Hey everyone. I haven't been on for 1 1/2 days. Had alot to do yesterday, last night and this morning. And now I am so beat I can bearly move or even think straight to write.
For the last 30+ days I have been using something for sleep. Xaxex, Soma, etc. Well, now it is all gone, and that's fine. I really don't like that stuff, just like to sleep. I thought by now, my sleep issues would be over. Hello, they are not. Was up to 3am and back up at 6. I am a person who has always required my 8 hours rest and can not function well on 3 hours, so I am beat and in a really bad, weak mood. This has been going on for past 2 nights and yesterday I had a very bad day dealing with the outside world, no rest and anger. Today I am a zombie.
BTW........You all crack me up. You are all on here talking and laughing and it is so fun to read. Most of you are very funny and sounding good! Some of it not so happy. Wish I could be more help to those who need it. It is so comforting to know you're always here when I get time to come by and chat. Thanks for that.
Just random thoughts of a sleep craved addict.
Ya'll have a great weekend!
Hi Tmom I feel for you lack of sleep STINKS!!!! Have you tried anything over the counter?I tried scripts for sleep but the nightmares were too too bad?mj
Oh yes, have tried Tylonol PM, took 2, nothing.
OTC sleeping pills, ditto.
Benadryl.......zip. I'm thinking about calling my GYN, who knows nothing of my addiction. But he may give me something for sleep and/or nerves which I could use for sleep. What should I ask for? Or should I just ride it out and forget about getting a pill to fix it. As if I don't already know the answer to that one.
MJ.....you are SO sweet..........(((((((((((((((((hug))))))))))))))))
Mom see if your doctor can give you something mild, I think valium is the mildest (not sure), lack of sleep sucks and makes the day tougher to get through.
Good luck
Good luck
Mom you really don't want another addiction.I know this sounds silly but how about a nice hot bath with something like lavender oil in it.maybe a health food or GNC could find something just to sooth you...mj
Ask for ambien....for two reasons
#1 I think that it is the best for helping you sleep, with no hangovers in the morning
#2 Unlike xanax or valium, you really can't take it during the day, so you don't have to worry about it controlling your life (like most of us worry about). It IS addictive in that you'll find you can't sleep w/o it, but I've been on it for 2 1/2 years and have NO effects when I run out... except for insomnia (which I had before)
#1 I think that it is the best for helping you sleep, with no hangovers in the morning
#2 Unlike xanax or valium, you really can't take it during the day, so you don't have to worry about it controlling your life (like most of us worry about). It IS addictive in that you'll find you can't sleep w/o it, but I've been on it for 2 1/2 years and have NO effects when I run out... except for insomnia (which I had before)
Danielle I have had the ambian and WOW what bad dreams it may not be like that for all but for me yes...mj
dear tmom -
xanax is an extremely difficult drug to detox from and one that should be done under the professional guidance of an addictionologist. i can tell you from personal experience. i abruptly stopped xanax and ended up at day 10 of my withdrawal going into grand mall seizures.
all of the drugs that have been mentioned in this thread...xanax, soma, ambien, valium, and yes - even benadryl have the potential for abuse. do you have an addictionologist that you can see who can help you by managing any drugs you may need?
hugs and much encouragement to you -
p.s. i don't think i have ever met anyone who died from lack of sleep while embracing recovery. there were a lot of things that i found i needed to change and breaking the cycle of thinking - quick take a pill, fix me, was a huge one.
xanax is an extremely difficult drug to detox from and one that should be done under the professional guidance of an addictionologist. i can tell you from personal experience. i abruptly stopped xanax and ended up at day 10 of my withdrawal going into grand mall seizures.
all of the drugs that have been mentioned in this thread...xanax, soma, ambien, valium, and yes - even benadryl have the potential for abuse. do you have an addictionologist that you can see who can help you by managing any drugs you may need?
hugs and much encouragement to you -
p.s. i don't think i have ever met anyone who died from lack of sleep while embracing recovery. there were a lot of things that i found i needed to change and breaking the cycle of thinking - quick take a pill, fix me, was a huge one.
I would be willing to risk the bad dreams if I was getting some rest! LOL
Thanks for the input. Guess I better call if I'm going to, it is Friday pm.
Sammy, you are so right about that one.... any time I have ANY problem, I always look for a pill to help me. That's the first thing I do.... Have a headache? Ibuprofen or hydrocodone with a soda. Can't poop? laxative Sinus problems? Sudafed Can't sleep? Ambien
Maybe that's one of my problems.... I'm too dependent on having a quick fix....
Maybe that's one of my problems.... I'm too dependent on having a quick fix....
Sammy- You are so right about the Xanax. I also quit it Ct...it was terrible..you can never do it unless under the care of a Doctor..
Danielle I think we all want the quick fix way thats why we ended up here.You made me laugh about the poop thing though..mj
I know lack of sleep won't kill me, that's why I mentioned just riding it out. LOL I would hate to be addicted to xanex after all I read on here. And hey, I'd hate to be addicted to anything else as far as that goes. The only reason I thought it would be ok to call the GYN is he is VERY conservative. Probably wouldn't give me xanex or valium anyway. Never has in times of crisis. But I was considering the ambiem. I think I'll ride out the weekend. I can rest some during the day.If nothing changes by Monday, I'll move on to plan B.
After 34 days of being clean, I just thought this would be over. Sorry to whin when there are such bigger problems on here today. Thanks for your advice everyone, as usual.
Mom- What I took for sleep when coming off Xanax was Trazadone. Only took it for a couple of weeks. But it worked. Some people don't like it but it did put me to sleep. It's an AD.
Danny, I had some trazadone for the first two weeks. Worked great. They are all gone and no hope of getting more without calling DR. I'm going to wait it out till Monday. Thanks!
Danielle is right about ambien. It works well with no hangover. It is also the least addictive of sleep aids. It does not drug you to sleep it blocks out the recepters (not sure if that is spelled right) that keep you from sleeping. I have been taking for a couple of months and can live with out it if I have to.
I think you're very wise to give it more time before substituting meds. With all due respect to those who use ambien safely, I've heard some real horror stories about people going into blackouts, etc. It can be scary stuff. And valium is also addictive, much like the xanax and soma you've been taking. But as Sammy said, almost anything can be abused....hell, I've abused Sudafed in the past w/the rationalization that it "doesn't really count." I know the sleeplessness is hard and frustrating, but if you can stick it out for a bit longer, I think you'll be really grateful that you did. Oh, and by the way, congrats on your 30+ days -- great! M.
I think you're very wise to give it more time before substituting meds. With all due respect to those who use ambien safely, I've heard some real horror stories about people going into blackouts, etc. It can be scary stuff. And valium is also addictive, much like the xanax and soma you've been taking. But as Sammy said, almost anything can be abused....hell, I've abused Sudafed in the past w/the rationalization that it "doesn't really count." I know the sleeplessness is hard and frustrating, but if you can stick it out for a bit longer, I think you'll be really grateful that you did. Oh, and by the way, congrats on your 30+ days -- great! M.
None,,,,,,,thanks for the input. Well, I couldn't "ride it out" last night. I took two 7.5 phenergan. Man, it knocked me out. Finally rested. Maybe I won't have to do that tonight. I will try for one night out of three to get real rest and the other two will have to do what comes naturally, or not.