Ot Court Question

Does anyone know what "calendar call" means for a court date or is that a Florida thing?
This is what it said when I looked it up online.

calendar call: n. the hearing at which a case is set for trial.

What did you do?

Ruh Roh
Me? Little Saint 12 Stepper? Nothing. It's the moron that broke into my house. I'm trying to figure out when I get to go to court and glare at the little b****** and all his buddies too. I found out today they arrested 5 of them and I only knew of one. I think the others were for possession of stolen property (mine). Do you think they'll get the chair or life?
In my State, on Monday morning, the court has calendar call and "calls" each case on the docket for the week. Counsel states whether or not they are ready for trial and if yes, how long the trial will take. The Court then schedules the cases for the upcoming week.

I think of Calendar Call as a civil matter, i.e., one involving litigants, and not one involving criminal prosecutions. However, Calendar Call usually either follows or precedes criminal arraignment, and this is probably the procedure that relates to your matter.

I would not waste your time. They will just stand and say not guilty, usually one case among hundreds. Later they will cop a plea and be back stealing your stuff by the end of the week.

BTW, I am a corporate / tax type so I really have no idea what I am talking about.


Thanks, August. They don't even have the calender call till 7-2 so I don't know what I'm worried about. The detective called me today and asked me how I knew the laptop was mine cuz I said it was black and it is dark blue. I told her I knew the password and no one else did. Duh. Good thing the cop watched me use the password. I guess I should dig out the receipts just in case. I want to slap the crap out of all 5 of them. I'm so grateful my addiction didn't drive me to burglary. I hate jail.
you are lucky that they found it. Usually that kind of property is never recovered.

Kat, watching the criminal justice system at work is really frustrating. You will rarely encounter that single cathartic moment when you feel justice has been served. It is hard to let it go, I know, but it can drive you crazy watching how slowly the wheels grind.

Having said that, the punks that did this will get what is coming to them. Maybe on this charge, maybe not, but they will get what is coming to them.

In the meantime, the fact that the police recovered stolen property means they are probably looking at some fairly substantial consequences.
