Phases of Alcoholism Recovery
The recovery process in Alcoholics Anonymous includes several general phases that people may pass through. These are not time related but are usually dependent on the persons particular circumstances.
Initial Sobriety
Surrenders to alcohol - accepts alcoholism
Begins humble search for self
Restoration of physical health begins
Restoration of memory begins
Restoration of mental functions begins
Begins to practice self-honesty
Is pre-occupied with sobriety
Growth of open-mindedness
Lessening of needless guilt
Freely discusses alcohol and its problems
Mild depression and anxiety lessens
Mental functions are more alert
Learning Sobriety
Accepts and owns their alcoholism
Loss of freedom acknowledged and accepted
Alibis replaced by sound reasons for sobriety
Social pressures to quit, lessen - threats replaced by encouragement
Grandiose behaviour begins to be replaced by the give and take of real personal relations
Aggressive behaviour begins to be replaced by willingness to learn
Persistent remorse disappears, peace initiated
Abstinence graduates into sobriety
Pattern of thinking begins to change
Regains friends
Job prospects improve
Sobriety-centred behaviour improves
Regains outside interests
Acceptance of friends
Sense of humour starts to replace self-pity
Acceptance of environment improves
Begins to regain family faith
Resentment of others begins to be replaced by acceptance of others
Loyalty and protection of family interests begins
Sex relations improve
Greater understanding of life partner
Learns to enjoy a good breakfast
Accepting Sobriety
Surrenders to life - accepts life on its terms
Loss of desire to drink becomes profane and lasting
Improved ethical and moral perception
Improved thinking
Improved feeling
Keeps company with people one can respect of help
Emotional dips become fewer and shallower
Emotions become easier to manage
Creative sobriety
Loss of desire to drink becomes deeper and almost permanent
Fears, anxieties and depressions are understood and managed in interpersonal relations
Appreciates deeply freedom from alcohol
Explores new freedom to use it in other activities without fear
Single-minded sobriety; defines assurances that there is no compromise with sobriety
Genuine spiritual desires centred on new way of life
Alibi system replaced by deepening quality of intelligent sobriety
Appreciates need for help, both for sobriety and as a guard against drinking in daily life
Pleasurable Sobriety
Self-unity, at peace with oneself, knows serenity
Socialises easily, at one with the world
Little or no emotional hang-overs
Rewards clearly exceed tough times
Feels well, enjoys sobriety
Anxiety, shyness, etc., disappear in genuine interpersonal relations
Thanks Kat.............I sure got that self-pity stuff'm ready for it to change into
Kat,i dont follow the steps and havent gone to an AA meeting in i dont know how long.I do see a psycologist and go to meetings at the recovery center im a part of(womans group).And i just wanted to say,the longer and longer i am free of my DOC these phases seem to automatically fall into place.
I guess what im saying is,for me.Though im not following any particular program .just STAYING clean has made a natural occurance of these phases happen in my life.
Maybe its not so much an AA thing? Maybe its just a natural occurance of happenings,like an awakening.Believe me,im not knocking AA in the least,and maybe what youve written has nothing to do with AA at all? Im just pointing out,these phases have happened to me in my recovery exactly as youve written ,and mostly without my conscious knowledge.Its been an amazing journey so far.I truly look forward to tomorrow.
Thanks for the post,it made me stop and realize just how much ive changed,and in so many ways.
It does remind me very much of the post Sammy made about the "awakening" which i copied and read regularly,and i will do the same with this one.Thank you~KIM
I guess what im saying is,for me.Though im not following any particular program .just STAYING clean has made a natural occurance of these phases happen in my life.
Maybe its not so much an AA thing? Maybe its just a natural occurance of happenings,like an awakening.Believe me,im not knocking AA in the least,and maybe what youve written has nothing to do with AA at all? Im just pointing out,these phases have happened to me in my recovery exactly as youve written ,and mostly without my conscious knowledge.Its been an amazing journey so far.I truly look forward to tomorrow.
Thanks for the post,it made me stop and realize just how much ive changed,and in so many ways.
It does remind me very much of the post Sammy made about the "awakening" which i copied and read regularly,and i will do the same with this one.Thank you~KIM
I don't think it has anything to do with AA. I think it's just plain old what happens when we recover from active addiction. Life changes so much the longer we are clean as long as we get some kind of guidance. There are more ways to recovery than AA or any other 12 step program. I'm glad your way is working for you.
this was awesome for me yesterday 12 stepper, stopped my pity party and reminded me that i am moving forward.
i love that mandala in your sig line!
kat....when i read this post, the first thing i thought was WELL GREAT...i have a long way to go!!!!
that is just defeatest, i know. some of the things i have seen unfold for me, and many i have yet to find! it is a daily practice for stay in the center.
those phases do give us so much to look forward to, don't they? i want all of that...the joy, the solutions, the ability to see the forest for the trees.
thanks for posting this!
smoocharoonies from the west.
i love that mandala in your sig line!
kat....when i read this post, the first thing i thought was WELL GREAT...i have a long way to go!!!!
that is just defeatest, i know. some of the things i have seen unfold for me, and many i have yet to find! it is a daily practice for stay in the center.
those phases do give us so much to look forward to, don't they? i want all of that...the joy, the solutions, the ability to see the forest for the trees.
thanks for posting this!
smoocharoonies from the west.