my friend recently began taking pills by the name of oxycotin. shes only snorting half, yet she'll have a beer with it. i know that this isnt safe. what i need to know is if she starts crushin whole ones and drinking, what are the chances of this becoming fatal. now i already know that most people are going to say "make ur friend stop! she can die!" but im looking for a straight, honest answer - of course its dangerous, but so is extacy - yet many still take it. so i just need to know exactly how dangerous it is. thank you
Snorating oxycontin is an epedemic in the town where I work. Hundreds, if not thousands of people there have a daily habit. It is pretty rare to hear of overdosing, although it is possible. If she isn't knocked out by what she's doing, she's probably a long ways from overdosing. Don't get me wrong, what she is doing is unsafe and not reccomended, but her chances of keeling over from this have to be slim. When people crush and snort or inject oxy, they are concentrating 12 hours of medicine into a single dose that mimics a heroin high. The rub for opiate abuse comes when an addiction builds up and quitting becomes next to impossible. I don't know how factual this is, but I keep hearing that only about 3% of opiate addicts are able to escape. If she is able to kick after a long term of abuse, it is only done by going through a hellish withdrawal, both pyhsically and mentally. There may be ways of getting off with medical help, but few are easy and some are controversial. Maybe you could educate youself more about oxy abuse on the net and help her understand what she's getting into. Type in "oxycontin abuse" into a search engine and get ready to read. It may help to educate your friend or it may not. I watched many people wreck their lives with oxycontin, yet went ahead and did it myself. I would kick myself, but I think I am going through enough hell by quitting cold turkey. I got through the agonizing part, but have a long recovery to deal with and will have to fight off this addiction the rest of my life. They say you have to hit bottom, but I disagree. While my life was becoming unmanageable and my happiness and zest for life went down the tubes, educating myself helped greatly. I used for 5 years, but seeing other people's struggle with opiates after 10 or 15 years of abuse, I got motivated even more to get off opiates. I hope this helps a little. Believe me, the high your friend is getting is not worth the potential for disaster. I wouldn't wish the hell I'm going through(13 days clean) on my worst enemy. Good luck and don't think bad about your friend. It can happen to anyone. Grateful.
I just put my 20 year old son in a detox center, he will be there for 5 days, then he will go to a 30 recovery program, as the divorcee of a heroin addict, not his father, I can tell you that this is a HORRIBLE addiction. This is a "legal" form of heroin and will have to be fought for the rest of his life. He has been using for a year and a half. He has been addicted for months. The first time he did it he had a seizure. I thought he would never try it again after that, especially since he is on anti - seizure medication. This didn't stop him. It wasn't until he stole thousands over dollars from our home and his fathers business. We have had him in counseling thinking he was suffering from a mental disease like bi-polar manic depression. He has made life at home unbearable, I am a nervous wreck, my nine year old daughter hates him because of his behavior. What was worse was talking to other addicts who were waiting for detox intake. One boy was there for the 7th time in as many years. Another man lost his business his wife and child, his family, this was his 15th detox!!! All of the addicts said they did not stay with follow up like narc anon or therapy. I will sell my house if that is what it takes to keep this boy clean. If I have to pay for private therapy I will. He has an addictive personality so it will be twice as hard for him. The biggest problem with what your friend is doing is the snorting or crushing, because of getting the opiates immediatly instead of over time, it doesn't take long to be addicted to opiates. The euphoria is so pure that the brain craves it. When the pills don't do it or she can't get them, she will most likely go to heroin. I am surprised that she hasn't had a seizure yet from snorting. How many grams is she doing. You need to talk to her when she is not high, if that doesn't work, find someone to intervene. I wish the hell his friend would have told me of what they suspected. He can hate them all he wants for saving his life, but eventually when he is clean he would have understood. If they had intervened, maybe they would have caught the addiction sooner. But, because of the siezure disorder nobody wanted to believe that he was putting himself at such a risk, God bless, get her help now, better she hates you for it, then you all feeling guilty at her funera.
I used to crush and snort large amounts of ocs and chase them down with a bottle of Vodka. After a couple months of that i was put in rehab. I wont lie it is a long hard road full of sickness and complications. the best thing that you can do is talk to your friend and tell her that you are there for her
I used to crush and snort large amounts of ocs and chase them down with a bottle of Vodka. After a couple months of that i was put in rehab. I wont lie it is a long hard road full of sickness and complications. the best thing that you can do is talk to your friend and tell her that you are there for her
Hi Steph,
I only took Oxycontin for 2 months and was addicted. I was only taking 1 1/2 every 6 hours but would get sick if I did not take it, then pretty soon I needed more. I am 44 years old and got my back about 4 years ago I have taken alot of pain killers but never one like the Oxycontin. I almost accidently OD when I ran out and went to the ER and got more drugs so I would not get sick, then the hell started. Please try and talk to your friend, let her know how very addictive this drug is. I work in the medical field and never thought it would happen to me. I have been in detox and was sicker then a dog, but it does pass and I thank God now cause everyday I wake up is a gift !!!
I only took Oxycontin for 2 months and was addicted. I was only taking 1 1/2 every 6 hours but would get sick if I did not take it, then pretty soon I needed more. I am 44 years old and got my back about 4 years ago I have taken alot of pain killers but never one like the Oxycontin. I almost accidently OD when I ran out and went to the ER and got more drugs so I would not get sick, then the hell started. Please try and talk to your friend, let her know how very addictive this drug is. I work in the medical field and never thought it would happen to me. I have been in detox and was sicker then a dog, but it does pass and I thank God now cause everyday I wake up is a gift !!!