Ot "growing Old"

This poem is written from a friend of my husband. This guy has helped lift my spirits so many times while my husband was in the hospital so many times. He's a real good man with so many health problems, it's sad.

This past Christmas while he was at the mall, he was on an escalator, an impatient woman asked him to move, not knowing that this guy is completely deaf so she became offended and pushed him, this guy was also damaged by the same drug that caused many problems with my husband, gentamicin, so he has no balance either to top it all off. He fell all the way down the escalor causing bruises and cuts to his head. People asked him if he wanted them to call the cops and he responded while looking at the woman, no, don't do that, consider this a xmas gift.

This is the kind of man he is, so kind and giving but recently he is struggling with depression due to so many health issues. If you can remember him in your prayers I would appreciate it, his name is Ron. Thanks, here's a poem he wrote.


When I get old, the world had best watch out
In church or the library I'll laugh and shout
When I get old I'll do just as I please
I won't cover my mouth when I cough or sneeze

I'll not use a plate, I'll eat straight from the can
If a commercial's not on, I'll just pee in a pan
I'll wear my cleanest dirty clothes kept on the floor
After seconds of ice cream I'll go back for more

I'll burp when I please or pass gas and stink
I'll use a coffee cup that spent a week in the sink
I'll leave down my zipper, now don't get mad
For all you know, I could be starting a new fad

When I get old, I can say just what I think
They'll figure they discovered the Missing Link
I'll be so messed up, I will never have to brag
Or worry about what's wrinkled or starting to sag

My head is now bald and has been so for years
You can see my hair color by looking in my ears
I still have all my teeth, over there in a cup
Growing old is mandatory, but not growing up

"You know you are growing old
when you choose your cereal for the fiber, not the toy"

This was perfect to read this morning. Tomorrow is my belly-button birthday and I was just talking to my twin sister this morning about how I am feeling old; have hit the down-slope towards 40, and comparing my outsides with everyone elses outsides. At 36 I had hoped to be married with a child or two. I had envisioned owning my home. I had envisioned a long standing career.

The fact is: I live at my parents to help me save money after 5.5 months of unemployment. I had done cancer research and clinical trials for nearly 8 years. I did accounting for 7 years and as of a few months ago, began a new career being trained as a paralegal. I am considering going to law school. I didn't get my bachelors degree until I turned 30. Guess I am a late bloomer and it has taken me awhile to figure out what career path I want to hold to. I am single. I went through an awful break-up with a boyfriend 8 months ago. I don't have any children aside from 2 cats whom are living at a friends for now because my parents cat doesn't play well with other cats. :) I've been discouraged the last week about feeling old and not following societies time-table of where I "should" be.

After talking with my sister today and her remark about choosing not to focus on growing old and looking at what I don't have...I've decided to embrace the 36 years of wisdom and growth I have gained.

Anyway, thanks again for sharing this. Perfect timing!
Hey Zipper,

Happy Birthday....

zipper, when I was 36 I only had two years of sobriety under my belt. Add that to the 15 years I had in maturity when I came in and you have a 17 year old walking around in a 36 year old body.

It takes a while to catch up I guess. Sounds to me like you have done quite a bit. Maybe God is not quite through with you just yet.

Happy birthday, you young'n. Like Eistein says, "Time: its all relative."

Thank you Liz and August!
Wow August, I finally found someone older than me!
Roe, I am older than everybody.