Please Have Your Tests(sad)

Anyone who knows me...I had colon cancer 7 years ago and caught it sister wasn't so lucky and passed away at 46. My mom died 2 years later and her older sister was a Godsend to me during the ordeal. She was my rock and helped with all the arrangements. Well,,.she quit smoking last year and always has her colonoscopies. This year they found a small cancer and she was scheduled for surgery today for a re-section of the bowel..I wasn't that worried. Turns out, they cancelled her surgery because of a mass in her lungs...I hope to God it hasn't metastisized to her lungs. I don't want to lose anyone else. I have put off my yearly colonoscopy because of these damned pills....afraid of general anesthesia(he won't use twilight on me) which is foolish,because as long as the Dr. knows everything you are on they can monitor you accordingly...I am only 6 months behind, but I am scheduling it soon. Please guys, have your screenings..SO important. No one should suffer like my Cathy(sister)....Love, Sharonn
S I totally agree & with me having Chrons its very important.The problem with me is when they try to do that test they have to knock me totally out.The time they tried & didnt I ended up hurting the Dr.I dont remember it but I hear it was bad,I know it has to do with my past but I agree if you have the means...GET TESTED!!!
S Im so sorry about your loss!!!
Because of my years of opiate abuse MJ...the demerol and valium cocktail(versed) doesn't knock me out either and they must use general..I cannot put it off too soon as Tony is a little better. I still wanna meet you at the's too COLD right now. Let me know what days you are free and maybe we can make a would be fun....we can eat ice cream and walk thru the mall(always about food) Love, Big S aka Turkey Legs

sharon, mj and others ....

sharon you mentioned the twilight sedation not working on you because of years of opiate us. Is this common among long term opiate users??
I was given twilight sedation a few years beck while I was using (did not tell the Dr) and I remember some of the procedure and feeling horrible pain .... now I am thinking that it could have been from my opiate use.
I am in need of another procedure where twilight sedation is normally used. I have been putting it off for quite a while now cause I don't want to do it and I am trying to avoid the pain. Being in recovery now, I will most certainly talk to the Dr about my past opiate use before scheduling anything .... but I am just wondering if anyone here can offer any insight for me before I even talk to the Dr.
(I will still seek medical advise before proceeding but would just like to hear what others say before then....)


And thank you both for sharing and reminding us all about our health ..... it is so very important to have preventative tests done ..... you may have saved lives today!! Thank you!!!!


I am so sorry you have had to experience so much loss. I am an oncology nurse and I see families and their experiences every day... I could never say that "I understand what you have been through" but I know that it is a long and difficult road and losing family members and surviving can be an even harder road. From what I have seen of you, you have an amazing spirit and like I posted yesterday,I admire all of you guys so much...

The thing about the colonoscopy (and I'm going to get on my soapbox again, I'm sorry) is that especially for you, Sharon, it sounds like there is definitely a genetic component to the cancer that has been in your family. And if there is, often times colon cancer and breast cancer can stem from the same or similar genetic f*** up. And if you have to get one every year, you know how much it means. So, I know you are scared, and putting it of a year is that bad, but you know what you need to do. It's the most preventable cancer and this is the most important test.

Don't feel ashamed (I'm not sure if that's what I was picking up on, I could be wrong) or feeling like a squeaky wheel about needing general anaesthesia. If that's what gets you through the procedure, then that's what you need to do. The other option is, depending on how long you have been sober, having them up the amount of medication tehy would give you to twilight. Twilight (for everyone, and of course users or prior users more because your body recognizes the drugs and has a similar reaction that they used to [of not really reacting anymore]) doesn't stop feelings of discomfort, it just "takes the edge off" so I guess if they were going to up the medications anyway, general is probably the best way to go. Or, you can ask for a combination of IV dilaudid (which is much stronger and a better drug than demerol. I can' believe they're still using demerol where you are) and the versed. Or just for a different combination.

Even if you are twilighted it is still a bit uncomfortable, I won't lie, but I also know that getting the colonoscopy is really the BEST thing you can do for yourself to prevent or detect the early stages of colon cancer. I know there is fear there and I know you are concerned about the discomfort and the anaesthesia and all of that.

And I'm sorry I'm rambling, or telling you things you already know, but you have been so strong through so much, you can do this! You have to do this... And there are options for anaesthesia, just talk to your doctor or the anesthesiologist.

Let me know if you need to chat anymore. Or if you want me to *shhhhh*.

Also, any other folks out there who are over 50, GO GET YOUR COLONOSCOPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, soapbox done.

I just have come to care about all of you a lot in such a short time and Sharon, I know that you know how important it is. Get a friend to go with you. Make a party of it. Just do it. You will be ok :)

I am so happy that you are in remission. And I am sure you are...but go get it checked anyway, ok?

My best friend passed away on November 22, 2006 and colon cancer was the culprit that caused the rupture that led to the sepsis that caused the heart attack....etc. He was 47 and died one day from his 48th. He was SOOOO alive the day before his colon ruptured. It is just amazing to me.

Anyway, it shook our little community of tightly grouped friends. His mother died of breast cancer in 2001...and there is a genetic link, as SP says. Well, I insisted that my husband have a colonoscopy, even though he is only 47 as well. I just couldn't stand it. No problems, just a paranoid wife, and guess what...precancerous polyps. Dr. said if he had waited til 50...we would be dealing with a whole different situation.

I am so grateful that we had this checked. You have no idea!

Thank you for bringing up an important topic...make that appointment!


I will pray for you and your family, Sharon. How old should you be when you get your first colonoscpty (CANT SPELL)?

89 days
one day at a time


The American Cancer Society has a great set of guidelines for colon cancer screening (and differentiates between those who have had it or a related cancer in their family, and those who haven't).

Generally the age is 50. And you get it every 10 years.
In the meantime, you are supposed to do a Fecal Occult Blood Test (basiclly a poop smear to check for blood) at home once a year and get a barium enema or Flex Sigmoidoscopy (kind of like a colonoscopy but it doesn't reach as far... so it's not as good for women because colon cancer in women often occurs in the upper portion of the colon, out of reach of the flex sigmoid) every 5 years.
But the colonoscopy is more important.

If you have colon cancer in your family, you should talk to your doctor about when to start screening and what the appropriate age would be.

Here is the link to ACS:

Let me know if you have other questions.

Thanks Soul P.....I had my first colonoscopy in 1997 due to blood in my stool...the Dr.(idiot) told me nothing was wrong. My symptoms went away. Fast forward 7 months or so...get a call from Fla. that my 44 year old sister has 3rd stage colon is genetic. My paternal grandmother died of it as well. So the other 3 sisters go for a test(including me) The Dr, refused to do it based on the fact that 6-7 months prior I had no polyps. A complete stranger on a train platform handed me a business card 1 week later..I was silently praying for my sister and this generic lookung guy looks at me (thru me ) and says "God bless you"..he totally dissappeared...freaky. Put business card on fridge and tell Tony my story. Skeptical..but it was a Dr.. and I called. it turns out he is an internist and also a gastro...his mom died of colon I told him my story and with eyes rolling...he scheduled me. Not only did I have 3 large polyps but one had a malignant tumor..the other Dr. thought it was diverticolosis(according to the records) He never even told me that!!! He said I was Ok. I am alive and grateful. The same Dr. who wrires my meds does my colon. so I have no shame about it. Just health concerns. I gotta go...Follow your intuition and never take someone else your own advocate.It saved my life. I hope I don't lose my Aunt! Geez Louise......S