Panic Attack!!!

I don't know if I'm the only one who believes that dreams are signs of things to happen or that have happened or whatever.
My best friend has been in rehab for a little while now and he's going to AA as well. We talked at least once a week(we live in different parts of the country) sometimes more than once a week so I felt ok because I knew he was still a live and he could tell me how he was doing.
Well recently I've been having dreams about him which I shrugged off as being because I've been thinking and worrying about him, but then my dreams turned into nightmares and I haven't heard from him in a couple of weeks.
Also I had sent him some song lyrics that expressed how I felt for him better then I could have myself and the other night I was out grocery shopping and I got a strange feeling come over me and then the song started playing in the store.
I e-mailed him and told him it was important that he writes back to me, even if it's just the words "I'm alive" and I still haven't heard from him.
I know I must sound crazy and irrational but I can't help it. I don't usually have strange coincedences happen to me so when they do I notice.

On a slightly different note, the last time he and I talked we discussed the possibility of freezing his semen so that if something does happen to him I'd be able to "carry him on" so to speak. I don't really know much about it but it's something the two of us are serious about. If anyone knows anything about this process, the risks, the costs, possible doctors to contact for more info or anything I would really appreciate it if you could enlighten me on the subject.
Hi Pixel

Have you tried phoning the rehab that he is a part of? They might be able to help you or at least let you know if he is still alive (which I am sure he is).

Good luck and I hope you get word from your friend soon!
Hi Pixel, Sometimes re-habs have consequences for things like being late to a meal or not making your time can be restricted along with mail privledges and computer time so there's a chance he hasn't even recieved your letters..I would also call the re-hab and just ask...good-luck lil' momma