Yesterday the owner of the shop called me (I was home sick) and told me that one of the other girls came to her and told her that another stylist (who also happens to be a very good friend for over 30 years) broke into my locked drawer and used my products. Expensive products. This gal is notorious for not buying her own stuff and then using whoever's isn't at work that day. I never thought she would do it to me.
So, now I'm trying to decide if I need to say anything or let it go. She called here 4 times yesterday, I'm sure to see how I was, and I couldn't answer the phone, I was too mad. I have to work with her today.
By the way...I thought it would take a lot of effort to get my drawer opened, but apparently I forgot about the part where you can just take the drawer above it, out and walllaaa...there it is. Duh.
Stuff like this is a trigger for me.
awwww that stinks!
i would confront her.
"did u break into my stuff ?" if it pissed u off so much, how can u just let it go?
good question, by the way - but i'd confront her.
i would confront her.
"did u break into my stuff ?" if it pissed u off so much, how can u just let it go?
good question, by the way - but i'd confront her.
First of all...............Good Morning!
I would be very cautious on how you approach this because it sounds like you spend quite alot of time around this person.
Would it be possible for you to open your drawer while she is around you, and say "Who in the world would get in this without asking?" Maybe not flat out accuse her, but let her know it did upset you. She should of asked before ever getting into your things.
This time I would go the suttle route, But it if happens again, I would confront her head on for sure.
Just by you saying something, She should feel guilty.
People need to respect others property, she needs to know this.
Hope it works out for you.
First of all...............Good Morning!
I would be very cautious on how you approach this because it sounds like you spend quite alot of time around this person.
Would it be possible for you to open your drawer while she is around you, and say "Who in the world would get in this without asking?" Maybe not flat out accuse her, but let her know it did upset you. She should of asked before ever getting into your things.
This time I would go the suttle route, But it if happens again, I would confront her head on for sure.
Just by you saying something, She should feel guilty.
People need to respect others property, she needs to know this.
Hope it works out for you.
Lisa I understand being friends but what she did was disrespectful.It was an uninvite into YOUR private space.Im sure you can confront her in a mature manner & let her know friend or no friend you DONT want her going into your private space.I mean thats what I would do.If you werent friends you would say something right?....mj
If the drawer was unlocked, maybe I would overlook it, after an apology, since she is your friend, but she just pulled a breaking and entering on your drawer!
But, the fact that the drawer was locked, I don't care how easy it was to break into, is very wrong. It crosses the line between "borrowing" and stealing BIG TIME.
Definitely say something and be clear about how pissed and hurt you are. Especially if it is a trigger for cannot have that on your chest, especially now. You have too much to deal with as it is.
This is beyond rude, IMO.
Don't let it eat away at you. How will you feel when she does it again? If you wanted her in there you would have given her a key!
Try to have a good day.
But, the fact that the drawer was locked, I don't care how easy it was to break into, is very wrong. It crosses the line between "borrowing" and stealing BIG TIME.
Definitely say something and be clear about how pissed and hurt you are. Especially if it is a trigger for cannot have that on your chest, especially now. You have too much to deal with as it is.
This is beyond rude, IMO.
Don't let it eat away at you. How will you feel when she does it again? If you wanted her in there you would have given her a key!
Try to have a good day.
Do something? 30 yr friendship and she steals from you. I would demand my products back IMMEDIATLY and an explanation. Friends do not steal from one another.
lisa how is the non smoking go. If you can quit? That would be awesome.
Pullin for ya.
lisa how is the non smoking go. If you can quit? That would be awesome.
Pullin for ya.
BTW I just want to add you know that if you dont confort or deal with this its just going to build & build & really why add that extra stress to yourself.Good Luck....mj
CG--Just a thought. Why don't you confide in her. Tell her that you heard that someone was using other stylist product and you know she would never do it ask who she thinks it was. Go on and on about the cost and how it really hurt you this month and you don't know if you can afford more. To have her realise how it hurts you personally and second that you trusted her could get to her . That is my passive aggresive side.
The other side I hate confrontation so I would probably better secure my product and just let it slide.
How irritating, thiefs suck.
The other side I hate confrontation so I would probably better secure my product and just let it slide.
How irritating, thiefs suck.
just coming from hairdresser to hairdresser and having been where you have once, knowing the chick is prone to this type of behavior, i say either next time take your stuff home with you, or learn to share. you know how hairdressers play, there is always AT LEAST ONE if not 4. at least in my experience. so next time use her stuff. she has to have some product she keeps, or something else, like eat her lunch or something.
just coming from hairdresser to hairdresser and having been where you have once, knowing the chick is prone to this type of behavior, i say either next time take your stuff home with you, or learn to share. you know how hairdressers play, there is always AT LEAST ONE if not 4. at least in my experience. so next time use her stuff. she has to have some product she keeps, or something else, like eat her lunch or something.
The reason I asked for y'all's opinions is because I tend to over react and then make the situation worse because we all know how sublte I can
It is beyond rude and the more I think about it, the madder I get.
I have to really think this through before I head to work today...I still don't feel good, so I'm not looking forward to a confrontation.
Thank you's nice to know that I'm not out of line with my feelings.
It is beyond rude and the more I think about it, the madder I get.
I have to really think this through before I head to work today...I still don't feel good, so I'm not looking forward to a confrontation.
Thank you's nice to know that I'm not out of line with my feelings.
Lisa...that sucks but I think you need to clear the air
with her..Tell her how you feel..I would pull her aside
and ask her straight up..what the hell were you thinking..
Those were my products, in a locked drawer..Please
replace what you have takin, and back
with her..Tell her how you feel..I would pull her aside
and ask her straight up..what the hell were you thinking..
Those were my products, in a locked drawer..Please
replace what you have takin, and back
Did she use some of the product, and put it back....... or take all of it?
Either way it is stealing, I know Just Curious?
Either way it is stealing, I know Just Curious?
I kinda agree with Javagirl,thats just the way i am.Unconfronational.I would be subtle about it,open the drawer when shes near by,make the comment,maybe even coem right out and ask her while shes standing there.If shes your firend and you need to work with her everyday i wouldnt come right in confrontational about it all.But i would definitley point out how expensive the stuff is and you cant afford to supply others with your products. Its a tough situation and i dont envy you,and i dont blame you for being mad,i would be too.Good lcuk~KIM
oh and ps. cowgirl, let us not forget how much hairdressers live for drama, sounds like the tattle tell was low on drama yeterday or whenever. but thats just me, i remember those days very well.
Lisa thats why I feel you should just face it & deal.If you keep thinking & letting it build it will get alittle out of hand.Think (before work)why it upset you & say as much to her.You know youll feel better for doing it...mj
LMAO Terrianne! Eat her lunch. Thanks for the laugh...
You're right, there's always 1 if not 4.
The problem is, she doesn't have any "stuff". I'm talking about perms and color. I use an expensive color line (Goldwell and Blazings) and she just happens to also..except she never has any.
So, the general consences is that I need to get this off my chest.
Yuck..I really do hate confrontations.
You're right, there's always 1 if not 4.
The problem is, she doesn't have any "stuff". I'm talking about perms and color. I use an expensive color line (Goldwell and Blazings) and she just happens to also..except she never has any.
So, the general consences is that I need to get this off my chest.
Yuck..I really do hate confrontations.
I think the tattle tale was sick and tired of her stuff being taken as well...and knew that I would do something about it. Most of the girls in there are at least 20 years in the'ld think they would be sick of drama...For the most part the shop is wonderful and we all get along really well...
Put some bunk product where she can "borrow it" It will mess up her clients hair and she will think twice about doing it again. Just a thought -he he he (evil laugh) Let us know how it went.
oh i thought you meant basic products, i didnt know you meant colors and stuff, that is a bit different i suppose, i never had to be responsable for my own chemical products. yeah i would say something to her. you can say something to her in a non confrontational way, just let her know that you were glad you had the product so she didnt have to turn her client away and let her know what the product cost and give her a reciept, thats what i would do.
If it's going to give you a resentment, confront her. Don't play with it in your head for long (and you know you will). You could nicely ask her if she used your stuff then ask her not to do it again without asking. If she does it again, b**** slap her.
If it's going to give you a resentment, confront her. Don't play with it in your head for long (and you know you will). You could nicely ask her if she used your stuff then ask her not to do it again without asking. If she does it again, b**** slap her.