Page 86

When we retire at night, we constructively review our day. Were we resentful, selfish, dishonest or afraid? Do we owe an apology? Have we kept something to ourselves which should be discussed with another person at once? Were we kind and loving toward all? What could we have done better? Were we thinking of ourselves most of the time? Or were we thinking of what we could do for others, of what we could pack into the stream of life? But we must be careful not to drift into worry, remorse or morbid reflection, for that would diminish our usefulness towards others. After making our review we ask God's forgiveness and inquire what corrective measures should be taken.

The Big Book Of Alcoholics Anonymous
Hi Rachel

Thanks for that reminder of what i SHOULD be doing - reading my literature! It seems to have fallen to the wayside lately...

"Were we thinking of ourselves most of the time?" - Lately I have been being very self centered and slipped into some crazy sense of self pity, and thats one of my hardest hurdles to overcome. But I also find that I have to look after the most important person in my life, who is me. If people cut me short or try to do me in, I need to take care of me. But I know that I tend to totally dwell on what they have done and slip back to my "poor me" side. So its kinda a war in my head:
Should I look after me, or just make other people happy and let my own contentment be put aside? I don't know. I seem to have a zillion defects and my self centeredness is just the tip of the tip of the iceberg... - sketchy stuff:-)

Hope you alright, have a fab day, angie
Thank you soooooo much, Rachel...
I did as you pointed out...step one, step two, and step three and ten today...
I am glad to know you...
Hi Rachel, and thank you. As always your serenity is shining! Take care, and I hope today brings you much happiness. You too, Kerry! Love you guys, Kat

Great post and thank you. It seems when I do what I am supposed to be doing, read the book, journal, call my sponsor, help another addict my days are so much better. It was pointed out to me to read pages 84-86 daily, years ago. When I do I am much more grounded and serene. When I have a resentment I read , "Freedom from the Bondage of Self." It's a great story and gives some great action steps, too. You're doing great. To recognize our actions and their effect on others is complete growth. Have a wonderful day.


You are a great lady and an asset to the board. I'm proud to be your friend.


Hey you. Good morning. Hope you have a great day. I wish I was serene, it comes and goes but I keep trudging that road to happy destiny, lol. Take care. It was great chatting with you!

Love to you guys,


Hey Rachel, well you trudge just fine in my book, lol. Sorry I had to be gone so much last night. My son was put on a medication that was a little too strong for him so last night was hectic. He couldn't sleep and wanted my attention alot. Normally by that time he is long gone to dream world. Tonight should be better. I cut his dosage in half. I'm crossing my fingers anyway, lol. Love, Kat
Hi Rachel,
This is a good thread. Just wanted to thank you for posting it.
Hey Kat, hope your son's meds. get evened out here and you are doing alright.
I'm off to work out the body.
Thanks Pm, I think he'll be okay. How are you? Hope to see you tonight. And btw, while you're working out, do it for me too. Love you, Kat