Has anyone else had anger issues that get magnified when on opiates?
It seems to of gotten much much worse over the last several months.
I used to get a laid back happy feeling after a pill or two and now it turns to a rage with no patience and tolerance of others.
This really sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Long term use of any depressant will have that effect. I liken it to a pressure cooker. The drug (opiates in this case, but it could be any depressant) is like the stopper on the pressure cooker. The emotions are kept pushed down and bottled up and the pressure builds and builds.
Only two ways to stop this--either the pressure cooker explodes (you have a break down or go nuts) or you take the stopper off (stop using drugs) and let the pressure release over time. It takes time for the brain and the psyche to adjust after we quit the drugs and this is why support is so important. NA and AA help us learn to cope with the ensuing tsunami of emotions that erupt after we quit.
Biggest problem with drugs is after a while they stop working. At that point, we either do more trying to chase that which is already gone, or we quit and learn to live a life where we can find our highs in a more natural and healthy fashion.
Thanks for posting, ask quesitons, keep coming back.
Only two ways to stop this--either the pressure cooker explodes (you have a break down or go nuts) or you take the stopper off (stop using drugs) and let the pressure release over time. It takes time for the brain and the psyche to adjust after we quit the drugs and this is why support is so important. NA and AA help us learn to cope with the ensuing tsunami of emotions that erupt after we quit.
Biggest problem with drugs is after a while they stop working. At that point, we either do more trying to chase that which is already gone, or we quit and learn to live a life where we can find our highs in a more natural and healthy fashion.
Thanks for posting, ask quesitons, keep coming back.
Excellent description August.
I can't add to much to that.I thought I was laid back too but the reality was more like I was comatose.It does get better GTQ2 but it won't happen overnight.
I was told by my shrink to avoid anything that caused stress.Well,hell's bells! Getting out of bed caused stress.I thought that was 80 bucks down the drain.
It will get better my friend.
Congratulations on your two months.
I can't add to much to that.I thought I was laid back too but the reality was more like I was comatose.It does get better GTQ2 but it won't happen overnight.
I was told by my shrink to avoid anything that caused stress.Well,hell's bells! Getting out of bed caused stress.I thought that was 80 bucks down the drain.
It will get better my friend.
Congratulations on your two months.
I am going through Rage issues. I've never been an angry person before or during use, its now that I'm clean that its happening. It comes out of no where and I dont know how to handle it.
I need to learn how to redirect the rage. I call it this because it scares the crap out me when I'm experiencing it. I fear I may have to go to anger management, something I never thought I'd ever need.
Aug, you nailed it on the head.
I need to learn how to redirect the rage. I call it this because it scares the crap out me when I'm experiencing it. I fear I may have to go to anger management, something I never thought I'd ever need.
Aug, you nailed it on the head.
Froggy, you are right on schedule. You have laid some groundwork that can be helpful to you.
First, I really think the best thing you can do is talk about this in one of your meetings. I can write a tome about rage (I have several on file) but hearing it in a meeting will have a greater, transformative impact on you.
The solution lies in your program of recovery, and it is not too early for you to begin thinking about this.
First we have to show up at the meetings (step 1). Then we have to acknowledge that spiritual help is available to us (steps 2 and 3). Once those essential building blocks are in place, you will be positioned to really deal with your issues of rage and resentment, plus others that will come gurgling up any moment now.
Froggy, you need to start thinking about finding a sponsor. Best way to start is by talking in meetings and acknowledging a need to work the steps. I guarantee you that there is not a person in those rooms with over a year that has not gone through this, and they are PhDs in knowing how to guide you through it to the other side.
You are doing great. Hang in there, dont use, go to meetings. Raise your hand and share from the heart. Ask questions here if you want and I will do my best to give you my take on things.
First, I really think the best thing you can do is talk about this in one of your meetings. I can write a tome about rage (I have several on file) but hearing it in a meeting will have a greater, transformative impact on you.
The solution lies in your program of recovery, and it is not too early for you to begin thinking about this.
First we have to show up at the meetings (step 1). Then we have to acknowledge that spiritual help is available to us (steps 2 and 3). Once those essential building blocks are in place, you will be positioned to really deal with your issues of rage and resentment, plus others that will come gurgling up any moment now.
Froggy, you need to start thinking about finding a sponsor. Best way to start is by talking in meetings and acknowledging a need to work the steps. I guarantee you that there is not a person in those rooms with over a year that has not gone through this, and they are PhDs in knowing how to guide you through it to the other side.
You are doing great. Hang in there, dont use, go to meetings. Raise your hand and share from the heart. Ask questions here if you want and I will do my best to give you my take on things.
August...I thought about a sponsor. I've thought about those 12 steps. I just don't know if I'm ready. Apparently, so I'm told by a fellow NA friend that I"m over due, so....
I'm so excited, there is a new meeting starting tonight and I"m so happy to be able to be among the first to attend.
Supper awaits then meeting. Thanks for your ongoing wisdom August. I never tire of reading your posts.
Ribbit, ribbit
I'm so excited, there is a new meeting starting tonight and I"m so happy to be able to be among the first to attend.
Supper awaits then meeting. Thanks for your ongoing wisdom August. I never tire of reading your posts.
Ribbit, ribbit
Hillary, thinking about it is just your disease whispering in your ear. Now get to that meeting and raise your hand. Talk about why you are just thinking about the steps. Let me know how it goes. My bet is that you will be plesantly surprised.
Aug, I did speak up but not about that. I will at my home meeting on friday night.
Work awaits, have a great day.
Work awaits, have a great day.
That's so awesome H, that you spoke up in the meeting. Does that mean that you shared? Took me weeks to do that, I am so proud of you.
My sponsor became my best friend and while I probably should find another sponsor now because my current one doesn't kick my butt anymore, I love that I have that kind of relationship with someone who just gets it and knows me better than I know myself. Having a sponsor is truly a gift and not this scary thing that you have to do...
My sponsor became my best friend and while I probably should find another sponsor now because my current one doesn't kick my butt anymore, I love that I have that kind of relationship with someone who just gets it and knows me better than I know myself. Having a sponsor is truly a gift and not this scary thing that you have to do...
I shared at the very first meeting I attended. Decided to just jump right in. Did a reading too!!! Haven't shut up since!!! lol
I find my Sunday meetings very emotional though. And it carries into the evenings as anger. I don't totally understand it.
I find my Sunday meetings very emotional though. And it carries into the evenings as anger. I don't totally understand it.
...(ribbet) share about it (ribbet)...
Ok, I would love to know the first person to call me froggy...lol
lmao @ August
ok, out of my system.
lmao @ August
ok, out of my system.
In a fit of rage at the moment. I had a pissy day at work so now I'm taking it out on everyone in my sites. I want to use so bad right now. This feeling scares the living F out of me. I'm just ughhhh don't know. Its only during these times I want to use..to feel better again. I hate this so frickin much. I already vented to a friend about my day and thought I felt better...not so much now. All because my daughter asked what was for dinner!!! I'm the worlds worst mom. The award is on the way!!!! I'm here in all my F'ing glory ready to accept it because I soo deserve it!!! I'm typing a mile a minute and dont even care if i'm making any sense. If I dont do this I'll blow another gasket and well, i've already done enough damage tonight i think. I want a pill, just one little one. I know its not the solution but damn it would calm me down. But get this...I'm afraid to take a xanax but not my DOC...how f'ed up is that logic???!!?!??!?!???!?!!??!?!?!??! They are coming for me with that white jacket, i'm positive of it. And its not even Sunday..the day i'm usually like this. I want to go look under my bed for a stray pill but i won't because I'm not going to use!!!! I won't!!!! I can't!!!!
I'm not this person, i'm not. So why am I like this. Is it always going to be like this because if it is i'll be honest it doesn't seem worth it!!!!
ok, think i'm done.
*i'm not going to use, i promise you
I'm not this person, i'm not. So why am I like this. Is it always going to be like this because if it is i'll be honest it doesn't seem worth it!!!!
ok, think i'm done.
*i'm not going to use, i promise you
Good vent, h. Just wanted to let you know that I understand. One way to look at this is that if you use you will eventually be right back here again. Stay clean and you can move through it.
Given any more thought to finding that sponsor??? Having one to call would really pay off about now.
BTW I take full credit for annointing you as the Froggy one.
Hang in there.
Given any more thought to finding that sponsor??? Having one to call would really pay off about now.
BTW I take full credit for annointing you as the Froggy one.
Hang in there.
omg, I forgot I wrote that!!! I"m sorry everyone.
So, you are the one huh August??? lol
So, you are the one huh August??? lol
5+ years for me H and I still have those days. Days when my anger and frustration make absolutely no sense. Venting is good. Write it down and get it out of your head. You seem to beat yourself up pretty good when you think you aren't being anything but perfect. There is no perfect, just practice.
I had an (forgive me for spelling) epiphany on Saturday night. I was about to lose it while I was fighting with my daughter...imagine arguing with a teenager, unheard of!!! lol Anyway, I felt that familiar feeling popping up, I walked away, grabbed my ipod and went into my room (not without slamming the door mind you) and laid on my bed for 15 mins with my music....I felt the calm coming over me after a few minutes. I felt so much better doing that then losing it. And doing this before losing it takes less time to calm down then losing it THEN trying to calm down...AND I didn't have to urge to use!!!
Lisa, big hugs to you
Hilary er I mean ribbet
Lisa, big hugs to you
Hilary er I mean ribbet
I love the name Hilary so I'm not calling you ribbet. While ribbet is cute, it's just not as pretty as Hilary...
You brought back so many icky memories for me. I remember when getting clean (that hundred times or more), and having to deal with my boys. Wow, the anger that would just pop out of no where or be justified but either way, not appropriate to take out on them. I wish I had your tools and good sense back then. I would just start screaming until they all got afraid and left me alone. They like to kid me about now..think it's funny. It's not funny, it makes me cry.
You brought back so many icky memories for me. I remember when getting clean (that hundred times or more), and having to deal with my boys. Wow, the anger that would just pop out of no where or be justified but either way, not appropriate to take out on them. I wish I had your tools and good sense back then. I would just start screaming until they all got afraid and left me alone. They like to kid me about now..think it's funny. It's not funny, it makes me cry.
CGirl - were you being funny about the getting clean 100 x's?? I'm curious from the time you decided you needed to quit, that you were powerless and had no control over using drugs . .. how many relapses do you honestly think you had?
Too many to count. Seriously. I was in active addiction for 26 years and can't remember how many times I tried to stop or control it...then I went to treatment for 28 days and kept relapsing for 5 more years. Again, too many to count. It's almost like I relapsed every other day there for awhile.
Does that make sense?
Does that make sense?