can anyone suggest a good site that doesn't send you fake pills? I have chronic pain and would like to find a reliable site that i can count on thank you!
oh boy, not a good question for this board,
listen if you have legit pain trust me go through a DR or pain managment.You really never know what your getting from the net.And not to be rude but you do know this is a addiction RECOVERY BOARD! We are trying very hard to stop our habits not find ways to feed it
dont even go there mate!
and btw, you are going to pay through the nose online.....
<message removed>
oh I see...its a troll.
All I can say AGAIN is that this really isnt a good place to try to score.By the way d*** lick 70+days clean
who the f***in hell do you think you are!!!!!!
you are outta order mate there was no need for that............
you are outta order mate there was no need for that............
this is only a test in the event it was for real you will be directed to your nearest detox clinic and local rehab along with n/a
this is a RECOVERY site, dont you understand the concept, now NOBODY is gonna name sites for you!!! and stop being so selfish, this is a HUGE TRIGGER for some people!!!
Whenever you post its alway an argument so go ask elsewhere bt not on this board!!!
And HOW DARE you speak to Mj like that, just bugger off!!! also its illegal to order pain meds now online like Mj said if you need pill GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR!!!
this is a RECOVERY site, dont you understand the concept, now NOBODY is gonna name sites for you!!! and stop being so selfish, this is a HUGE TRIGGER for some people!!!
Whenever you post its alway an argument so go ask elsewhere bt not on this board!!!
And HOW DARE you speak to Mj like that, just bugger off!!! also its illegal to order pain meds now online like Mj said if you need pill GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR!!!
OK peeps I think the troll left to go back underground now we can get back to our peaceful morning
Lets see if I can help you to understand that what you are asking is the worst possible thing for those who grace this site. These people that you are being rude to are the most wonderful in the world. Who do not need anyone to come on and set of triggers.........Many on here right now are fighting to regain thier lives, thier health, thier sanity..........Do you not realize what a head trip your question you not realize that you could set off a trigger in someone not strong enough yet, to early in their fight and they could use that trigger as justification to go back into pill hell..........
Please leave from here unless you need help fighting an addictition....cause if you do you will find there is much insight to gain here......And many who can help you no matter how bad things are.....
Please leave from here unless you need help fighting an addictition....cause if you do you will find there is much insight to gain here......And many who can help you no matter how bad things are.....
AWW sweet tina I think Mr jerk went back to doing his jerk if you know what I mean.I think he just dialed a wrong #.Probaly thought DRUGS ARE US.....NOT US NO WAY
Here's a good site for you: The American Chronic Pain Association. If it's legitimate, I'm sure they can assist in your efforts to get pills.
Coming to a recovery site looking for that info is questionable, calling the good people here names is disgraceful. Nice people don't so that.
Coming to a recovery site looking for that info is questionable, calling the good people here names is disgraceful. Nice people don't so that.