Pain Pills :(

I am going through a BAD time with comiing off the bad opiate drug of vicidin. :( I
Hey Jazmin,

Welcome, how much were you taking and for how long? Is this day 1 or how many? Many before you have been down this road. Do you care to share your story a little bit.
welcome to the board...........

please keep posting.......
sorry you not feeling well.......

it will get better and better every day........
dont give up......

were here for you no matter what........using or not using.
keep posting and you will learn so much.......

God bless you ......
i pray you begin to live a wonderful life in recovery free of any drugs.........

drink water and take some nice HOT baths to soak your muscles if you get restless.
and post here , there are many bright posters here that have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to recovery.......

Welcome to the board, Jazmin. I copied your post from the cafe thread so it wouldn't get lost.

Jazmin Posted: March 20, 2007, 9:58 PM

Posts: 2
Joined: March 20, 2007

Oops, I am new to this and manage to send without finishing. So, I need advise...are you all coming off on own, with docs, in detox/hospital situations???
Today was sooo bad. I went and saw an Oriental Dr for med and accupunture today. Sounds like it will help with the opiate w/drawl issue, as he placed needles in my ear. I feel so bad. How long for you guys??
Thank you!!

I think people have tried all different ways of getting clean. The important thing for long-term success is that you not do this alone. Do you see a therapist? Do you attend meetings? Does your acupuncturist know that he's treating you for addiction?

I detoxed at home, but I had a relatively light habit. How much vicodin are you on? You should feel better in a week to ten days -- the length of a bad run of the flu -- but this varies by individual.

Keep coming back.

Jazmin, where are you? We can't help if post and dash!!! I hope you are ok. Addiction sucks....but there is hope!
Jasmine ...Is that YOU.The one that was here when I first joined???