On Line Pharmacies

I wish to god I never found out I could order Hydrocodone on line in between doctor visits. My chronic pain and the fact the original doctor would not up my dosage led me to this evil.

I have my first appointment in an hour with a pain Psycologist to help with my weaning down of meds. Down to about 45-50mgs a day.

Ordering on line has done me in. Not only emotionally but oh my god, financially. I could of bought a new car.

I have created such a monster. That monster is me.

Peace to all
hey doll,
hard to think that we've all done this to ourselves, for one reason or another...
hope things work out for you...dj
Shayla, iam going to the doctor in about a hour also i found him thru this board i dont know if he will give sboxone or what? dont know anything about it
stay away from that online crap!

Actually you LED yourself to this evil. Not the doctors uping your dosage. What led you to this evil was your inability to stay at the dosage the doctor put you at, so therefore you figured out how to order the drugs online, even at 5 times the price it didn't stop you.

So. Yes the monster is you. You created it remember, not the doctors or the internet. So now fix it.
I dont know how to order online and please dont tell me! better off not knowing...
I can relate to the frustration with the online pharmacies and the messageboards that support them. It's become easier to get pills onlinethan it has to download movies. However, whoever pointed out that the blame lies within each of us is correct. Think of an alcoholic, who needs no prescription and has their poison advertised to them and available on every corner, completely legally.

I have started a taper schedule, and I intend to cancel my accounts with the various pharmacies that I've used.

Can't do that very easy in Florida now.... Yay!

You have to have a Dr f2f say you need it and then you send the online pharmacy the 'script and only then are you in business. A year ago, you could order anything by the truck loads and the FED-EX man was at your door seemingly before you hung up the phone. Devil works fast. So does all of is little worker ants.
Dear Shayla,Kiwi has a point.YES those places sell the stuff but people like us addicts are really the ones that keep those companys alive.I use to order off line too.Heck I even gave my FedX lady a birthday & Christmas card.I am very proud to say I havent had a FedX truck stop at my home in 4 mths.Not since Jan 04.
With that being said Welcome to the board.I hope you can learn alittle about the demon that has brought us all here.The very first thing I feel you need to do is really think about why you are here?If you are ready to start trying to live sober & are willing to put the work in I can promise everyone will do whatever we can to try & help.can you tell us how you got started etc???mj
What Molly said
Something about this post & many of the responses confuse me. This whole blaming issue,etc, i just don't know. If the original poster went online to get meds because her Dr. did not give her what she needed, Kysharon, to assume her Dr. was correct in letting her suffer & she should just tough it out because drs are some kind of 'mini-gods' and know what we need more then we do, even when they are wrong, is BS. I know of at least one instance without even thinking (& if i think about it i can come up with more) when a Dr. would not prescribe my wife much needed narcotic cough medicine because "he didn't believe in it." Thats crap. It's not a moral issue what to believe in- it is a recommended treatment. (BY the way, this same dr had prescribed me tusinex like it was nothing. My wife is a million miles away from being an addict. So maybe he only believed in it for people who knew how to ask for it the right way, who knows.)

At the same time I have mixed feelings toward these internet places. They are rip-offs in that they charge above street prices, etc. But my opinion is people become addicts because they become addicts. Many moons ago, when this stuff was all readily & inexpensively available without prescriptions, etc, if there was an addiction problem, it wasnt widely known &it didn't seem to interfere with grandmas or anyone elses life who got a bottle of Ol Milleys whatever (Half opium). I think the stuff should just be legally available, period. I don't need big brother telling me (& artificially inflating the price) what i can or can't take.

So the whole concept of "the evil thing" kind of confuses me. I'm not evil, & i don't really think of opiates as being "evil" or taking them in themselves as "evil." In my case, as a result of many different things (the law etc being one) my addiction has been an interference with my life. But this whole evil thing, well i think thats bs some of us tell ourselves to keep us from using.

Anyway, good liuck with your pain therapist.
or you could blame Bill Gates........
Gates is too stingy to have shared with any of us so leave him be!

Thats how the rich get richer and the poor gets poorer. It is the American way.