Pills ,methadone,

I canot stand one more day of this RX Hell I believe the Goverment is in on this, They make so much money drugstores 75% mark up on Rxs its not the drug Companys charging so much it your fav drug store, the more dependants on rxs the more cash is made. HMMMMM
Okay Roger, so please tell us what you are going to do about this problem?
You know that we want to help you. Come on, get with it.
not a dam thing but I think its true. also I think that flu shot people run for a certain number of those shots are ment to kill the govt dont want us living to old Hmmmmm
Well Roger, we finally agree on something. I too think that physicians are legal drug dealers but what can we do about it? We can stop taking the damn pills and shots and get our azz's clean. You will feel so free and liberated then. When you do get clean, go back to the jerk that prescribed you all that poison an give him a piece of your mind, tell him where to shove it. Bet you'll feel better after that. Peace...
Not the old Flu Shot Conspiracy!!!

If the Government wanted to kill you there a lot easier and cheaper ways to do it.

Remember, Just because you are Paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get you!
Lol thats funny man about the flu shot. Im paranoid jk and I know the goverment is not after us lol
