Ot Anyone Good With Statistics?

Usually I can conquer pretty much anything you hand to me in terms of school, but I'm TOTALLY DROWNING with stats. This is the 4th time (yes, 4th) I have tried to take it, and I still don't f***ing understand half of what's going on, 90% of the time....

Anyone out there who can help? :)

Not me, sorry, SP. I f***ing hate statistics; it's the only course I've ever failed.

What's your question? My husband is a pretty good statistician.


I don't even know what my question is..... it's like:

If a preseidential candidate is favored by 51% of all eligible voters, what is the probability that in a random sample of 100 voters, less than 49% will favor that candidate?

GAHHH... I can't wrap my brain around it. Like, how to set it up.

"Given a true probability of 51%, what is the probability of the observation of 49% or less?" I swear to you that's what he said. He's making hand gestures describing a Chi-squared distribution. It makes no sense to me and this could well be pure invention on his part.

Have you been taught how to do a Chi-squared test?

I think Michelle might know this stuff. I'm developing a migraine and I really feel for you, SP.

Rotsa ruck. I'd look online. Maybe there's a homework helper website?
I think he's right about the Chi-square thing. Blah. Thank you for helping though... and OH GOD I hope I didn't give you a migraine!!!


LMAO, No, Bridget. He stopped talking and the incipient headache went away.


Is that cheating? It's a chi-square calculator. Also Georgetown Linguistics has an excellent website with an overview of the procedure. Man, I know I'm going to have to relearn this stuff if I go back to school. (I think I was stoned a lot of the time when I flunked statistics in grad school.)

Do you have to do this alone? Perhaps put a study group together?
yeah, i'm all alone in this -- it's an online course and my last resort (and no, that web site is not cheating... even if it solves the problem, anything will help me understand this better). bleeeeeeeee :)

normally i would be hounding my friends for help, but it's just me right now :)
well, i'm hounding my friends anyway, but they have tried to forget as much about stats as possible, i think... hehehe...

thanks so much again,
I got an 'A' in statistics last year, and there is not a single thing I retained. I'm sitting here with my TI-83 trying to remember how to even set it up...nothing. Try to hook up with free tutoring from your college, I had a tutor thru all my math classes, and I never would have passed them without it.
Cynical one,

LMAO!!! Thank you. Thank you. It's not just me then. Cause I did in fact pass stats with a B the second time I took it, but I'm with Bridget on this one...

Statistics? Bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... (high-pitched whining between the ears)

Oh, you know who else might know about this? Beck/Intoodeep. She can predict the weather -- that's got to be all probabilities, right?

Gina, LMAO gotta love when they stop talking. That in itself will cure anything. Shantel
Ah, Shantel. I sense that your husband is on the s***list again. Do tell. What has he done this time?

The statistical probability that a man will piss you off in any 48 hour period is 1. Unless he's dead, then it's 0.5, LOL

P.S. Don't you love that the top three threads on the page are all OT? (AND I'M ON ALL OF THEM, lol.)

Let us redirect our focus to the main purpose of this forum: Recovery.

Kindest regards, etc.
now, if they taught statistics like that, i probably would have gotten it by now...

Well, Bridget, can we not recast your problem in those terms?

If a man is known to piss off 51% of women, then in a random polling of 100 women, what are the chances that he will piss off fewer than half of them (<49%)?

yeah. i still don't get it.


Gina, He has been in the dog house since Sat. night and I have no plans on letting him out soon. I love it when he is there just so I don't have to hear him talk. He taps on my last nerve and hopefully the oil company didn't deliver oil to the doghouse to keep him warm. Ugh men. Shantel
just so I don't have to hear him talk.

Earplugs, Shantel. LOL