Please Don't Let This Happen To You

Nobody here knows me and I don't know anyone here, however, a very, very good friend of mine posts here quite regularly. Tonight I received a phonecall from my friend saying " I don't feel right, something is wrong with me" I asked her a few questions, and every answer became more and more slurred. Luckily it was my cell that she called. I was able to get into my car and drive like a bat out of hell to her place. I found her semi-conscious. She had apparently took a couple more pills than she usually does looking for 'that high', only to overdose instead!!!!!!!!!!!!

She, by the grace of God, survived!!!! Until recently, I didn't even know she had a problem with drugs. I found out alot tonight though from some good friends of hers. She was trying to get off them by tapering, and was going into detox in July. Things haven't been going well in her life so her tapering went down the drain and started using again as she did before. After they pumped her stomach and was lucid enough to talk she assured me that it wasn't an intentional overdose, she just wanted to get a buzz and wasnt' getting it and in doing so took more than she had ever taken!!!!!!!! She was still pretty sleepy when i left the hospital. She will probably be getting out Sat or Sun. I intend to be with her every step of this upcoming journey to recovery. I am educating myself on this disease.

I am telling you this so you don't end up like her. Please if you haven't done so, please stop using. I beg you. She is a beautiful person, but doesn't see this,she has so much to offer and to live for. I know that you are beautiful and have alot to live for as well. Don't become a statistic!!!!!

Thank you for listening and I hope this story had some affect on you. My friend posts as Hilary.


A concerned friend
Please give hilary my love and best wishes and thankyou for sharing that you seem like a wonderfull friend to have take care jackie xxxxxxxx
I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers! You are an Angel and she is so lucky to have you in her life!
Wish i had a friend like you - seems what has happened is she tapered down then when her body was getting used to the drop she must have gotton upset at something the took too many which her body could not withstand - they warn herion addicts about things like that all the time - ie getting clean then trying to take the similar dose they took before - their tolerance was not built to take it i feel so sorry for her and for you - she must realise what a god friend she has and i hope that this gets her the help she needs.

Thankyou for posting this because it helps me anyway to realise the stupid things i have been doing and i am goind to get the help i need and stay away from this deadly nightmare.

Thankyou so much also because i am at the stage where i am due to go onto a drug called subutex and it was in the back of my little mind that i could take a few more of my tabs now while i was waiting to get on the programme. Thats how this drug has a hold of us. But your post has awaked me - i wont be doing that - youve also helped me thank you so much


outof -
Thank God for friends like you. Please let Hilary know that we are praying for her. Thank you also for your concern for us. Recovery is difficult and your concern and prayers are much appreciated.
Please friend if hilery is not up to coming on could you let us know how she is doing many thx jackie xxxxxxxxxxx
Please send Hilary my love, and I will keep holding a vigil for her on the other board as well. We have been praying for her all the time.

Thanks and God Bless,
Lady M
Tell her gladiator is rooting for her, give her my best (-:
You tell Hillary that Cowgirl expects to hear from her as soon as she's out of the hospital... it's because of people like her that I stay on this board and got clean. I want to do the same for her. She is so lucky to have are her miracle.

Hillary..we love you girl, come back to us.

Big love and extra support to her. We all want her to get through this and be well!
Love, PM
Hi all

Hilary here. Thanks all for your kind words, support and prayers. I am doing well. Was scary. And to think that i was just trying to feel good i ended up od'ing!!!!!!! Scary how only a pill or 2 extra will do that to you. It wasn't on purpose, even though my life sucks right now i didn't want off myself. I am getting some help at the moment and still plan on going into detox.
Please don't let this happen to you. I have a great friend who was there for me and still is with love and support and she is doing her best to better understand addiction so she can help me with this. I was a little ticked at first that she wrote that post but it didnt last long, she helped me.
It doesn't take much to overdose, this i have found out the hard way.......ugh....charcoal rather sucks my friends!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks again and again i am doing ok, back to work actually.....couldn't afford to take time off until my holidays in which time iwill be going into detox.

thinking of you in your continous fight,,,,,,My friend also says thanks, she seen the responses.

hilary im so pleased your ok hun hang on in there take care jackie xxxxxxxx

great to see you back - charchoal not nice is it - had it before - funny i was about to do the same thing as you take a couple extra little tabs knowing i was going to get help shortly - that idea has now gone out the window scince i saw what happended to you

Im really glad your ok - hope to hear from you soon

just reading and thought i could just ask something What is detox and how is it done? Thanks
Dear Michelle, I was just reading and figured I could answer your question. Detox is done many ways...some people wean themselves by cutting down the intake slowly, then when they are down to one pill or a half a pill every day...they stop. The withdrawal is supposed to be less painful that way, but you will still have w/d symptoms because your body is going to crave the drug that you no longer give it. There are other ways: cold turkey is just stopping altogether at once....very unpleasant for about a week...but then it just getss better and better every day. You can do rapid detox, but it is very expensive and most of us do not have that kind of money. A doctor can help you with meds to ease the process, there are herbal supplements that help...keep coming back here and people will give you more details. I detoxed cold turkey and that is all I know, so others can fill you in on different ways to get off the pills..which is the goal here. Makes no diff how you do it, just do it!
Good luck, God Bless you....let us hear from you again.

This is my first day on this website but this could be any of us! I am so glad that you are okay -- It just inspires me to stay off the pills (4 days clean for me) and to get through the next 10 days, 20 days and so on. God bless you! It is you and the others on this site that provides support that is vital. Please take care and MY DAY is better just knowing that you are okay!