
My friend is taking Oxycontin amongst many other powerful prescription pills. I know he's addicted to other pills but just started using Oxy, I don't know how hes getting it but I think he is talking his doctor into prescribing it for him for migraines or something. Why the hell would a doctor prescribe that just for some kind of pain like that?
Welcome Jason,
What a concerned and caring friend, Welcome. There are millions of people today in America getting Oxy for many of the wrong reasons, I pray everyday now that they change the policy. It also has helped the millions that really need it. Many addicts lie to their Dr.s re: Pain or reasons. Migraines do not need Oxy prescribed, there are alot of other meds that he could try. I would see if he was honest with you and what the Dr. said. Look for mood swings, happy then very short and withdrawn. Spurts of energy and lows. And an apperance like he is not himself, goes out less, sleeps more etc. Sometime yesterday I put a website page regarding Oxy - helped me. Goodluck to you and your friend. Oxy is an awful drug for many highly addictive, there is nothing many can do when they recommend you take it everyday, you can become physically dependent I would imagine by a week. Please beware. You must be a special friend. He has to discover he has a problem himself and seek treatment. That would be the best scenario. Best Wishes