Our Right To Not Suffer Of Be Humiliated

Just because we are recovering (or even non- recovering ) addicts does not mean that we should have to suffer pain & humiliation thru medical ignorance, but unfortunately we do. In this day and age, with all the information out there, there is no excuse.

I AM talking about something WE ALL WILL DEAL WITH (& probably have dealt with) at one time or another.

What do we tell our Dr, particularly in an emergency situation. It is definitely a catch 22 situation which we have to be careful with.

I hate relating anything about my drug past to hospials, etc. I fear misjudgement, misunderstanding & them thinking we are just there to get meds.
When they know, I hate the subtle, ignorant looks, by nurses, etc.

But caution is needed. One example of a former substance abuse not informing
her Dr. when at the hospital was very bad and a little not to smart. The dr advised her he would be using naxoline or similar for pain. She was on methadone & was afraid to tell him out of embaressment. BUT HE FOUND OUT WHEN SHE WENT INTO IMMEDIATE, SEVERE WITHDRAWELS.

Last week I got hurt pretty bad. My back below my rib cage was punctured, I broke a few ribs and wasnt sure what else. About 1/3 of my lower back and around the side was a solid, dark bruise. The pain was excrutiating, worse then any I have ever felt.

When they gave me a shot for pain at the emergency room, it did little other then take the edge off. The pain was still intractible. I was pretty much ignored. . When talking to the Dr. he said I see you have a history of substance abuse in your past. ( I think I told them at the hospitol a few years ago- or maybe one of my inlaws.) He wasnt sure what kind of script to give me for pain & I just told him I wanted darvocet (pretty ok pain killer & its not something I really like). He was also going to give me another pain shot (a few hours went by). I informed him the first did nothing.
Well , the next shot did almost nothing. <Both were demoral, but Im guessing a small dose>

THEY MUST HAVE ASSUMED I WAS TRYING TO GET HIGH, I GUESS. Who knows, maybe they thought I hurt myself on purpose- though due to the injury & the severity of it no one could reasonably believe that.

When the nurse checked me out she said something about if the pain gets bad or whatever, come back. So I said,"OK , it is bad, I'm back"

Bottom line, I was trully undermedicated for my serious pain. I'm guessing that part of that was because of my past history. And that is so wrong.

So , DO YOU LET DRS KNOW,--THE ANSWER IS, probably not unless there is an absolutely important reason to
Put yourself in the doctors place.If he knows you're an addict wouldn't you think that caution about triggering you into a relapse would be of paramount importance? My doctor and dentist both know and I've had a major dental surgery this year without any narcotics.My dentist is in AA and he won't even give me gas.

If I go into the ER it will be one of the first things I tell them.I will also take a sponsor or friend with me who knows the drill.I would rather suffer a little than be given narcotics.I busted some ribs water-skiing and they gave me Motrin for the pain.It just hurt like hell.If I got hit by a car and broke every bone in my body well of course I wouldn't turn down the drip.I still would be paranoid about leaving with anything and I sure as hell wouldn't keep them in my possesion.

This is my opinion and subjective with each addict too.I've had disastrous relapses because I thought narcotics were the only answer.Some here have no problem taking them.I do.
totally agree.
go to the bottom of the page where it says search forums and type in: "not treated fairly." it will explain what i endured for saying i was an addict. jewels
This is a tough subject. I've always been honest with my drs and dentists about my recovery, but I've always said it up front. I dont' wait for them to find out or read it in a chart. I talk openly about my recovery program and always have someone with me that understands the program I work. I've been lucky. I've gotten nothing but respect and have actually had a dr fight me to take the pills when I didn't want too. It's not the same for everyone though. One dear friend recently had some pretty severe dental work done and was honest with her dentist about it. He wouldn't give her what she needed for pain and she suffered needlessly. Because of that, she'll never tell the truth again. Dr's need to be educated about this disease so that they can properly treat people. We should NOT suffer. You don't heal as well or quickly when you are in that kind of pain. I don't know, maybe it's the way we approach it?
Put myself in the Drs position, are u kidding me, I was in intractable pain, & it was clear and it was obvious. I was not using & it was obvious. When it gets to the bottom line, the Doctor is a doctor, not a cop. He had an obligation to believe me----

But looking at it from another point of view, even if I was using (for the sake of argument) SO WHAT. I was in pain, serious pain. Our society gives docters the magical right to give these substances, but they are not supposed to be the high priest of the war on drugs. They h ave an obligation to the patient and his well being. Not some hypocritical false moral which says that it would be an absolutely terrible thing if this guy tricked me and got a little high. Better I let 10 people suffer in legitimate pain, then risk the possibility of that.

Put myself in his position, HAH.
You never lie to your doctor or your lawyer.

LOL..yea, never lie to an atty. They would never lie to us.
You don't have to lie about the past or present, you just don't have to reveal certain information to the Medical Community. Unless a person is on medications they need to know this obviously for possible interactions.. Having said this, I have and will only reveal what Medications if any I am on and nothing more.
They do not need to know about my past.

Clearly it depends on the situation. I have been forthcoming and it bit me in the a**. Never again.
I agree, I'm done telling the ER drs that I am an addict. I had a car wreck a few years ago and they wouldn't give me anything. I mean anything. I even asked if they would give me some Toradol....no dice. So that's it, I'm tired of being frowned on by the medical profession for my past. Clearly if I'm in obvious pain I want them to care about me and prescribe according to my pain level, not my addiction. I only go to my GP, my rheumy and pain management. I signed a contract with PM that I would not go drug seeking. I can also fill my medication at one pharmacy. I've kept up my end of the bargain. I'm too damn old to get arrested, too smart to let anyone else have my meds (I keep them under lock and key bc of my stepdaughter) and I depend on my physicians to care for me as my body and pain level dictate. The day after I went to the ER I went to my GP and he gave me some Toradol. When I am in severe pain and I go to the rheumy they will also give me a shot. I'm sure bc of the contract I signed I am most likely on a watch list (not sure if they can do this, but I would think they have to protect themselves somehow). That's fine, but it's for the right reasons. I understand their need to protect their profession.

Just my opinion for my particular situation.