She probably saw face painting and decided she could do as well.....and she did!! Loved the pictures and am so glad we didn't get the snow here in New York state. We're over 2 feet behind this year. It's been great. It sure is pretty though and I'll bet you're kids are loving it!! Happy sleigh riding. Back in the day, we used to go with all 5 kids on a toboggan. What fun!
yeah the snow was nice, but it didn't last long. I live in Arizona and it hardly snows here, we were lucky too get what snow we got. The snow is practucally all gone today. Its funny because no one thinks it snows in AZ, but it does.
As for my daughter, she likes to put one makeup. I don't know why she thought it was ok to put marker on her face, but I thought it was kinda funny, lol.
thanks stephy for sharing those pictures! i love the icicle picture! cool! those pictures are nice to have as it rarely snows there. how long did it last? what were the temperatures? alyssa is darling and a real handful huh? and the powered sugar on teddy!!! lol!!! she is gonna love helping you woth the new baby, she probably will be jealous too. my son was, my first son had been the center of my entire world and it was funny when i think of what he tried to do to his brother (not funny then) i look ed in the bassinet and my baby had pink baby magic lotion squirted all over him, childrens books and stuffed animals galore thrown put into the bassinet. same thing thru out their growing up years and i think its cuz they are so opposite from one another. type in chinese gender chart and you can figure out the sex of your child. i dont know how accurate they are but it guessed my childs gender corecctly, let me know what the chart says ok? have a great day love julie
I just did the chinese gender chart and it said I was having a girl. I really hope i do, but I will be happy with whatever I get.
I thought the icicles were really cool too. There was 2 sets of them. The snow didn't last long, It snowed for a day and there is still a little snow in places the sun doesn't hit. My grandmas house still has a lot of snow on one side. I think I might go and play in it. I was so excited for the snow because it hardly ever snows here. We actually had a snow day because of it and I had to drive 30 miles to go see a nuerologist. The roads were icy and people were getting stuck. I got stuck too and my wheels were spinning, but I was barely moving so I put it in the lowest gear and took off slowly and that seemed to do the trick. I think most people got stuck because they were trying to take off too fast.
it said a girl???? i think it is pretty accurate, go back and do your 3 children and see if it is right. man i wished they had all those cool things to go to computer wise when i was pregnant. my husbands daughter showed me a print out of the babys development day by day, i guess you would type in baby calendar? it tells you what is developing inside of you by the day. try that one too and tell me whats happening today inside of you.
Jewls, well I don't know exactly how pregnant I am, but I can pretty much guess the month it was conceived, but when I find out then I am definetly going to see what is happening inside me and I am going to show my son too because I think it is really neat the way a baby forms.
Goos morning Thumper...are you gonna call me today? I feel much better today then I did last night and thank you for calling me last night because I really wanted to talk to you. I was having a pretty off day, so your intuitions were right. There was something wrong with me, I just don't know what.
Well my brother is impatiently wating for me to get off his computer, so call me when you ya.