Open The Door

the bathroom is something my husband enlighted me to. before it was o.k. to just walk in, now had to lock the door, then he started always complaining about stomach pains, always having to take a crap wherever we were and yes the running water so that i didn't have to hear him taking a crap(so considerate of him) to the point that i was going to make an appt. with the doctor because i was getting really worried about the stomach pains until he admitted to drug use and let it laying in a open bag in the closet, i to have kids and swore up and down he would never do something like that to us or the kids and at first i believed him until i caught him again. :( suprise him with his pants down
My husband burns candles in the bedroom. He says it makes the room smell better. I could always smell it when he did it. He thinks the candles cover it. It just makes me realize he is trying to hide it again.