Yes Danny, I'm aware of this suit and of the changes that are taking place to forewarn the public and to change the way Oxy is prescribed. It's going to be an uphill battle though. What do you do with the millions of people addicted to the drug and how do you treat people who have legitimate cause for using it in the first place. It's a case of "a little too little, a little too late" for a LOT of people.
Thanks for posting.
Thanks for posting.
Danny, I read that article this morning before I went to work. Interesting reading. Shantel
I can't believe it can be prescribed for moderate pain. Oxy's are what I consider only acceptable for severe pain or terminally ill patients. Those bad boys will kick your a** and fast. I don't even like to think of my stint with them.
Maybe regulations will change, I hope so.
Maybe regulations will change, I hope so.