Ot -- Rachel


You probably don't even remember this, but a couple of years ago you told me that you and some other folks in your group do a lot of knitting, and I asked for your address so I could send you some of my handspun wool. Obviously I sent it to the wrong address because the box came back pretty beaten up months later and with an agricultural inspection stamp on it (I guess the dogs sniffed out a sheepy smell?) Anyway, I still have it and lots more yarn, if you are still interested.


If you would email me your mailing address, this time I'll send it UPS rather than USPS.

Of course, it's being LA, maybe the fad for knitting has passed and it's fine if you no longer have a use for it. I'm such a procrastinator.


You are so sweet! It popped into my head tonight how we had spoke about that. I thought you just forgot. I would still love it and will forward my address to you, again. Thanks you for making me smile.


Isn't it uncanny the way it popped into both our minds at the same time after this long? When the package was gone four months in lost letter limbo and I didn't hear from you -- well, to be honest around that time we both got caught on two sides of some board tempest which in retrospect seems just inane. Long story short... the box came back and I thought you had sent it back and it wasn't till months later that I opened it and found the agricultural dept. letter inside, and realized what had really happened.

I'm really sorry. Of course it should have been obvious to me that you would never be guilty of that sort of pettishness (as I clearly am, LOL).

So this time, I'll email you when I send it, with a tracking number, and I'll only send commercially-washed wool that I have spun. When I wash fleece by hand, I think it's lovely because the lanolin stays in and makes the final product water-repellent but clearly it upsets the bomb-sniffing, sheep-sniffing dogs.

I hope that whatever was making you think you might start spinning out last night was banished by a hot bath, a warm fire, and possibly a spot of shopping at Fred Segal.



I think you are onto something, a trip to Fred Segal is always a welcome remedy! I have to get up to UCLA this morning but just popped on here and saw this thread. Did you hear we had snow in Malibu yesterday? It's shocking for us. Thanks for the message. I love reading your words. Your writing is soothing to me to read.

Hey Stranger....where have you been hiding? I miss you posting. I hope all is well with you and your family...............Love, S

It snowed in Malibu? Jesus Christ, the world must be coming to an end. There must have been accidents all the way over into the valley. (Though I'm imagining snow on our house in Topanga and that would be magical).

Buy yourself something special today because you are worth it. Shoes are the apparel world's comfort food. Buy two pair. Three if there's a sale on.

Hey Sharonn,

I'm getting out of a failing marriage but I think that means things are getting better. That's what Kat tells me anyway, and she's never led me astray.

How are you doing?

Morning Ladies...
I don't want to be rude and interrupt....I heard that on the news this morning, Rachel, snow in Malibu....I also heard the grapevine is shut down due to snow which makes my job more challanging....

Keep warm, girlie and be careful out there....it's freezing up North here too and the heating business is absolutely going nuts right now...

Have a nice day girls...

ps...tell Geri I say hi and she's in my prayers...
Gina..you will come out of the divorce fine if not better..we all mis your wit here...I am glad you are staying strong...embracing your inner lesbian lol...Love, S...As for me...back on the road to opiate free living..tapering down(again) after 6 months of "pain management"...yeah...that's the ticket... for an addict....puh-leeze....I will also be ok. Love you