Paula, Frank, Betsy, Etc.

It has been SO long since we had our evening laugh fest. Anybody around tonight?

Ok, gang, I have to turn the computer over to the guys now. If you come by, sorry I missed you and hope you are all doing well. Have a nice evening!
Love, Carol
hmm... you didnt ask me... ok I understand...
Day late, Tom. How're you doing?


Me either Tom, what do we smell or something?

Hi Gina, hope things are well over there in BFE.

Hey Redd,

It's cold, but at least the sun's come out. How're you doing?

Love, Gina
all my fave peeps in one thread, i dont care if i'm invited, i been known to crash a good party, matter a fact even liven up the place, now come on redd throw on the bee gees 8 track!!!


sorry typos fresh set of nails. ) i call them my weapons heheh)

Well Hello girlies! Speak of the devil, I just responded to your post lil Missy.

How cold is cold Gina? Its cold here today too for June.


I'll supply the Bee gees, Tom can bring the Barry Manilow.


Redd, Where is here for you? It's in the low 50's if I'm making the conversion right, but no central heat or insulation.

Terri, Aren't the BeeGees a little before your time?

gina the gee gees are far before my time, i only heard about them from redd, and redd i re replaied to your thread about the spa : )

Terri, I thought you must be joking. I'm the one who grew up in the musical wasteland of the late 70's.

Redd, What's this Terri's saying about a spa? Are we all meeting at Beau Monde?


I'm here in Michigan , I live within an hour of Boo, isn't she the lucky one? Or would that be me? Anyways, its around 60 or so here today.

Oh, about the Bee gees, I was honest once and admitted to being a closet Bee gees fan and have never lived it down from a certain someone, but I won't mention any names here. Ahem.


I'll get you my pretty.

oh redd,

you can throw in a bob denver rerun hehehe

Redd, Sorry, I don't think either of you are lucky for being in the frigid Midwest, but Terri's coming to NC to live with me. She says she'll do my hair and make up for me every day, lol. So get her before she moves. Or you can move south, too.

Terri, I'm a closet DMB fan. Does this affect our friendship? lol


Please remember to never ever tell Boo anything you don't want to be reminded of later on in life, shes got a memeory like a frickin elephant!

Boo, who put a quarter in you today? You're slaughtering me over here.


Noooooo Gina,

too late, you are cooked now.

what part of North Carolina? I'm originally from Greensboro. Maybe me and Boo can both come down, my granny makes biscuits and gravy like nobodys business.


i only slaughter the ones i love the deepest. i am suprised you havent inserted your quarter yet.



yeah me and redd are always up for road trips. if we manage to keep each other alive that long hehehe

did you know miss mandy is a yooper and she called us trolls for living under the bridge, she lives near escenaba, she is sending me a pastie recipe nanny nanny boo boo

Redd, Does she remember or does she research the archives looking for dirt? It occurs to me that newcomers have such an advantage -- we know a lot about you, but you know nothing about us, relatively speaking.

Hey, I'm in Chapel Hill. I'd love to see you both sometimes.

Terri, I know I'm tired and possibly blonde, but your last post made no sense to me at all. Is it some sort of code?

Love, G