My mom has had chronic back pain for about 4 years now, she has been on a rather high dose of Oxycontin ( 240mg a day ). Recently she contracted shingles and is in a tremendous amount of pain so she has finished her meds 30 days early. Recently she has become very "stupid" to say the least, she has wandered around the house totally unaware of anything or anyone.. it seems like she is drunk. I was just wondering if this could be symptoms of withdrawal or maybe she overdosed. Thank you very much.
Hey Becca, I'm currently w/d from oxycontin and I can tell you that my mind is sharp as a tack (unfortunately). I wish I could just sleep through this. I would say from what you're describing she's overdosing. However, I have known a person who completely went "out there" when they quit pain meds so I suppose it's a possibility. In my case though, I'm completely coherent and this is after going cold turkey after injesting around the same amount per day (or more) you said your mother was taking...
Hope this helps...
Hope this helps...
well my guess is that ur mom is using whatever she can get her hands on to cover the pain or try to get the same feeling....she probably is so sick its unreal and shes taking anything just to get some feeling...thats what i used to do when i ran out..i would use anything just to go to sleep or to feel the painkiller feeling. goodluck
Your mom sounds real sick. She could use an intervention. You might want to talk to a doctor about this and you should maybe confront her with your concerns.