Pain Clinic

What do they do there? My surgeon wants me to go and I dint want to.

Why don't you call the pain management clinic that your surgeon recommended and ask them that question? Doesn't mean you have to go in. You're just information-gathering. Ideally, a clinic will utilize a multi-disciplinary approach with doctors board-certified in pain management, anesthesiologists, rheumatologists (sp?), psychiatrists or psychologists, etc., and perhaps offer hypnosis, bio-feedback, acupuncture.

I'm sure some places that call themselves pain clinics are simply pill mills, but you don't have to go to one of that kind.

What's going on? I take it you're still in a lot of pain?

My pain clinic entails rehabilitative services (physical therapy), massage therapy, and of course the doctors who comprehensively look at your medical history and prescribe accordingly. My doctor is very wholistic; he recommends various supplements, herbs, healthy diet, excersise, etc. , and of course he can prescribe medications as needed. He is also a licensed acupuncturist.

The physical therapy helped me the most. I was so afraid to tax my already-screaming muscles, but they really know what they doing.

Don't assume you are going to walk in and just be handed a script for narcotics. Of course, knowing you, you'd throw it back in their faces Danny! Give this place a try - if they know what they are doing, they will offer alternative treatments and really listen to your history.
Here's the link to Duke Integrative Medicine where a friend of mine works as an OB/GYN. But they also offer pain management services. Their staff list includes a massage therapist, acupuncturist, yoga therapist, physical therapist, nutritionist.


I'm sure there's a similar facility in Chicago.
Are you in pain Danny? Is that why you're being referred there?
My Husband has been going to a pain clinic for about 4 years now.. From what they tell me they try to control his pain where he is able to function.. He still has pain but at least they have it where he can function instead of where he cannot... He primarily see a nurse practioner on a monthly basis and every three months he sees the actual Dr. . They sometimes do procedures to try to help lower his pain level.. when needed... They are very strict there.. They do random drug test and he has to take his bottles each month to make sure he is taking his medication as prescribed.. They also check somehow to see what he is having filled if they were to find out that he is getting any pain medication from another source then they would dimiss him.. They also do blood test to check kidneys etc... He had to sign a contract that he cannot get pain medication from any other source, we have to inform his other dr. that he goes to the pain clinic and if there is a emergency and he has to go to the hospital they are suppose to contact this clinic if that is not possible then they can administer pain med. if need at the hospital but can not give a prescription to him... I know there are other pain clinics that are not as reputable, but this one is... Which I am glad they are.... It does help him alot..
Ya, still in pain and the doc is pushing meds hard and I asked about other means because I went this long without any and he referred me to the clinic. I have no idea what they do.
I'm not sure either Danny, but from what other's have said, sounds like they could come up with other ways of managing your pain other than narcotics. PT etc. Sending you warm thoughts today...hang in there.
You should absolutely go, Danny. Like I said, there are tons of alternative therapies other than narcotics.

NA's recommendation for addicts who have to take pain medication is to be up front with your doctor, be closely monitored,use the medication for a short of time as needed, and discuss alternatives to narcotics. I know you are not a pill head, but if you are worried, just be up front with the doctor.

Physical therapy, biofeedback, acupuncture, etc, can do wonders.