Pain Pill Addiction And Question

hey guys....i am new here. i am trying to quit these stupid pain pills and feel SOOOO terrible. i am on the 2nd day and want to know what to expect from here and when i should start feeling better. i was taking approx 100mgs a day (lortab usually). what do you guys recommend and i would love to here from anyone who has tried and succeeeded, or tried and failed. i just need to know what to expect. One website told me i would feel bad for a few days and another said for at least 30-60 days!!!! i almost ran to the pharmacy but decided to check into this mess i am in. Any advice? thank you anyone!
Hi there,
Welcome to the board. I am in no position to give advice as I still use, but there are many, many people on here that have alot of experience and success. You will find alot of people on here to be caring, good people, so stick around, you will get many responses soon.
Actually, I do know something about withdrawls, I've been thru them alot. Usually after the 5th day or so, the physical part does lighten up, what kind of symptoms are you having? Keep posting and don't give up because one thing is for sure, if you really want to quit, you have two days in and you don't want to have to go through those 2 days again. So congratulations, your off to a good start, and as I said, hang in, people will respond to you, people that know and have experienced far more than I have.
With warm wishes,

No one can really tell you what to expect and how long it's gonna last because everyone's different. I've been in w/d several times as well but only ever held out for a few days and then went back to using. I've found a medication called Suboxone that's helping me get clean. There's a forum here (I post on that one as well) that will give you lot's of info about the drug and where to find a doctor. Rather than give you a bunch of advice that may not apply to you, why don't you tell us what your symptoms are and what you're doing to ease them. That way we don't fill you up with unecissary info. Keep posting!

Oh! Don't listen to Briar (Roe). She thinks that just because she hasn't stopped using yet, she doesn't have any good info for you. That's BS!

Roe.....I'm in awe of you and your hubby! I wish I had someone who cared enough about me to support me the way he's supporting you. Yes, even if he gets mad!!
i feel extremely anxious--prob the worst part! i hate the nervousness! i cannot sleep, cannot eat, diarea, chills, and then hot flashes, and entire body aches. i am sure you all know the routine. but the anxiety is the worst part, i just need an idea of what to expect in following weeks. i have a husb supporting me--luckilky--and he took off work til Fri. and i am hoping that will be long enough as i have 2 babies to take care of thanks again guys..........lins
lins, Everyone is different. Some will say give it a few days and you will feel better as far as the physical withdrawls are concerned others will say it took them weeks to feel better. For me it took weeks.I did start counseling as soon as I felt up to it to help with the mental part of it. Good luck to you, Shantel
Hey Lins

Ok, so the chills and achiness. HOT BATHS! It'll help with the anxiety too. Immodium AD for the runs. Some people say melitonin for the sleeplessness. Someone mentioned Thera-Flu on here a while back. I never tried it but I thought it might help. The anxiety....I know!! I thought I was going to go completely bonkers the first week or so and I was taking Suboxone! I can imagine what you're going through. Distract yourself as much as you can. I know it's hard when you're not feeling good but the sooner you get your mind working on other things, the better. The anxiety will make all the physical symptoms worse. Are you hooked up with AA/NA yet? You've got to get some sort of support going. It doesn't have to be AA or NA but you've got to do something to help process all the changes you're going through.
I'm really glad you have your husband to help you. It'll be important for him to be educated about addiction if he's not already and it'll help you as a couple if he has some kind of support system in place as well. The decision you've made to get clean is the best one you can ever make. Keep posting and keep positive!

I've had those symptoms many times. Immodium is the best for the runs, that was rough for me, cramping stomach/runs.
Maybe keep an AA/NA book as well as a regular novel near by and read to try to settle your mind and get tired. When you need a break from thinking about addiction, pick up a novel (I like the trashy Jackie Collins ones, or Stephen King) that is fiction and has nothing to do with anything your going thru. Then when you need to, read the AA/NA stuff. Just a thought, I'm going to bed kiddo, I'll say a prayer for you.
thanks for all the support guys.. i really needed it. thhis is a terrible mess we are in. i can't imagine feeling this way much longer. i can''t even type hardly. I feel i need professional help--but everyone says docs will just put me on more drugs, or the sub thing and i don't want to do that because everyone tells me that puts them in a worse mess than before when they try to get off it and i don't want to drag this out ANY longer. Anyone have any experience with the doc thing? i can't imagine going to see a doc and trying to explain this mess, but at this point i will do about anything! i've tried quitting at least 50 times and always go back because i am scared to go out of my house or do anything. thanks for the support guys, i do not know where else to turn..........lins
Honey, you really shouldn't be afraid to go to the doctor. I don't know where you are but doctors everywhere are used to dealing with this sort of thing. We always let our fears and shame make us think that we're the only ones stupid enough to get us into a mess like this but, as you've seen here, you're not unique. I can't urge you enough to at least try Suboxone if it's an option for you. I know all about what people say but don't let that frighten you. I understand the way you feel about it "just being one more drug" but think of it this way...Any other disease or condition one has is most likely treated with medication or some sort of medical intervention, right? Addiction is no different. I can't tell you that you won't have some adverse side effects from Sub because everyone's different but in comparison, the effects of PP are just as bad or worse. Mainly because you've said your success at getting off them is not happening. With Sub you can minimize and even eliminate the w/d symptoms and give your body and mind time to heal. YOU HAVE A FIGHTING CHANCE!
If you really are against Sub, go to a Doctor anyway and they'll precsribe other meds to help you with withdrawal. Clonidine or Clonipin, sedatives and something to help with nausia and stomach stuff. But again, they are just another drug for you to take.
I did that but I've got to be honest....that stuff isn't what got me off PP. I chose the Sub because I don't have to be on it forever, it made it possible to avoid w/d and because the road is easier, it helps to KEEP me off PP.
However you choose to come off, do it under a doctors supervision. People have gone cold turkey and my hat's off to them but you'll have a much easier time of it and you'll have a much better chance of succeeding if you have help.
Just my opinion but, don't do this on your own when you don't have to. Doctors are very aware that narcotics are addictive and they're accustomed to dealing with the consequences of taking them. I'm pulling for you! Keep us posted!

Oh! You're going to ask where you can get medical attention today. Go to a walk in clinic if there is one or go to E.R.

I've been through the entire withdrawal process a couple of times (which is so stupid for me to get myself back in this condition). I am still using myself now and just found this board 2 days ago. I can tell you what I went through the last time, which is the longest I stayed clean (5 1/2 months).

I had the usual chills, runs, severe aches and pains, couldn't sleep, depressed, lightheaded and dizziness. Most of these things lasted about 2 weeks. But I still felt extremly tired, run down, still couldn't sleep, just crappy in general. I never really felt better which is why I started doing pills again. Everybody reacts differently so I don't want to make you think there is no end. I just couldn't seem to get to it........But i am trying again so keep me posted and maybe we can do this thing together.

Congratulations on trying to quit. That's a huge step
Hey Lins...welcome to the board. Hopefully you can check in often and read. Ask as many questions as you like too. It does help to talk to others who have been where you are now.

I quit cold turkey a little over 3 years ago and have been clean since. It's not easy though, you have to be willing. For me it was NA/AA, my sponsor and the people of this board that got me clean and keep me that way. I tried a million times to quit and couldn't make it stick. The difference this time? 12 step work. You have to work it.

Wd lasted three days for me, the third day being the worst and last. I woke up day four feeling great. I have no idea how long it will take for you but what if you just happened to be like me? You'd be practically finished!
Try to keep going forward and remember that it will be over soon. Before you know it you will wake up one morning feeling better than you have in ages.
Get a plan in place for staying clean.
Keep talking. Telling on your disease is a valuable tool.
Good luck.
When we get clean and work at our recovery, what we can expect is a miracle!

Way to go, Lins. Welcome to the PP forum.

Namaste' ~

thanks for the support guys...i really need it. It has only been 4 days and i still feeel so horrible. That;s why i have never been able to quit before--that horrible feeling of "never being the same" . I just feel like i will never have the energy or strength to take care of my kids and do things i was able to do while taking pills. I was like supermom! I called my insurance company to get professional help and they recommened a counselor in this area--but i think it's expensive and takes a few days to get in! I'm not real sure that i will be able to wait that long--or even if i will neeed her by then! i think they just recommend you to a doc who then gives you anti-depressants, right? I don't think i want any more meds since thats what got me here in the first place! what do you think? Kat--i hope i am like you and this only lasts a few days--how much were you doing before you quit? This is the worst feeling in the world. I am afraid i messed myself for a long time as i was taking AT LEAST 100 mgs a day-usually more. Rhonda--that is my biggest fear and that is why i always start taking pills again. I can't believe you went that long feeling bad! Did you say you were trying to quit again? a few other people told me they went weeks feeling bad too, and some say never felt right and that makes me want to run to the pharmanacy. Does anyone know what kind of anti-depressants they give you and how they help? Or am i doing worse by taking more meds and getting on something else. I really just want my sleep and energy back. thanks again...................................................Lins
kat--did you not have any depression or anything following the w/d? you just woke up one morning feeling great? Woow--give me some pointers! i now feel a little bit encouraged and able to do this. I am chugging the water and taking vitamins, as someone told me this helps.

Anyone else as lucky as Kat? Any other tips? the body aches are better and diarea gone, but still feel anxious and can't sleep.
oh--what do you think about taking welbutrin? someone told me that would help. Is that addictive?
hi i am brand new here too. I quit on friday and am feeling much better this morning. No anxiety and no more hot flashes and cold chills. Now i am just trying to figure out how to handle the cravings. Hang in there. Maybe this will be the best decision we ever made (coming to this board).

I was put on antidepressants before I quit PP. I really couldn't see that they made much of a difference and someone else has mentioned that as long as we're on PP they won't work. I knew that about alcohol but apparently it's the same for PP. Now that your off PP they might help. You'd have to ask a doc about that. I'm on Wellbutrin now and no, they aren't addictive. I wish we could all be like Kat but some are, some aren't. How many days is this for you? Gotta be at least 3, right? I'd say you're just around the corner from what I've heard. You've got to get yourself involved in some sort of support as soon as you feel up to it. Councelors are much less likely to put you on an antidepressant now than they were in the past but considering our body chemistry right now and what we're putting them through, depression is almost a given and we shouldn't feel awkward about treating it. That's up to you though. The anxiety and depression lessens with each passing day, so be assured that it doesn't last forever. You need to find a way to offset it though. There are as many ways to do that as there are people. Excersise, nutrition, counceling, AA/NA, spiritual enhancement....etc.

I wish you the best! Keep posting!

Hi angelsmom!

I hope I answered some of your questions in this post. Hang in there! You've indeed come to the right place for support and hugs!


Lins..... Yes I went that long and still felt horrible. The aches and pains and other stuff got better after bout 2 to 3 weeks, but like I said I never got any energy back, very fatiged, and i still had leg cramps often. Others say they felt better after 5 days, 2 weeks, etc. I guess my body just reacted differently. I have never felt that horrible in my life. Yes I am trying again. I could kick my butt for getting back on em after all the work I did getting off, but that's what makes me an addict I guess. This board has really made a difference this time. I have support and feedback from people who have been there and still are there. I know I'm not alone anymore and It truly helps.

I mentioned in another thread that I spent hours on here last night and I never thought of taking a pill. that was unusual for me!!!!

Hang in there. Don't do the work and mess it up like I did!!!