Ot~your Valentines Dinner

Whats everyone having for dinner? Are you going out? Eating in?

We are bascially snowed in,how cozy?!?!

Im baking a boneless pork roast,scalloped potatoes,and salad,with a store bought lemon mousse,cheesecake,yum!

Then we are going to have a romantic evening in bed...badabing... watching "LOST" together,yes,we are the ultimate in the romance department,lol~KIM

I have been making a roast in the crock pot all day for my family.

I ran 4.26 miles today and had a hard work-out. So I am eating a grilled chicken salad for dinner.

Your cheesecake sounds YUMMY!! Have a piece for me..

Enjoy your evening.


Kim, That sounds delicious! It's funny because we had roast pork and scalloped potatoes on Sunday!
Tonight we're having t-bones and salad and a key lime pie I just made. We went out for my Valentine's dinner last night...to a nice Mexican place, tonight's dinner is my guys "dinner".
You have a good one, and enjoy your snuggling and Lost, That is one show I am not going to get caught up in! LOL!
I'm single so it's probably going to be Pringles and Pepsi for me.
That sounds good to me Danny...LOL...

I'm married but he's busy tonight preparing the baseball field for practice tomorrow, girls are out with their friends & the little guy, Tyler is hanging out at the baseball field and I have a womens meeting tonight, so it's probably KFC for dinner but I did buy candy & leave it for them this morning when they woke up....

For me, I try not to pay to much into this holiday....have a nice evening!
I made my mother and I ...honey maple ham...mashed potatoes...green beans...and I baked an oreo cookie cheese cake this morning,so it should be ready for desert.

Have a good night you romantic ones...Heh heh heh

Danny,love them pringles,really,one of my many vices,.lol

Raoe that is awesome,dont blame you for passing on the cheesecake!Hubby and i worked out the last two days,but the Y was closed tofay because of the storm,sowe've bascially taken the day off,without much prodding,so no exercise,and yes to the cheesecake. I'll work extra hard tomorrow,i promise,lol.

Carol,i love pork roast and scalloped potatoes,we eat it once a week.

Stacey,we dont really put much effort into Valentines day either,never have.He always gets me a little something,i give him a card.We seldom go out and celbrate,but we do try and acknowledge our love for each other,at least this one day a year(and our anniversary)

Hope you all have a great night!!~KIM

PS~Kevin...trips to Hawaii and you cn bake oreo cookie cheesecazke?!?!?! I wish i were single!
We do the same for our anniversary....and our birthdays and since mine just past, I think that's why Valentines day is so low key....

Have a great evening and I hope your husband enjoys the race tomorrow...LOL...ought to be a good one!

Happy Valentines day!
Thanks Stacey.You too.

He is so excited,but cant stop talking about the Waltrip thing,all the fines,suspensions,etc....~KIM
Chicken Stir Fry and chocolate birthday cake...we celebrate a birthday not VD (gosh that looks bad...lol)
I'm eating kraft macaroni and cheese.
Yes, that's what I love about Nascar....last week it was all about Jr. & Teresa and now it's all about Michael....looks bad for him but that's what they get when they push the line cheating....

Good night Kim....
What gets me,is they didnt try to get away with it once,but twice,didnt they know they would get caught the second time also?!?!?! Like Tom(my husband says)its getting more and more like WWF all the time!~KIM

We are NOT Nascar fans, but the topic of conversation at our dinner today was Nascar, and how they are now letting Toyotas into the races. Whatever.

They had Kraft Mac and Cheese with their T-bones, Stacey. LOL I had spinach.
With the roads being nothing but ice tonight we are staying home for dinner. Hubby is cooking prime rib, a vegtable medley and potatoes. Key Lime pie for dessert. Shantel