Hi everyone. I found this board while searching on Google how to wean off Xanax. I have been on it for 2 years. Right now I am on 2 mg a day. 1/2 in the AM, 1/2 at 4:30 and 1mg before bed. I was prescribed this medication after developing SEVERE panic attacks out of nowhere. I was having several a day, to the point where my job was affected and I couldn't drive. They have worked pretty well but- I won't lie though. Some days (many days) I've needed more than what was prescribed and I took more.
Last week I found out I was expecting and called my OB who set up an appointment for next week. I also immediately called my General Practitioner's office and let them know that I am pg and I need to come off the Xanax. ( I have been reading online and it appears to be VERY harmful to developing babies.)
My GP's office said they cannot get me in before I see the OB and to KEEP TAKING THE XANAX (??!!) and tell the OB and see what they say. Does this make any sense? I am terrified of hurting the baby. I tried to wean myself off and cut my dosage in half and had 3 days of little to no sleep, breaking out in sweats, and even more panic attacks than I ever remember having before.
My husband keeps telling me a week isnt a long time but a lot happens in a week for a developing baby. Can anyone help me please?
Welcome to the board. I don't know anything about weaning off of xanax but there will be some people on later. At the very least I would not go back up to the higher doseage. I'd rather miss some sleep than hurt the baby. If you have insurance you can go to the emergency room.
I'm not a doctor but I know there are other meds (non-narcotic) for panic attacks. I have several friends that have developed them out of the blue. I know paxil is one of them. My girlfriend was not allowed her paxil while pregnant and managed okay. Maybe you can ask your doctor about it.
Good luck and please get off of them as soon as possible. The first trimester is the most important to the babies development.
I'm not a doctor but I know there are other meds (non-narcotic) for panic attacks. I have several friends that have developed them out of the blue. I know paxil is one of them. My girlfriend was not allowed her paxil while pregnant and managed okay. Maybe you can ask your doctor about it.
Good luck and please get off of them as soon as possible. The first trimester is the most important to the babies development.
Mommy - maybe you should post on the "other prescription" category and see if you can get a few more replies...
Listen to your doctor. Don't try to wean yourself off, xanax is harmful to a developing baby but you could be doing more harm weaning yourself off too fast. Talk to your OB as soon as you can and make that appt to see your GP. Just be honest with both of them...
Good luck, and congratulations!!
Good luck, and congratulations!!
I really hope that you are able to get off of xanax soon...I can't even imagine how horrible that would be for a baby to be born addicted to that. You think your withdrawals are bad, think of the baby's! See your doc pronto. Do whatever you can to get off of everything..
This must be done very carefully and under doctors supervision, and I would suggest making some calls and finding a doctor more equipped to really deal with this, either a shrink that deals with anxiety or one that deals with addiction no matter if you are or arent an addict. This not only will help you wean safely but you will also be given tools to cope with the effects from weaning, the effects of from what you suffered as anxiety and a safe place to share what you are feeling.
I know reading what is said about being on xanax and being pregnant is scary, but not coming off right will effect the baby as well because your health will suffer. I imagine this will be a delicate balance for the best possible outcome for both you and the baby.
I wish you the best...
I know reading what is said about being on xanax and being pregnant is scary, but not coming off right will effect the baby as well because your health will suffer. I imagine this will be a delicate balance for the best possible outcome for both you and the baby.
I wish you the best...
Thanks everyone for your support. I just dont understand. i'm freaking out and neither doc seems to think this is a big deal. It's frustrating!!! Neither can see me for 1 whole week. That's one week of worrying.
I've been searching the internet and have found so much negative stuff regarding Xanax and developing babies- why arent these docs doing anything?? Everywhere I've read says that the 1st trimester is the most important and they're not taking this seriously. The OB I am going to see is supposed to be one of the best in the state- I just dont understand this.
I tried one more time to just stop. yesterday. i felt like I got hit by a truck- literally. I was sweating and freaking out. Hubby literally had to carry me to bed because my head hurt so bad i coulnt open my eyes. I just want my baby to be okay and right now, that's more important to me than whatever happens to me.
I would think that one of the docs would see me immediately but that's not the case...
I've been searching the internet and have found so much negative stuff regarding Xanax and developing babies- why arent these docs doing anything?? Everywhere I've read says that the 1st trimester is the most important and they're not taking this seriously. The OB I am going to see is supposed to be one of the best in the state- I just dont understand this.
I tried one more time to just stop. yesterday. i felt like I got hit by a truck- literally. I was sweating and freaking out. Hubby literally had to carry me to bed because my head hurt so bad i coulnt open my eyes. I just want my baby to be okay and right now, that's more important to me than whatever happens to me.
I would think that one of the docs would see me immediately but that's not the case...
I don't think it's too smart to just quit. You have to be weaned or put on something else. You could have seizures. I'm not sure though, the amount you're taking doesn't seem like much so maybe that's why the docs aren't jumping on it. When I was pregnant, I stopped everything as soon as I found out. But I wasn't on benzos. That could be dangerous. Wait for the docs to tell you what to do.
Not sure, but I think 2 mg. of xanex is a pretty hefty dose.
You can not just stop taking them. That will do harm to you, and the baby.
I would call an addictologist today and get pros involved with your taper. Why your drs. are not being more reactive is a mystery to me, too. You need a dr. on your side and it's going to be up to you to find one, soon.
Take care and congrats!
2mgs is hefty? Shows you how much I know about benzos.
2mg is by no means "a high dose" but it definitely is not a low dose either. You are trying to put your baby first, but please don't try to just stop again. That really REALLy could cause more harm than good.
Be positive. Things will work out.
Be positive. Things will work out.
LOL I am sorry! I don't know anything about them either. I was just going by what a 2 mg. would do to me, and that is knock me out.
Me too Carol...they gave me 5mgs when I got out of the hospital and man...I was so out. I hated that feeling.
It would knock most people out. but so would 1mg if they never had any before. I see a high dose as 4mg and higher... but that's just me. Everyone is different.
It would knock most people out. but so would 1mg if they never had any before. I see a high dose as 4mg and higher... but that's just me. Everyone is different.
Well, benzos are not my area at all, shouldn't have even spoken. But I do know you can not just stop taking them.....have to taper. I hope this mom gets the help she needs......soon.
I hope so too. A baby born addicted to anything is horrible. Doesn't make us horrible people, but we need to do the right thing.
I've been reading past posts from a long time ago. once in awhile people mention alternative therapies, vitamins, etc...Does anyone have any good advice on alternatives? I've got myself down to 1 mg- my appointment is next week- but I'm hating it, my family is hating it. Man- I'm a monster. And I have no idea when the side effects are going to kick in. I can be perfectly fine and then- wham- it hits me like a ton of bricks. I have this feeling of pure terror that I cant shake. I do breathing excersizes and take baths in the dark at home (this seems to help) but if it happens at work or in public- I;'m screwed. I almost dont even want to leave the house anymore even because I'm so unpredictable. I dont understand why anyone would ever be prescribed this with the side effects being so bad trying to come off or even just lower my dosage until the "expert" sees me. I was NEVER told it would be like this or I would have never started taking these in the 1st place. I have to see the doc every 2 months to get my script and he has never ever ever mentioned withdrawl side effects. Not one time. A friend of a friend told me fish oil helps detox your body naturally and will help with the effects but I cant find out the effects it has on the little one....
I wouldn't mess with any alternative herbs until you talk to your doctor. Alot of the products at vitamin stores are very medicinal and can affect you adversely. Down to 1 mg. is very good. I think everythings going to be okay. See your doctor and explain everything to them. Worry and stress is not good for the baby either. I know that alot of this is out of your control with the panic attacks but I think you'll get better with time. Ask your ob/gyn if she knows of any pregnant women who deal with anxiety/panic attacks and what they are doing to help. Maybe you can tell her that you would like to talk with another woman in your situation. Give her permission to give your phone number or email out to them. I've been called many times by mother's that have the same condition as my daughter.
Remember, "the things which are impossible with men are possible with God".
Remember, "the things which are impossible with men are possible with God".
Honey, you're not a monster...far from it. You posted here looking for help because you care about your baby. The doc knows best about alternative care. I'm sure there are meds out there that are safe for you to take. Wait until you talk to your doc. In the meantime, keep posting here if it helps to talk.
2 more days.....So today I couldnt take any more of that "ick" feeling so I went to the drugstore and bought me some of those Sea Bands. They dont have any meds in them- some kind of acupressure. I wont say that it is a miracle cure- I wish- but it took away SOME of the nastiness I'm feeling. I didnt need my daytime meds. It was a little struggle but I pushed through. (I still had to take the night meds though- it's like everyone is saying, prolly worse for me if I stop altogether and by 7PM I had to take it because I was feeling the effects bad.) I figured I'd try the seabands cause it has to be a lot safer than the Xanax. They're usually used for motion sickness but I've been feeling motion sick..lol. I cant tell if it's the baby or dropping my dose by just a little. (Which only makes me believe even MORE strongly that I have to get off of these....) Anyways- just thought I'd post. I'm still miserable but I no longer feel like I was hit by a truck- maybe just a small SUV or something...So- I think I can handle 2 days. I got through today. Now- it's just a matter of getting through tomorrow. Thanks everyone for listening and being so encouraging.