Please Help Me Help My Brother

My brother is 30 years old and is addicted to prescription medication.
He was in an accident last year, and was in the ICU for over a month with a severe brain injury. His addiction, however, started long before his accident.
My father has chronic kidney stones (averaging 3-5 a month), and takes a level 3 narcotic for pain management. My brother was "stealing" my father's medication, so now my dad locks it up in his truck. (My brother lives at home with my parents) I had surgery on my foot 2 years ago. My brother came over to "check on me". He was in the back part of my house for a while, but since I could not walk, I did not go check on him. Later that afternoon my husband was giving me my medication, and all but 2 of my new 30 count script for morphine was gone.
My niece (who has recently been diagnosed with migraines) told me that the majority of her medication is now missing after a recent visit from my brother.My parents are older, and because of my brother's brush with death last year, and my father's constant hospitalization, feel like they are at a loss.I don't know what to do. He has a tendancy to fly off of the handle and say extremely mean and hateful things. (Partly from the brain injury...but, again, he did this before his accident, too).
He is 6'8 and is a big guy. I don't think an intervention would help, as I know he would storm out cursing all of us.
My once close family is now falling apart...Please help.
Hi Janesays,

I'm so sorry for what your family is going through. I would get together with the family and everybody needs to definitely hide all the medications from him. Far as helping him, I don't know if there is anything you could do for him if he doesn't want the help. I read in other post and you may want to read some of them they talk about getting educated on addiction, maybe find a support group like alanon to help you understand where your brother is coming from. I'm sorry I couldn't be more of a help, I'm sure you can find a lot of useful information in other post here.

Hi Jane:

Did you choose this screen name because of the song by Jane's Addiction? That's my favorite song as it reminds me of me when I was in active addiction, especially, "Janes says, I'm gonna kick tomorrow." That's a cute screen name. Wished I would have though of it! About your brother. Does he think he has a problem? Does he want help? If he doesn't than I don't know what you can do except start talking to him about your concerns openly and lovingly.

HI" iam so very sorry for what u and your family are going through addiction can make a person do things they normaly would never do the guilt the feeling of being a failier and most of all hurting your family' so that person lasses out to the people he/she loves because they are so confused and scared but as u said your brother had head injuries did u talk to his doctor his head injuries could be makeing things worse along with his addiction i dont know BUT there are others who may know more about what you and your family are going through on this site' but addiction is hard enough for your brother and u and your family to deal with" i have been through addiction from tylenol 3's and the guilt and shame i went through were terible but with the help i got here has gave me the stregth to get clean and remember u as a family can only do so much my family suported me also but when it comes right down to it its all in his hands he has to want to do it" but his head injurys that may be a big part of what is making him say and do the things he is doing and PLEASE dont let this rip your family apart right now more then ever u need each other and as i said u and your family cant do it for him u can be there for him but he has to do it for himself but remember u are NOT ALONE " anytime day or night we are here for u and anyway i can help even just to listen if u need to vent iam here " PLEASE STAY STRONG i know its very hard but like i said u have friends here who are coing to help and give u all the support u need' and u and your brother and family are in my prayers . LOTS OF HUGS LITTLE H.
A drug addict will do anything possible to get drugs. The first thing would be for you and your family members to hide all of your medications... I've been through this, with my brother-in-law taking my pills out of my purse, so if you hide them, that makes it that much harder to get his hands on them.

Next, you should sit down and have a heart-to-heart with him. Sure, he'll probably storm out and scream and yell - just remain calm and let him know that you will be there for him. As mad as he might get, at least now he knows that the problem is out in the open (no more secrets) and - who knows - he may turn to you for help in the future. Getting angry at him won't work and will only make him withdraw more and get more defensive. Show him support, but do not give him any money or give him access to your medicine.

You're in my prayers