I leave the house for a moment to get a bite to eat from my boyfriends work. He works off a very busy road. About 2 blocks away from his work I notice a man slopped over in his wheelchair on the sidewalk. I was too afraid to pull over on the main road so I pulled into the nearist parking lot.
I must admit I was almost shaking at this point. I am a trained medical professional but I am no RN! Or doctor for that matter! I started yelling to the guy. Asking him if he needs help or if he is okay. No response.
I got close enough to see that he was breathing. His head was slopped over into his lap and I could see his neck move with every breath. He had no shoes on and very dirty feet. His clothes were very worn and his wheelchair looked like a part from a wheelchair.
I was too afraid at this point to shake the man. I knew he was breathing but he still would not respond to me even though I was screaming, asking him if he needed my help, from only a foot away. I called 911 right away.
I wasn't sure if this man was homeless, drunk, and/or violent so I stayed my distance away from him. Even if this man was sober I could startle him and if you have ever known anyone in a wheelchair, they are extremly strong in the arms. I didn't want to get close enough to where he could grap or hit me.
The ambulance arrived to my surprise very quickly. They sat the man up in his wheelchair and put him on the stretcher. Still no response from the man. Then a younger lady came running across the road. It was his sister or girlfriend. The parimedic seemed ticked at the girl and mentioned something about dealing with her before. He said that the man reeked of alcohol and I could tell there was drool all over him.
By this time everything was under controll. So I decided that was enough excitment for me and left. I was soooo thankful that this man was most likely only drunk and that I did not have to give him CPR. It seems so easy in class but when you are faced to face with a person who isn't breathing, it is a whole nother story. Not to mention the fact that he wasn't the cleanist looking man I have ever seen.
I always have my CPR mask with me at all times. But I had just taken my first aid kit out of my car so I had no gloves. I did not want to touch this man without gloves on. But if someones life depended on it I would and still be able to keep my self safe. So thank goodness he was just drunk and still breathing.
Just thought I would share that with all of you. LOL
Dear Lost,
Had he not been breathing, adrenaline would kick in and youy would just respond and start CPR without worrying about germs....getting over the shock of it is important though....when i was called upon to do CPR I was in such shock that when the Operator first asked me if i knew CPR..i said No...then thought why did i say that? Yes YES!! I DO know CPR....it was just a matter of getting over the shock...
In my case however it was someone close to me so, you may not have the same shock as with a stranger....
I feel sorry for the man....how terrible to have to live your life in a wheelchair with no joy, no hope, just searching for a place where you dont feel anything..
Thats so sad.
Good for you to phone 911..
Had he not been breathing, adrenaline would kick in and youy would just respond and start CPR without worrying about germs....getting over the shock of it is important though....when i was called upon to do CPR I was in such shock that when the Operator first asked me if i knew CPR..i said No...then thought why did i say that? Yes YES!! I DO know CPR....it was just a matter of getting over the shock...
In my case however it was someone close to me so, you may not have the same shock as with a stranger....
I feel sorry for the man....how terrible to have to live your life in a wheelchair with no joy, no hope, just searching for a place where you dont feel anything..
Thats so sad.
Good for you to phone 911..
Lost love
you are so sweet. I wouldn't have been able to just drive by either seeing that. It's amazing that so many people do...
You did a great thing.
you are so sweet. I wouldn't have been able to just drive by either seeing that. It's amazing that so many people do...
You did a great thing.
I knew if it had to come down to it I would have given him CPR. I also had my CPR mask on me. I carry it every where I go. It is just scary to think about it.
I think I over heard the lady that came over say that he was in a wheelchair because he got shot in his back.
You could tell this man lead a rough life. His wheelchair was just a seat with wheels and a regualr pillow. No back rest or handles for someone else to push him and he was so dirty.
It made me feel sad. Most likely he was drunk so maybe he will end up at the hospital I work at and they will clean him up a bit, give him something to eat, and send him on his way feeling a little better.
I think I over heard the lady that came over say that he was in a wheelchair because he got shot in his back.
You could tell this man lead a rough life. His wheelchair was just a seat with wheels and a regualr pillow. No back rest or handles for someone else to push him and he was so dirty.
It made me feel sad. Most likely he was drunk so maybe he will end up at the hospital I work at and they will clean him up a bit, give him something to eat, and send him on his way feeling a little better.
After reading most of your posts on this board, I get the feeling that if push came to shove, your medical training a human spirit would kick into gear and you would do whatever you had to do.
Good reminder to keep your first aid kit with you at all times so that you have those gloves.
Good reminder to keep your first aid kit with you at all times so that you have those gloves.
Gotta sign off but wanted to say sweety that training becomes a part of us & treust me you would go into automatic mode & probaly not think just do.
I think you are an awesome human & the world needs more people like you.Have a GOOS day...mj
I think you are an awesome human & the world needs more people like you.Have a GOOS day...mj
Awww.... thank you MJ!
I just got home from work. I am sooo beat.
Hope you are having a good day.
I just got home from work. I am sooo beat.
Hope you are having a good day.