Phone Chat Lines

I feel at the end of my tether and just dont know which way to turn, My husband uses these chat lines almost every other day, He chats to woman and admits that sometimes its for ssexual talk others just for talking, he is aware he has a problem and is trying to come to trms with it, i know he loves me deeply. He says its not me as hes been doing for the past eight years and that he really isnt cheating, so why do i feel this way.
I cant cope any more, but o do love him so much, other than this we have a great marraige and do all the normal things together
Um oh dear,

I think you both need to go to marriage counsiling its the only way its not you its him he has no right to treat you this way. Your are a human being and not to mention first and most importantly his wife. He has an issue obviously with himself lack off. Get to a therapist very fast this needs to stop. Do not much about this kind of thing but he needs help very quickly.

hey sammy
I know exactly how you b/f was using those phone chatlines also and it does hurt terribly. I've got him to go and get professional help. We went to a pschycologist together and then he went to his family doctor to be evaluated for depression. He is trying very hard not to let this happen again but i guess i will have to wait to see if he can control his behaviour