Pets,petsmom Someone Please Fill Me In

Im wondering how pets is doing i know she was to go home today and was thinking of her.I hope everything went well ,that she is doing great,and the craveing are gone......I could wish for all that anyways...I was just thinking of her.... im really tired and will check back tomm.......if anyone can answer or have heard please fill me in...thanks crystal
She's depressed....and I do mean depressed. The place wanted her to leave on Friday instead of Saturday morning, but agreed to let her stay since she wass being picked up. They wouldn't help her to get appointments other than giving her lists. Good thing Wanderer is around. She helped Pets to make 2 appts. this week. Then she got to the drug store with the script and they told her the prescription wouldn't be covered by her insurance until she had a regular doctor following her. She only had enough money to buy enough for the weekend. We'll send her some to tide her over...lbut it's obstacles, obstacles all the way and it's what she doesn't need now. She also doesn't sound well enough to go back to work, but if she doesn't, no money. Thanks for your concern. I can't ask her about anything. She won't let me. She's tired of answering questions.
Gosh I am so sorry to hear this.I know we started these problems ourselves but why must they make it so hard for us to try & get better?I dont know if it will mean much but PLEASE let her know ...mj is thinking of her & Im so sorry shes having a hard time right now....mj
I think she will probably get back on the site today. I think it's easier for her to talk to you guys because she is not as embaressed. We love her, but you have a better chance of reaching her. Tell her what happened to each of you after you came out of inpatient. She needs encouragement.
Dear Mom & Family & Golden,

I'm sorry to hear she is feeling so bad. Sometimes that is just par for the course. Keep reminding her that it does get better. Even though she may not feel up to working, it may be the best thing for her. It always was for me. I found that the more tome I spent in the confinment of my house, the longer I felt bad. It really will help her depression to get out and do something. She will feel she has acomplished something. Tell her we miss her and I am thinking of her, and I hope she feels like posting again very soon. I won't be on too much today, but I will check in. Love, Atlas
You asked why.



It is biblical. (Job 5:7-9)


I have lived through a lot and asked for his help. I know it to be true.
Thanks, you and so many others here are such a blessing!!!
Amen to Golden. I wish she were well enouogh to accept my calls, but she hasn't contacted me yet today and she made it clear yesterday, that we should wait....not call her. That sure doesn't jell well with this mother. I'm a wreck.
Sorry for that Petsmom...sometimes us addicts need to go through a mourning period for our addiction.

I am praying for Pets, I hope that she gets to feeling more like her old self soon!

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs for Pets}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Hey there guys, just got back home, I left Pets house today and we have been talking all night and morning. She really knows what she is doing, she doesnt want to return back to the way she was before, she wants to get rid of the back pain but that probably isnt going to happen too soon---that is what she really want, then she wouldnt have to take anymore pain pills ever. She just wants to be normal, cant say I blame her. She is doing well on the sub, she is not getting sick anymore and that is great!! I will be around next week to help anyway I can.

She likes everything spelled out and a plan and then finished and I think that this is too much of an open book for her. I think that returning back to work will take her mind off of things, make time go faster, sitting around all day staying home is not for her, she is a wonderer like me. I hate staying still and I like to get things fixed and on to the next project. I am not worried about her going back and taking anything she shouldnt be--she is going to work closely with her Drs. this next week to come up with a plan. I know that she will be back on here to speak for herself but she needs room to breath right now, she has has people surrounding her for the last 4 days and you know how she gets when she is closed in--let her breath and she will be fine.

I just wanted everyone to know (including you Pets)that she did an awsome job and that I am proud (as usual) of her! She will make this work.

Thanks Mom and Golden and brother for your support she needs it and both me and (ducky) will ALWAYS be there for her.
Hello,Thanks mom,and others for that information.I know how she is feeling ...Mom i know its hard for you she will be fine.I do think its a good ideal her to keep working ....I understand the withdral period of not wanting to be around others right now.I did quit work later got on on sub. and still dont feel stable enough to hold a job....i just think if she stays out too long it will be hard for her to go back....I withdral from others and have been for over a year.I hope that this is just sometime she wants alone.I wouldnt except phone calls and answer the door.I Still dont at times.I feel when i get out and do somethings it makes me feel good about myself.Like ive really done something.The problem is getting out but once i do im ok.....I want ask any question since she isnt up to answer to family right now so i want ask any........I just want to say Mom she will be ok it does seem like everything hits all at once in a person life.Im down right now money wise,depression also... but i know things will get better.We all go through things like this but it want always be this way...Pets ,knows she wants to get better and three days wasnt enough time for her.I know many that went in a week detox center...These center will usally tell you that the after care is a stuggle itself and this is the end of the addication..Some will even try to get you to go into a live in center if they see that you are haveing a rough time ......It takes alot of aftercare and hard determenation...belive me its really hard ...i hope she gets a thats that is also a psy. to give her conseling to help also...Many are praying and thinking of her...Mom,i got the pics great looking family my husband had to go back to the Er and i havent had time to get on and write you back but,im getting to it....take care,crystal
Thanks, Crystal. Just write when you have time. I understand. Yes, I read about you going back to ER. That was wise. Keep your chin up girl.

Id just like to say that while there are so many here who are concerned for Pets and happy she has taken this big step, this board may not be the best place to come at this raw point in her recovery. I dont have to spell out the reason. The insanity that arises from time to time is not something she needs. As her Mom, Id advise her to stick to the plan she was given by professionals only.

I can see your point, but this board is what prompted her to seek help in the first place. People really do help each other here in spite of all the drama. There was plenty of bs here when I first logged in, on my first day clean, and I feel like this place helped me out in many ways. JMO. Atlas
Hi... i am glad she went thru the treatment... i went to a detox facility and then stayed at a rehab for 35 days. I also went thru a "mourning" period when i got out... it was like, "Where do i go from here?". I stuck with what i was told to do in rehab and i just want you to let her know that it does get better... just takes time... keep putting one foot in front of the other. Love, Bri :)
They make it so hard for anyone to get help! Before I really knew anything about sub I went to the methadone clinic and they told me I had to be there everyday and they were only open for like 5hrs a day. I work a 12 hr shift.

They treat us like we dont have a real disease when addction is an actually medical problem. What is wrong with this world.

Please let onlyformypets know that I have been on sub for almost a month and I am feeling pretty good. If she has any questions just let me know.

I wish the best to pets, her family, and friends. What a wonderful support system she has. You guys are great and I am sure pets will be feeling great her self.

Atlas, I agree. This board was beneficial to her and supported her in her decision to get help. I just think that someone straight out of rehab might not be up to the shenanigans here. I look forward to hearing her success story in the future.
I know many have thier differeces here and dont always agree.....Its was a three day detox center and that was the end of it .Now she wants to find other help this was a starting point for her.I take what i can and leave the rest.What i posted was JMO,and what i know........Many have been great to Pets and i think this board has helped her and the other family and friends that come here ....We each have different expericences and share with eachother i like to hear about others and what help them.Infact i havent seen or read any BS here in awhile.I know its probley been some going on here.So im just trying to say How can this hurt Pets recovery.if she enters a post with the BS she can hit the back bottom to go to another post that will help her......Im one that dont get into the BS post and others dont have to also......We can share and learn from eachother.It feels good just talking with others that have been through the same as you have...So by being here i know im not alone.......I enjoy reading the post posted by Atlas and Ali these two are a really big help.They are usally the first ones that will post to me....Belive me it helps they will answer rather they can help or not but thier support is always there.....So this board does benfit me and im sure many others will say the same......Rather they are just getting out of rehab or trying to find help.This board is for addicts recovering or not...Useing or not....Trying to cold trukey ,sub, or just useing and wanting support.Or some are just scared and dont know where to turn......Even the ones that have alot of clean time they can a a big help..I feel even to Carol they can help her in this time and in the furture..........crystal

Thanks Mom, hope you are feeling better about Carol wanting some time alone.Hope your not worry yourself to death...take care crystal
Hi Crystal.

I am happy to hear that you found an attorney for your hubby. He is correct, they will have to pay for this. How is he feeling? Is he still in a lot of pain? I hope it is easing up for him soon. If you don't mind posting your email, there is something I would like to tell you. I won't be able to email you tonight, but I will by Tuesday morning. Tomorrow is a busy day for me and I may not get to it. It's nothing big, just off topic and best left off the board. I will look for it. You are in my thoughts, and hubby too. I hope he is back to 100% very soon. Take care. Love, Atlas
No hubby is in pain and will sleep when he can in the chair ...The Er gave him lodine ..If i read it right i could take up to 2 weeks for full effect.Hospital refered him back to doctor and doctor had to refer back to hospital.Its so crazy .lol.I will check for your email before i leave we will be meeting lawyer at 230 tomm.evening.So if i dont get the email by then will look for it tomm night.....crystal
I didnt mean anything by what i posted here to you.I wanted to explain what i posted and i was asumming that what you posted was posted to me for giveing my opion.I know doctors orders are important to follow ...And also know some here can be very helpful no matter what you are going through with the addication....Rather its after detox or before detox ,or useing and trying to firgire out a plan to get clean But i dont think they really gave her any instrustion since they were ready for her to leave a day earily.Then didnt help her get set up with any other doctors sub or any kind of treatment Or conceling for aftercare....They just gave her the list of sub. doctor in her area.This is from what ive read Maybe they did advice some conceling ,meeting im sure but i belive this was a starting point for her ...I hope she can firgure out something that will help keep her on the right tract from wanting to use again........Anyways ,hope you are doing good...crystal