I'm trying to do some homework on detox treatments for my stepson. He is hooked on pain killers and needs help. He is fairly close to getting help, although he is just getting close to hitting rock bottom, but we are still trying to keep him afloat so I don't know if he will actually go. I have found a place that has a 7 day program that they use suboxone. Can anyone out there tell me if the success rate is pretty good, and what kind of treatment he might need after the detox?
Concerned Stepmom
hello, i hear suboxone works really well. im glad to hear that you are trying to get help for your step son. the sooner he gets help the better but he has to be willing to go all for it. about the 7 day thing though.. i would try to get a longer program.. the longer the better because theyre not out. they (people getting help) arent able to "fall off the wagon" as easily. good luck.
I am a mother of a daughter who is a drug addict. A year ago we sent her to the Caron Foundation for help. We insisted on it as she had lost a great job and and life was crumbling aroung her. At that time she did not feel that she had a big problem. 3 months later she relapsed and it has been a living hell for the last few months. She finally on her own realized that her addiction is bigger than any power she can fight on her own and begged for help. She is away right now in a rehab soon to come back home. He must want the help and realize he has a addition problem. You must be persistant in your discipline and attitude. When rock bottom hits he will want the help. There is no easy way. A lot of prayer and strength. Good Luck. Ellie
Dear Ellie,
Thank you for your reply. It is nice to chat with another mother of an addict. I am not big on going to groups to talk about my problems, so it is great to have someone to sound stuff off of, so thanks for being there.
My son said that he wanted help, so we took him to a 7 day program. On the forth day, he found out that my husband told a friend of his that he was away, and he hit the ceiling. So I think he has used that as an excuse to check out. I am waiting to call right now to see if he did. I don't know how much more we can take. If he did check out, I know he can't come back home. It is such a scary thought knowing that a loved one may be out living on the street.
I sure hope your daughter comes home better. You may have said in your email, but how long is the program that she is in? Was it a detox or was it more involved? I don't know much about the different approaches to get off of these pain pills. I hear from everyone that it will be a long road ahead after detox.
Thank you for your reply. It is nice to chat with another mother of an addict. I am not big on going to groups to talk about my problems, so it is great to have someone to sound stuff off of, so thanks for being there.
My son said that he wanted help, so we took him to a 7 day program. On the forth day, he found out that my husband told a friend of his that he was away, and he hit the ceiling. So I think he has used that as an excuse to check out. I am waiting to call right now to see if he did. I don't know how much more we can take. If he did check out, I know he can't come back home. It is such a scary thought knowing that a loved one may be out living on the street.
I sure hope your daughter comes home better. You may have said in your email, but how long is the program that she is in? Was it a detox or was it more involved? I don't know much about the different approaches to get off of these pain pills. I hear from everyone that it will be a long road ahead after detox.
My daughter is coming home on Wednesday this week. They will bring her right to the door. She is in White Deer Run. It is in Allenwood PA about 4 hours from home. There is no way to leave ther because it is in the mountains. They need to be faw away so they cannot leave. Every addict will want to escape at first. That is part of withdrawing from the meds. She is getting counselling there and is on an anti-depressant also. She has been going through a messy divorce and some other depressing things which I wasn't aware she was affected by it. He really needs to be gone from society for awhile. Reprogram his thinking as he is on there minds all the time for awhile. I am leary of her returning home but I will support her all I can As long as she stays clean and follows up with out-patient program. There are many places that will take him without insurance, you must check around/ There will be a waiting list. We were fortunate, she only had to wait for 1 week.Good luck keep me updated. Ellie
Send him to Hazelden, it's the best. Where is he buying the pills? I need to know myself, my son is addictied as well. Where are they getting them???
My brother was an addict. He recently got out of detox 2 days ago and went to a sober house to make sure when he gets out he has that will power to be strong. When I went to the sober house to check it out I was very scared for him because it was not what I expected him to have to live in for the next 6- 9 months. I left there and could not stop crying. I can't stand the thought of him being there and every time I think about it I get so upset. I want to know if these sober houses really work? Does anybody really know if those houses are safe for him? Please help me because it's making me worried.
Suboxone is a wonderful medication to detox opiate addicts. There are several good programs that use it. I would suggest that if he is willing to go to treatment that he enter a 30 day program that is medicalll managed. One of the best is La Hacienda Treatment Center in Hunt Texas. They use medical management and clinical interventions with LCDC's.
Different M.D.'s use suboxone in different ways, this medication is a combination drug that contains Naltrexone that if take any route other than oral it would throw an opiate addict into withdrawal unlike Methadone which is the most frequently used alternative. In treatment they combine the Suboxone with other medications that help with the symptoms such as bentyl for gastic cramps, clonidine for elevated blood pressure, sleep aids for the first few days, quinamn for leg cramps, and sometimes valium or Klonidine for anxiety.
The important thing is to get him into a program that last at least 30 days and at his age one that has a specility program for colligent age addicts. He needs the understanding and support of someone that can relate to special problems that this age group faces.
Again I would recommend La Hacienda Treatment Center
1-800-749-6160 info@lahacienda.com
Different M.D.'s use suboxone in different ways, this medication is a combination drug that contains Naltrexone that if take any route other than oral it would throw an opiate addict into withdrawal unlike Methadone which is the most frequently used alternative. In treatment they combine the Suboxone with other medications that help with the symptoms such as bentyl for gastic cramps, clonidine for elevated blood pressure, sleep aids for the first few days, quinamn for leg cramps, and sometimes valium or Klonidine for anxiety.
The important thing is to get him into a program that last at least 30 days and at his age one that has a specility program for colligent age addicts. He needs the understanding and support of someone that can relate to special problems that this age group faces.
Again I would recommend La Hacienda Treatment Center
1-800-749-6160 info@lahacienda.com
To Ellie,
I read your post with interest as I too have a daughter who became an oxycotin addict and I am trying to understand the disease better. She is a beautiful kind 33 yr old mother of two darling little girls. Her life became a living hell because of this addiction. She is now incarcerated for stealling and bad checks. She spent 12 weeks in a rehab facility and graduated with no problems. On the day she received her certificate of graduation she left in my car with her 3 yr old and I didn't hear from her for a week. She finally called her father to get her, she was high and almost incoherent with the baby in the car. She had everyone believing she was o.k., but obviously she wasn't ready. Make sure your daughter finds a NA or AA meeting right away to help reinforce her rehab. I realize this is brief, but I hope your experience will turn out happier than this one so far. I never thought I would see the day that i would rather see my child in jail, but I least I know she is safe. My prayers are with you.
I read your post with interest as I too have a daughter who became an oxycotin addict and I am trying to understand the disease better. She is a beautiful kind 33 yr old mother of two darling little girls. Her life became a living hell because of this addiction. She is now incarcerated for stealling and bad checks. She spent 12 weeks in a rehab facility and graduated with no problems. On the day she received her certificate of graduation she left in my car with her 3 yr old and I didn't hear from her for a week. She finally called her father to get her, she was high and almost incoherent with the baby in the car. She had everyone believing she was o.k., but obviously she wasn't ready. Make sure your daughter finds a NA or AA meeting right away to help reinforce her rehab. I realize this is brief, but I hope your experience will turn out happier than this one so far. I never thought I would see the day that i would rather see my child in jail, but I least I know she is safe. My prayers are with you.
I lost my 29 year old brother to a methadone OD last April, and one of my greatest regrets was that I don't know if he knew he was still loved. See, he had a 4-year-old boy who he was taking places that a boy has no business being, and overall making bad joices regarding his son, so he became our biggest concern because at least my brother had a choice in what he was doing, his son didn't. My goal now is to provide as much information as possible to patients and families seeking info and advice, but I'm not there yet. If anyone has any information on what works, where they look for advice, various facilities (as some have graciously provided), I'd greatly appreciate it. As for those who are looking for answers, I can only say be sure your family member knows how much you love them and that their lives are worth living. Provide support but do not enable them (advice from an extreme enabler myself!). Lots of prayers. God bless!