Ot Yahoo Mail

Does anyoneknow how i get the graphic and colour for my mail its not on my tool bar? i prop got rid of it lmao when i was having a blonde moment jaxxxxx
No one know?????????????????? jaxx
Sorry Jacky,

Just don't know. I'll look at it again. I don't understand what you mean about deleting it or something?
UM me not sure either hun i just looked it up and it said that i should have a sign saying graphics and colours when i post emails do you have it on yours? jaxxxxxx
I just don't know how that is possible. Maybe try re downloading it again?
Ahhhhhhhhh great idea thx for that i might try it laters gezzzzz your a smart cookie hun jaxxxxxxx
I've never noticed it Jacky...
You anint looking darling jaxxxxxxx
I'm looking at it, but I don't understand what you mean. lol..I have a tool bar on my email. What is missing on yours? I never use color or anything when I send mail so I'm just not really familiar with it.
Does that sign you're talking about come up when you send emails? I'm confused.

Do you mean stationary?
For real though, I would just re download it.
Oh Sure Jacky,

You get me going crazy now trying to figure this out then you abandon me here????? lol
lmao sorry liz had to pop off. right when you send emails there is a facility called graphic and colour it shouldbe next to the yahoo sign at top but mines gone puffffffffffffffff lol so im going to do like you suggested and download yahoo again and see what i get ummmmmmmm lol jaxxxxxx
ermmmmmmmmmmmmm nope lol it dont work i will crack this if it kills me and it prop will lmao. all i want to do is have a coloured background for my mail ????????????? jaxxxxxxx
See, that's why I was confused. I never play with that stuff. I just send the mail. lol. Good Luck Jacky. I hope you get it figured out. Did you remove the old program before re downloading the new one? Not sure if that will help. Just wondering if you actually used the old one if it is still there. Sounds good right? lol, not sure if it makes any sense though. I really don't have a clue. I'm just guessing here. Sorry.
Are you talking about when you go to compose, the toolbar that has
the cut, paste, font size , b, U, center, left, right, colors, etc.. on it is gone?

Are you on a Mac? If you are, this is what it says.

The Color & Graphics version of Compose is available for PC users on Internet Explorer 5.5 (and higher) and Mozilla FireFox. Color & Graphics is not currently available for Macintosh browsers.
Thx brooke no im not on mac ive got mill edition ive downloaded inetrnet explorer 6 but it some how wont read. anyway yes when i compose mail or reply i cant find a graphic or colour bar anywhere???? jaxxxxxxxxx