
Hello to all. I have been out here on this site for a couple of years, over on the friends/family, having been involved with an addict in the past. My heart just hurts so much over all this stuff. Well, here I am to ask a question.

A friend of mine today admitted to getting hooked on percocet. She is in tears over getting hooked. She wants out, and off them. She tried just cold quitting, but says the sweats and pain she goes through is unbearable. She almost called a Meth clinic, but was afraid of going from one addiction to another.

My question is- how medically safe is it to just lay back and quit cold turkey, with someone there with her?

Thanks for any insight.....
She won't die from cold's hard but so worth it in the end. Can you give a few more details? How much is she taking? Health issues? She really should check with her dr...get him/her involved. She'll need that support in the long run anyway.

I did it cold turkey 4 years ago and have never looked back, but did it with the support and love of my family, friends and NA/AA. When I tried to do it alone, I would always go back. For me, that was the key.
Not trying to hijack this thread......Lisa how long were you sick when you went c/t? if you don't mind me asking? (you know why I am asking)
To be honest Ang, I don't remember exactly, but it seemed like it was only a few days, like 4-7. Physically after that, I felt good, but the mental part lasted longer...a month or so. I never had a problem with sleep, it was the restless legs that was the worst. But it didn't last long and I was able to get through it with the support I talked about in my previous post. There is no easy way to go through this. You just have to set your mind and DO IT.

How are you feeling honey?
I think she said something like percocet-160's 10mg, dont know how many/day, but I'll find out. thanks.
bump- thanks
How old is your friend? Is she generally in good health?
You won't really find anyone here who hasn't experienced wd, whether attempting to get clean or because we just ran out and couldn't get anymore. There are otc meds that help. You can tell her that attitude plays a big part in how it all goes too. Flush her system as much as possible.
Blood pressure can be an issue, it tends to go up when we're in wd. So if that presents a potential problem for your friend, have her seek medical attention. It's all common sense, really, if it becomes truly unbearable, she's dehydrated or something, go to the ER.
It's typically doable, I believe.
how medically safe is it to just lay back and quit cold turkey, with someone there with her?'s safe.The exceptions would be pre-existing medical problems.W/D's can raise blood pressure.If she has the money, it would be wise to get a doctors help.He could prescribe Clonidine.

I've gone cold turkey many times alone and as you see, others have to.The second and third days were the hardest for me.You do feel like you're" fixing to croak"[not a medical term] but a lot of it is your own mind going beserk.Usually after day 3 the physical symptoms subside and the mental depression kicks in.This IMO is the most critical as far as relapse.You have two choices.You can sit at home,white knuckle it which usually fails or you can get your butt to a 12 step meeting.There you will have the support of people who have been where you're at now.

The brain controls the body.It signals panic and basically tell the body it's dying when it suddenly stops getting it's necessary opiate.Then start the sweats,diahrea,chills,etc. and all the other lovely symptoms.It tells you if you don't get a fix you're going to die.

It would be great to have a friend or family member to help, as long as they understand the process.An addict in w/d's will want some dope.
Pain pills are not much different than heroin.I think it's common to compartementalize them but an opiate is an opiate and the w/d's are the same.Strength and duration of use may factor in on the intensity.
thank you all for the info. And may each and every one have a blessed journey where-ever the road may lead....