Paging- Mollyjean..! Are You There??

Hey, M.J. i just got back on the computer and read all the post from last night. i then saw your post about being on the computer from 8-3:30 during the week. Im not sure if your time is the same as mine but i figured it was worth a shot.

I told my fiancee about the pills i took last night.! It was even harder than the first time. I didnt want to and i feel horrible.

If your around, write back when u can. ill be around for a few.

Your friend , Chrisitna
I know your out there somewhere......Have you found this yet???
Hello friend I have alittle time you saved me from vacuming.Whats up how are you today sweety
Im glad i caught you today. I have missed talking to you. Im glad i can save you from the vacuum. I have to do the same thing later, but i cant seem to get up today.

I feel like sh** today. I was up most of the night crying to my fiancee about the whole "pill issue", and then my little 4 year old had bad nightmares and wanted to sleep with me , and then the worst.... I started my period. !!!
Its the first one since i started tappering off the meds. Normally i would be taking tons of them right now. But i cant do that . My O.B.G.Y.N. used to give me scripts of them like crazy 1 week out of the month. I know this may sound gross, but i have systes(can spell that right) on my overies and they break every month with the period, whitch calls for the worst pain in my life. I would rather be going through child birth labor right about now. I called my o.b.g.y.n last montha nd had a sit down consultation with her about the pills. I told her the problom that i was haveing and not to give me anymore when i called her for the script. SO FAR, i havent had to call. God knows that i want to though.

Hey I like the mj thing its cute.I know what you mean about the cyst,i get them too I had 1 oviary removed when I was 21 because there was a real big one,as for the period thing,me to this morning.But I call my period Walter because only a man would be that cruel.You have no idea how bad I felt for always missing your post.Would you like my email so I can at least write to you daily to see hows it going....MJ
I think that the e-mail thing would be great if you dont mind putting it on the post here.! As far as WALTER, that actually made me laugh out loud. I have a huge smile on my face right now. The cysts(thanks for spelling it for me) are not that big to have to remove them. And there is more than one , every month there has been at least three, if not more. I dont know how many are there untill they do an internal ultra sound on me. It happens like clock work every month . It sucks. This time that im broken(on my period) it is the worst yet. At least thats what i think in my head. I have never had unbearable back pain, but i have always been doped up on the pills to. Now i dont have the extra ones to take. I feel it now !!!!

Yes I know that pain only 2 well.I had read somewhere that there is a medication they give that will help shrink they or something.I go for phy therapy for a back problem and when they Zapp my back with electrodes it feels so wounderful when I have Walter>At least with labor pain it comes in waves you know this kinda pain is just one steady pain.....
There are problobly so many people reading this post and laughing or throwing up . I think its great we can talk about his kind of stuff. I think its even better that we can talk about the Pill issue togeather to. Have you herd from Jaz, (or mitzy) lately?? I know u to became good friends on here for awhile. Is that still going o.k.? I havent herd from her in a while. Every time i see her on here i write but she dosnt write back as offten as befor. I also found that page that the moderaters wrote to her. I wonder what that was all about?? I talked to her a couple of times on the phone and she mentioned some thing about it , but i never understood all of it.

To tell u the truth , im worried about her. She wrote me a post the other day and said"CALL ME RIGHT NOW" i lost her # and i couldnt, she hasnt written me back yet. I know u cant say to much about this on here, but just tell me if she is o.k. or not. That will make me feel alittle better .!! Im glad we all found each other on here.

Hi Chirstina Yes Jasmine and I talk.I think she just has way too much going on right now ya know.When you have a lot of things comming at you all at once it doesn't give you a chance to relax in between.She was on earlier and said she on her way out and will talk later.I hope shes OK too.It saddens me to hear her so lost.We all know that feeling very well.I'm sure she'll be around under neith she is stronger than even she knows
You got that right "stronger", thats a word that i havent used for myself lately. If you knew the whole story about me yo would problobly wonder why i didnt check out years ago. But thats for another time if you feel like listening.

I have to get going now, i took a motrin 800 mlg. for the cramps and back pain from the ... well you know.... and i think it is making me very tired. Im gonna try and get back on here later and see if your here. If you here from jaz, just tell her that im thinking of her and that i love her and ill try and get ahold of her later as well. Thank for all the words today. It helped keep my mind strait.


P.S im glad that we have become friends. It makes me feel like i have someone to talk to in this huge world.

Your Friend.
Oh Christina you make me smile with your kind words.I'm trying to find out how to get my email to you.I would very much like to keep talking with you and hearing your stories.I need to sign off also my girl is comming home soon and I still need to go to the store so I'll check back later ok Your Friend Mollyjean
Dear Christina
Im here christina, i just have had soooo much going on and i am so scared and confussed and lost i guess... i am sorry that i dont respond to u that much anymore, i try to.. i love you to e-mail me and I will e-mail u my number again if you like... please take care Jasmine/mitzy
Hey follow the jasmine huh?I haven't heard from her and desided to take a chance with one of my email addresses I hope she is ok