nevermind,i got it,thanks~KIM
how is the sub wd's going for you??
how is the sub wd's going for you??
Hey Jewls,im a little tired and achy this morning,but nothing i cant handle.This is actually my first day with out a few crumbs to tide me over so...this is it!!!!
for asking youre a sweetheart!~KIM

Keep us posted as to how you are feeling ok? Hopefully it will be very little w/d's that nice hot showers and the sun shining on your face will help with.
Much love and laughter to you, you're in my prayers, Jan
Keep us posted as to how you are feeling ok? Hopefully it will be very little w/d's that nice hot showers and the sun shining on your face will help with.
Much love and laughter to you, you're in my prayers, Jan