.

I've missed your posting & your humor.

Who knows, maybe you could even get a title like "The Carnival Priest" or "The _________________(something about humor) Priest. I think the kids could sure use you (no stupid inappropriate jokes please, i think the Catholics have taken way too much heat on that already)
Hi Danny,
Well I read what you wrote and I am kinda with Browndog on this. But I think that maybe you need to find a balance.....a way in which you feel like your are doing something good with your life, and a way to live it on your end to the fullest. Could it be time for a change for you. You seem from what you write that you maybe give way more than you get back, and don't ask or expect to much because some around you tend to take, not knowing how to give.....
Look at it all from the outside, find something you know will make you happy, no matter what it is and go and have some fun and enjoy things.....I know about that being sick sh*it and wondering what the future will hold, but you know that you could just as easily be hit by a bus tomorrow.....or could live 50 more years and missed out on life cause you worried it away or asked to many questions that had no answers.....
One day at a time, each day holding great potential....everyone what we make of it....
You take care....
danny i'm done goofin around on the morning thread,just wondering what brought this about?i think if thats what god has called you to do and you feel that burning desire absoulty do it,but believe me when i tell you it's alot of work and pressure you are basically be the one that people are going to come to in a time of crisses and want anweisers,you know danny you don't have to be a cathloic priest to fall in god's grace,there is many more jobs in the christan faith that has just as many rewards.................vinny
Good move,

Just make sure you r ready. But God Bless u for wanting to help others in more ways than one.

I have missed you buddy. Glad to hear your still with us. As for the question ONLY you can decide. Follow you heart on this one. You would be great at anything you put your mind to.
Love Rae
Follow your heart because thats where God lives. Love you, Roe xo
Hiya Danny pleased your ok hun. As what do you do hum i think that everyone of us is seeking that peace of mind factor in our lives and if thats how you can achive your place in life then boy are you lucky. the way i see it is that a postion like that in life is not an option its more of a calling if it feels right then do it bud what do you have to lose?. jackie xxxxxxxxx
Its obvious your searching for spiritual enlightenment and I can only pray you find it....God is stiring your heart buddy........please forgive my nievite but I thought a Catholic preist had to be celebate (and a virgin)?
Hiya Paul nice to see ya around jackie xxxxxxxxx
Danny, I repeat what everyone else said, and they brought up some great points. I always thought it was great when people get their calling. There are only a select few that get that. I think it is great that you are wanting to help people more too. Have you explored all of your options or is this something you always wanted to do? Maybe you should go to your church, and talk to your priest? I am sure he can help you. Good luck to you, and god bless, Kim
Hey there! I don't know everything about you except for what I have read here! I also want to say God BLess You for even having the courage to step out and be so kind and truely want to help others. I'm not sure if this is the right thing for you but I can say everyone has thier calling I believe and having been given your last rights twice and seeing the sick and from what I have heard you have been thrugh so much yourself..whatever happens or what you decide you will be wonderful attribute to people of many kinds, illnesses and situations and for that we are al lucky to know you! Good Luck and let us know!

I can't give you advice...... I have no clue what to tell you on that one...

The only thing I DO know is that we addicts have a lot in common...... Are you bipolar? Most addicts are and the experts aren't sure if drug addiction causes manic depression or if a manic depressive person is more likely to get addicted to drugs....

Either way, one sign of bipolar disorder is changing your direction in life over and over again.... Not just in careers, but in many different areas in life. Someone who is bipolar will constantly either change careers or get new ideas for new careers (ex: I have switched majors in college and in the 4 years since my son was born have planned on being a nurse, a pharmaceutical rep, a marketing exec with the disability community, a real estate agent, etc), but will seldom ever follow through with these ideas....

We are constantly trying to find our place in the world and/or make the world a better place.....

Whatever you decide, you'll know you made the right decision if you just follow your heart!

danny, from one Catholic boy to another, if you are considering responding to what might be a call by God to the prieshood, then by all means act on it. inquire. pray. call your priest for a meeting, if you haven't already. there will be plenty of time for discernment before any ordination, by you and by superiors.

in the US in recent years there have been many more "late vocations" than in the recent past, meaning older persons entering the seminaries or receiving ordination.

we need good priests, and God calls good men to the priesthood. there is no vocation more worthy. and, as catholics, we should pray for the priests that we have been furnished. God bless them, they listen to all our sins and the garbage we dump on them. the least we can do is pray for them and for their faith, endurance, wisdom, strength, and all the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit.

peace be with you.