Oxycontin Using Boyfriend

I am concerned, my boyfriend was (or still is) addicted to Oxycontin. We broke up because of this (he did not want help or support at the time). A couple of months ago we started seeing each other again and he claimed to be clean. He did not seek in or out patient therapy but stopped cold turkey. Yesterday though, I noticed that he was sweating profusely, his pupils were like pinpoints, he kept blowing his nose, and seemed disoriented. I want to confront him but do not know if I am being paranoid. Does anyone have suggestions and are these signs of Oxycontin abuse.
Dear Sarah,
I hate to be the one to confirm your suspicions, but .....
This is one of the hardest drugs to come clean on, with or without professional help. He is using, and probably has been all along.
there is not much you can do,but whatever you do , don't become an enabler to him/for him.
With him, he wants to have his cake (you), and eat it too (oxy)
You need to take care of yourself, don't stick around and listen to his bullsh*t lies,lies,lies, and more lies.
Cut him loose. It won't be any time soon that he will be clean. Don't think you can change him, or help him get better, cause we just can't.
Let him seek out professional help on his own.
Stay strong and take good care of you.
Sorry to be blunt, but there is no sense in sugar coating this mess that he's in.

Your e-sis,

Dear Sarah,

I am a recovering oxycontin addict. My ex-husband and I became addicted to oxys in November, 1998, shortly after I gave birth to our second child. I started using just as a curiosity thing. My ex had been addicted to other painkillers since 1991, after an automobile accident. I noticed that he seemed to be in a better mood when he was high, so I wanted to try them, too. We began taking 10 mg. tablets orally, and then before we knew it, we were snorting about 800 mg. daily. This is enough to kill a 500 lb. animal, (which is what I was told by a doctor). We bacame so severly addicted that we began to illegally obtain prescriptions by stealing a blank prescription from his doctor. We then made copies of the script, and I began forging prescriptions and the doctor's signature. We used names of people we knew that had medical insurance, so it wouldn't cost that much. When we couldn't do that, my ex began stealing from his employer, and was fired. Oxycontin is extremely expensive, and EXTREMELY addictive. Needless to say, we were eventually caught. He was caught first, and was sent to jail. I was so scared. I had no more pills, and no way to get them anymore. Ultimately, I knew I had to do something, or I was going to die. I checked myself into a hospital, and my children went to live with my mother, while I withdrew in the hospital. It was the most horrible experience in my life. The shakes, sweats, anxiety, and the feeling of jumping out of my skin was so very hard and painful. After my stay ing the hospital, I turned myself in to the police, and was hauled off to jail. I spent 6 months in a recovery program after becoming addicted to methadone, which is a drug to help withdrawl symptoms, but as far as I am concerned, it's just as bad. I was on probation for 3 years, and as of right now, I have been drug free for almost 4 years. I am now remarried, with a beautiful new baby boy. I thank God for my life all the time. Your boyfriend needs help so badly. If he is still using, as I suspect he is, then his life is in danger. He needs your help and support. Maybe an intervention is an option? Tell him if he loves you, he'll get the help he needs, because you want him in your life, and that you're afraid of losing him to this drug. If he is doing anything illegal to obtain his drugs, then I beg of you to turn him in. Trust me. It would be for your own good, and DEFINATELY his. I'll pray for you. Good luck, Sarah.

Your friend,

Are you in a twelve step program? Thank you for sharing your experience, strength and hope.
hi sarah...i used to be a bigggg user of oxy....the best way to catch me all the sudden was the sweating....the pupils are a good one. the blowing the nose is a sign but its also a sign of withdrawl so thats no good. also he may be using somethin else to get through the pain of withdrawl. but the sweating and sniffin is a good bet that he used
If his pupils are pinpointed that is a sign of overdose -so is increased sweating. Look at yourself in the mirror. Look at your eyes. They do not look like that. They would not be pin pointed if he was not on an opiate. They lie. Trust me I have one too.
Yes, I believe also that he is using "something" and if you say oxys are his drug of choice then that is more than likely it. I had a hard time with them - they will grab hold of you and not let go. I already had a bad Percocet habit. Had always been scared to death of oxys. Then one day a "so called friend" turned me on to oxy. You just want more and more. Especially if you snort it because that euphoric feeling comes on so fast - but leaves faster also then you want more. Since oxys are time released pills they are not intended to be crushed or chewed (like I did and most addicts do). Also, alot of peope shoot it up their vein (like you would heroin) . Thank God I was able to come off the oxys. Only to continue my percocet habit, of which I'm at this very moment having WDs from.
And your pupils get very small when you are on oxys or even percocet -most opiates. Try to get help for your boyfriend. He will only get worse because it is a powerful drug and very addictive.
Best of luck to you,

Could you sweat from methadone? Is it mostly your head that sweats. At wits end with the lies and deception. never know when to believe. but when he just fell asleep with a lit cigarette in his hand in our bed and would have burned if my instinct didnt say go check. No wonder I cant sleep. I am too worried. And Marie thinks I am a b.... I am just totally fed up and unable to even go on a vacation with my friends because I am afraid he will kill himself an dmy cats. i will put them in dorm for pets which will traumatize them before I leave them here.
You're upset with your boyfriend and his addiction and you come here to attack us. What's up with this. If you want a fight, go wake him up.
That was a good one Sharon. I should have woken him up.